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The drive to Denver went quickly. Holly enjoyed the scenery, the peace of feeling safe and secure. She hoped getting a divorce was as simple as the brothers made it appear. In the back of her mind, she wondered if Mason would really let her go so easily.

As they pulled into a downtown hotel, Holly gazed around in awe. Then she glanced sideways at Adam and quirked her lips into a smile.

He raised an eyebrow.

“I wouldn’t have expected you guys to want to stay here. Downtown. ”

He smiled. “We’re not complete backwoods hicks. Don’t get me wrong. We’re a lot more comfortable out of the city, but we thought you’d like this, and plus, Cal’

s office isn’t far from here. ”

“And we’re near shops,” Ethan said leaning forward from the backseat. “So you can do whatever shopping you need to do before we go back. ”

“How long are we staying?” Holly asked.

“A few days,” Adam said as he opened his door. “Thought we all might enjoy the break. ”

Holly, Ethan and Ryan waited as Adam went to check in. A few minutes later, he returned and pulled the Land Rover forward into the parking lot.

“Let’s go in, get cleaned up then we can go get something to eat,” Adam said as he turned the engine off.

“A steak maybe?” Holly asked hopefully. Her mouth watered at the thought of a nice thick ribeye.

Ryan chuckled. “No worries about her fitting in. ”

They climbed out and Holly shivered at the shot of cold air. Ryan curled an arm around her and pulled her close to his side as they hurried for the entrance.

They all crowded into the elevator and Adam pushed the button for the top floor. They got off and walked down the hall to the end. Adam opened the door and Holly eased past him into the room.

She sighed appreciatively at the large suite. To the right, a bathroom complete with Jacuzzi and shower, to the left, doorways to two bedrooms. Ahead was a cozy sitting room with a couch and two chairs, a big screen TV and cocktail bar.

“Want me to draw you a bath?” Ethan asked her.

She shook her head as she wandered through to one of the bedrooms. “Just a quick shower. I’m starving. ”

She hurried into the large bathroom and turned on the shower. Then she dug around in her suitcase and pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt along with a fresh change of underwear. She smiled ruefully at the plain Jane white briefs and bra. When she hit the shops, lingerie was going to be one of the first things she bought.

Thirty minutes later, she came out of the bathroom to where the guys were watching TV. “Ready?” she asked.

They stood and headed for the door. Downstairs, they walked out to the Land Rover and climbed in.

“They have a good steakhouse not far,” Adam said. “Has great atmosphere. Laid-back. ”

“Sounds good,” she said enthusiastically.

In truth, she didn’t care where they went. The thought of a juicy steak had her positively slobbering. If she wasn’t careful, she’d have to wipe the drool off her chin.

They soon pulled into a crowded parking lot. A large rambling old-style restaurant spread out across two lots. It was fashioned like a southern bayou cabin with cedar wood and a front porch boasting knobby rocking chairs.

Holly walked to the entrance, her arms snug around the waists of Ryan and Ethan. This was her first true outing with the three of them, and she felt self-conscious, but at the same time, devilishly happy. What woman wouldn’t be green with envy? She had three of the most drop-dead gorgeous guys in the entire state of Colorado all to herself.

Adam gave their name to the woman manning the front, and within seconds, she was shepherding them to a table in the far corner of the room.

Ryan held out her seat for her, and Holly sat down next to Adam. The waitress came by and they rattled off their drink orders while they started looking over the menu.

Adam curled a hand around Holly’s neck and massaged gently. She loved his touch. Loved that he touched her so often. They all did. It comforted her in ways words never could.

She leaned back in her chair and absorbed the surroundings. In the middle of the room, a zydeco band cranked out upbeat Cajun songs. Smiling couples navigated the tiny dance floor in various stages of the two-step.

“Wanna dance?” Ryan asked with a slow, sexy drawl.

She arched an eyebrow in surprise. “You dance?”

He gave her a wounded look. “My mama taught me to dance just fine. ”

Holly laughed and scooted her chair back. “By all means, let’s dance. I can’t two-step, but if your mama taught you, you can teach me. ”

Ryan led her onto the floor, his hands curving possessively around her hips. His fingers splayed out over the curve of her ass and tucked into her back pockets. He pulled her close to him, until she fit perfectly in his groin.

“Aren’t we too close for the two-step?” she murmured.

“Who cares,” he growled into her ear. “I like you just where you’re at. ”

She felt his cock swell against her belly, and a thrill shot through her system. Her knees went weak with wanting. She trembled against him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He nuzzled his face into her hair and blew gently over her ear.

“You are evil,” she whispered. “Don’t think I won’t get you back. ”

“I live in hope. ”

She laughed.

Feeling bold, she slid one hand between their bodies, wiggled her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and down to his hard cock.

“Jesus, woman. ”

He mashed their bodies closer together, and she laughed again.

“Afraid someone will see?”

His response was to fuse his lips hotly to hers. She was robbed of air as Ryan feasted hungrily on her mouth. When he pulled away, his eyes glittered with desire, molten lava about to explode.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic