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“Oh it is,” she breathed. “It’s always been special to the family because it’s where my mom gave birth to me. But over the years it somehow became mine. My refuge. My dream place. One day I’m going to build my own house there. I’ve designed it in my head so many times that it’s become real. ”

“And where do I fit in to this dream?”

She pushed up on her elbow, her hair falling over her breasts as she stared earnestly down at him. “Where do you want to fit in, Max? I’m winging it here. I have no idea what your plans are. You say you love me. I love you. For most people that means they’re going to try to have a relationship. A serious relationship. But we’ve not talked about it at all. I have no idea what you have in mind. ”

“You’re mine,” he said simply. “What that means is that you’re going to be with me. Whether it means a lifelong commitment or marriage on paper. I don’t care. Those things aren’t as important as your promise to belong to me, to submit to me, to accept our relationship and to wear the brands of my possession. ”

“But what does that mean?” she asked softly.

Her heart was thumping so hard, she feared it would beat right out of her chest. She hated moments like this. She wasn’t versed in being all subtle and coy. She was too blunt. Too demanding. Too damn honest for her own good.

“Where will we live? I assume you want us to be together. I don’t want to leave my life, my family. They’re too important to me. So tell me, Max. What does that mean for us?”

He hushed her with a kiss, and for several long seconds, neither of them spoke as he kissed her over and over until she nearly forgot what she’d asked.

“It means you’re mine and I’m not letting you go. It means that your happiness is the most important thing in my life. I’ve promised to take care of you. To place your needs above mine. To cherish your gift of submission. That doesn’t mean that I’ll fly in on weekends so we can have a quick fuck before we go our separate ways. It means you’re going to spend every goddamn day in my arms, in my bed, underneath me, me inside you as many times as I can get there. ”

She could barely breathe for the hope burning like a torch in her soul.

“We’ll stay on your damn mountain if that’s what you want, Callie. I’m not going to take you away from the place and the people you love. ”

“Oh Max. ”

She threw her arms around him, nearly sending him rolling from the bed in her exuberance. She landed atop him, arms and legs sprawled as she peppered him with kisses.

He laughed and tried to ward her off but she persisted until he put his hands up and begged for mercy.

“Lord but you get crazy when you’re happy, Callie. ”

She grinned, straddled him and stared down as her hands gripped his shoulders. “You make me happy. I don’t think it’s possible to be happier than I am right now. ”

“I sincerely hope you’re wrong,” he said softly. “For me, I can only imagine how happy we’ll be on our wedding day. On the day you give birth to our first child. Our fourth child. Or our fifth. Or maybe when you look at me in fifty years like you’re looking at me right now. ”

“You have to stop,” she choked out. “You’re going to make me cry again. ”

He reached for her and pulled her down into his arms. “We can’t have that. I don’t like it when you cry. It makes me feel helpless, and I hate feeling helpless. ”

“Let’s go home tomorrow,” she urged. “I know you wanted us to spend a week here, but we have all the time in the world. I want you to meet my family. I want you to see all the things I love. ”

He hesitated a moment as he ran his hand over her hair. Then his chest heaved as he sighed. “All right. We’ll go back tomorrow. If we’re going to build our future, it’s important that I meet your family and see the things that are precious to you. ”

Callie wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close. “You’ll like my family. They can be overbearing, but they love me and I love them. ”

“Anyone who loves you as much as I do can’t be all bad,” he said.

She raised her head to see his grin, and she smiled back as sunshine poured over her soul. Perfect. Things were just perfect. They couldn’t be any more so.

She wanted to bounce out of bed and call her mother as she’d almost done in Europe when she’d first met Max. She wanted to tell her that she had indeed met the man she was going to marry.

But she was too comfortable wrapped around Max like a blanket, and she yawned broadly as she snuggled more firmly into his embrace. The call to her mom could wait until tomorrow.

Chapter Twenty-Two

“I’m thinking we should ditch your car when we get to Clyde and take my truck up the mountain,” Callie said as they passed the sign that signaled three more miles until they reached their destination. Max’s mouth turned down into a grimace. “Your truck is on its last leg, Callie. I hate that you still drive it. It’s an accident waiting to happen. ”

She rolled her eyes. “You sound just like my dads. And my brothers. They’ve been nagging me forever to get something else. My dads are dying to buy me a new vehicle. ”

“You won’t let them?”

His expression suggested she was nuts, and yeah, her truck was old. It had definitely seen better days. The idea of riding in such a thing probably appalled Max. His tastes ran to the more refined. And expensive.

“I can’t afford one,” she said.

When he continued to look at her with a blank expression she sighed.

“I’ve never allowed my parents to just buy stuff for me. They have money. But it’s not my money. Everything I’ve earned I’ve stashed away for my dream house. As long as my truck runs, then it’s money I don’t have to invest into a new car and I’m closer to my dream of my own place. ”

He frowned. “You’re still thinking like someone who’s not in a relationship. ”

“Until a few days ago I wasn’t,” she said lightly. “It’s hard to adjust a lifetime’s worth of thinking in a few days. You have to be patient with me, Max. I’m used to being independent. I’ve always gone my own way. My dream of building my house won’t go away just because you and I are together. It’s something I’ll continue to work for. ”

His frown deepened and his fingers curled tighter around the steering wheel. “Do you honestly think I’ll allow you to continue working menial jobs—in a bar, for God’s sake—to fund your house?”

Her eyes narrowed, but he held up his hand before she could speak.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic