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I nodded. “I know,” I replied with certainty.

She smiled. “Let’s go get you hitched.”

I let her lead me out of the little room attached to the city hall building in Amber. I didn’t care about the location. I was glad of it, to be honest. Glad that Lucky and Bex were the only people who knew, who were serving as witnesses. I didn’t want anyone else. I didn’t need to be the center of attention. I didn’t want the spectacle. I just wanted Asher.

We walked down the small hallway that led to the room Asher waited in. The nerves, the heaviness on my chest I expected didn’t come. For once, I wasn’t plagued with doubt, with the ever present fist threatening to squeeze the breath from me. It all fell away. And when Bex opened the doors to the room, my breath did leave me. But in a good way.

The room was empty, the rows of seats devoid of people. Three figures stood up on a small platform, but I only had eyes for one. Asher was wearing a simple black shirt, open at the collar. His cut was over the top. He wore black slacks and black motorcycle boots on his feet. His chocolate eyes were locked on me the moment I entered the room. His entire body jolted on my approach. Lucky elbowed him and whispered something in his ear, grinning widely.

Asher didn’t respond, didn’t act like anyone had spoken. He only had eyes for me. Me. Boring, normal, Lily. Except, I didn’t feel boring or normal. I felt beautiful, special. Extraordinary.

I smiled shyly at him when I had climbed the small stairs, standing in front of him. His entire body was frozen, and he continued staring at me. I gazed in amazement at the water in his chocolate eyes.

“You take my breath away, flower,” he rasped finally.

I grasped his hands tightly, smiling. “Ditto,” I whispered back.

The man between us smiled warmly, clearing his throat. “Should we begin?” he asked the two of us.

Asher didn’t take his eyes off me. He didn’t look like he was going to say anything; it didn’t look like he could.

So for once, I spoke up. “Yes, I think we should begin,” I responded firmly.

Asher’s hands squeezed mine.

And in a few short minutes, there began the happiest moment of my life. The moment Asher’s lips claimed mine and we were man and wife.

Lucky let out a whoop from beside us, the man who married us jumping in fright.

“Okay, we’re hitched,” he exclaimed, slinging his arms around our shoulders. He glimpsed at me. “You look beautiful darlin’,” he told me, laying a gentle kiss on my cheek. He pulled back. “Now it’s time to party!”

I looked over at Bex, who was wiping her eyes and beaming at me.

“I love you” I mouthed, not being able to move from Lucky’s firm embrace.

“I love you too,” she mouthed back.

“No party,” Asher growled.

Lucky stepped back, hand on his heart as if Asher had just thrust a dagger through it.

“No party?” he repeated like a kid getting told he wasn’t allowed dessert. “You get married all cloak and daggers, swear me to secrecy under the penalty of death and now you say no party?”

Asher’s hard gaze didn’t waver. “No party,” he repeated firmly.

I knew why he was saying that. Because of me. Because he knew how I would do being the center of attention at a rowdy party at the clubhouse. I didn’t think it was possible, but I loved him even more in that moment. I knew that club celebrations were part of the lifestyle. They did everything together, as a family. They may have lived a hard life, a misunderstood life, but when it came to celebrating that life, they didn’t screw around. I opened my mouth to speak, but Lucky beat me to it.

“That might be hard considering I didn’t blanch at the death threat uttered to me because I’m as brave as a lion,” he gave me a cheeky grin, “and I love a good party. So there may or may not be a club full of very expectant people waiting back at the clubhouse to toast to Mr. and Mrs. Breslin.” His bravado trailed off toward the end as Mr. Breslin’s glare got more withering.

“For fuck’s—” he grit out.

I put my hand on his arm. “I think what my husband is trying to say, Lucky, is thank you,” I interrupted Asher, feeling a flutter at calling him, my husband.

Lucky grinned. “Awesome.” He gave me a once over. “I’ll take this one in the cage,” he jerked his head to Bex, who stiffened slightly, “and you take your bike.”

I smiled slightly at the fact the dress my mom picked out was suitable for the back of a Harley.

“See you there, kids, don’t take too long.” Lucky winked at us and clutched Bex’s hand, dragging her off while she hissed in his ear.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic