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I slam the wheel. Zoe jumps. She huddles closer to the door, her shoulders turned away from me. I want to remind her of that choice, but it’ll be a lie dressed up in glitter, in diamonds and red, and it looks like Zoe is done pretending. She’s done living in a dream.

As paparazzi are flocking the main entrance to the casino, we use a back entrance. I promised my father I’d be discreet. The casino belongs to a distant uncle. The annual charity event is held in the big hall. I greet a few people, mostly business associates, and introduce Zoe as my date. She’s tense on my arm. I’m still angry, too angry to set her at ease. Where I was looking forward to bringing her here only an hour ago, I now wish this night was already over.

“Max.” A sickeningly handsome man with dark hair, brown eyes, and an olive skin tone pats me on the shoulder. “Good to see you,” he says in French.

Fuck. Paolo Zanetti’s son. We’ve only met once. It was a couple of years ago when we had our first talks about making a French-Italian connection. He’s one of Zanetti’s specialists, a genius at money laundering. At twenty-seven, he’s young for the high position he holds in their organization, but I respect his brains. I hate his pretty face though, and when he smiles at Zoe, I downright detest it.

What the fuck is he doing here? There can only be one reason.

“I didn’t know you accompanied your father,” I say, barely holding the ice from my tone.

“I’m getting to know our new partners.” His brown eyes tighten the minutest fraction when he turns them to Zoe. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your lovely companion?”

I switch to English. “This is Zoe. Zoe, this is Leonardo, a business associate.”

Taking Zoe’s hand, he asks, “Zoe who?”

“Zoe Hart,” she says, not knowing the man looking at her with such kindness is a snake about to strike.

“Leonardo Zanetti.” He brings Zoe’s hand to his lips, intelligently not making contact with her skin. “It’s an honor, Zoe. However did this brute catch such a beauty?”

“We met in South Africa during a business trip,” I say quickly. Directing my gaze to where he’s clutching Zoe’s fingers in his paw, I make sure he sees the warning in my eyes.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” he finally drops Zoe’s hand to motion between her and me, “is this casual or serious, because if it’s not serious I’d love to meet up in town before I head back to Italy. I’ve always wanted to go to South Africa, and I could use some travel advice.” He turns to me, all false respect. “Of course, if it’s serious, I’m not going risk your jealousy, Max.”

Zoe glances at me. There’s no way she can answer that question. If she says it’s not serious, she’s accepting his offer. If she says it’s serious, she’s admitting to something neither she nor I can confess. Something I definitely shouldn’t admit to Leonardo Zanetti.

He’s pushing me into a corner. Clever motherfucker. I wish I could plant my fist between his troubadour eyes. The only thing preventing me is my strong control, something that has started unraveling earlier tonight. If I’m honest about it, it’s been unraveling ever since I’ve abducted Zoe. I shouldn’t let my emotions get the better of me. It’ll kill our business. There’s too much at stake. I’m about to say Zoe isn’t available—indefinitely—when she speaks.

“We’re kind of, uh, committed.”

Leonardo gives me a smug smile. “I suppose you have to enjoy it while you can.”

A tall woman with an athletic build makes her way over with two glasses of champagne. She’s dressed in a black number with a slit that starts on her hip.

I tilt my head in the direction of the woman who’s heading straight for Leonardo. “Like you are?”

“Oh.” He straightens his bowtie. “I’m not committed to anyone. She’s just my date for tonight.”

“Well, hello,” the woman says, shoving a glass in Leonardo’s hand. Her eyes roam over Zoe. “You’re a pretty little thing.”

I put an arm around Zoe’s waist and pull her against my side. “We’ll go find our table and let you mingle.”

“We’re at the same table.” Leonardo raises his glass. “Let me show you.”

Of course, we are. With the newly forged deal, Leonardo is as good as family, part of my clan. Clenching my jaw, I follow them to our table.

We greet the other people, my cousin, Jerome, as well as an elderly court official and his young fiancée, but I hardly pay them attention. I’m too busy listening in on the conversation between Zoe and Leonardo. They talk about safaris and wine farms, and then about Tuscany. I only relax when Jerome demands Leonardo’s attention and Zoe starts talking to Leonardo’s date.

Tags: Charmaine Pauls Diamonds are Forever Trilogy Erotic