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Asher yanked me flush with his body, stroking my hair. “We don’t have to go, flower,” he began softly.

I put my finger over his lips. “Yeah, we do,” I replied. “That’s your family. My family now, too. I want to,” I told him firmly

He frowned for a moment before his face cleared and he regarded me. “If it gets too much, promise you’ll tell me?” he said firmly.

I kissed him lightly on the mouth. “I promise. But it’s already too much,” I murmured against his mouth. “But that’s a good thing,” I continued.

Asher made a sound in his throat and kissed me, not lightly.

Asher toyed with the simple, yet beautiful square cut vintage diamond on my finger.

“You happy, Mrs. Breslin?” he asked quietly.

I turned my head up to meet his eyes. “Yes,” I replied simply. “I never thought it would be possible to be this happy ever again,” I whispered.

Asher stroked my head. “I didn’t think this kind of happiness even existed, babe. Being able to call you my wife, nothing’s ever tasted sweeter on my tongue, apart from your pussy,” he said in a low voice.

I squirmed, even though we had just thoroughly consummated our marriage, many times. We started in Asher’s small room in the clubhouse. That was after we had a huge and boisterous welcome from a massive, intimidating crowd when we arrived. I’d swallowed the lump in my throat and smiled brightly at them all, taking all the congratulations and gruff well wishes in stride. Asher hadn’t let me go the entire time. Not until Gwen and Amy had both descended on me with tears in their eyes.

“I can’t believe you got married,” Gwen squealed when she let me go.

“And that you didn’t tell us,” Amy added with a grin. “Good call. Biker weddings are the hardest things to plan, trust me,” she said seriously, looking over to her husband with a small grin.

“I can’t believe you got married,” Gwen repeated.

Amy gave her a look. “Are your batteries malfunctioning?” she asked. “We got that memo. Plus, the dress is divine.” She touched the fabric. “You are divine. Asher’s right to lock this down. You’re stunning, honey, though we knew that already.”

I smiled shyly. “Thanks,” I replied.

Gwen beamed. “And you’re moving back to Amber, which means you can come back to the store,” she managed to get to complete sentences. “After the honeymoon,” she added hastily.

I laughed. “We don’t get much of a honeymoon. I’ve got class on Monday.”

Amy waggled her eyebrows. “You’ll be surprised what your hubby can fit into two days.”

I reddened slightly, my stomach tightening in expectation. It was like I was a virgin all over again. As if Asher had telepathic powers, I felt his hands on my waist, and he pulled me back into a firm chest.

“Excuse me, ladies,” he murmured. “I’m going to have to steal my wife away.”

Amy winked at him. “Yeah, you do.”

Gwen blew me a kiss as Asher dragged me through the bodies and directed me to a familiar room.

He closed the door, the party a dull rumble in the background.

“I know it’s not hearts and flowers or glamorous,” he explained, grasping my hips, “but this is where you gave me the greatest gift I’ve ever received. Where I fell in love with my shy and beautiful little flower. I wanted our first time as husband as wife to be here,” he murmured against my mouth, his hand snaking up the skirt of my dress.

I sucked in a breath when his finger danced at the edge of my panties. “It’s perfect,” I replied throatily.

He smiled against my mouth. “You’re perfect,” he countered. His mouth covered mine at the same moment his finger entered me, and I gasped into his mouth.

The kiss that had started reverent and gentle turned frantic. I was suddenly desperate for him, to get him inside me. Asher seemed to feel the same as his finger left me and my panties came off in a rip. His mouth plundered my mouth while he lifted me, pressing me against the door. I wrapped my legs around his hips and clawed at his back.

“This isn’t going to be gentle, flower,” Asher growled against my mouth.

“Good,” I replied, breathless. “I don’t need gentle. I need real. I need you. I need us,” I pleaded.

Seconds after the words left my mouth Asher plunged inside me, rough, hard and amazing. His forehead rested against mine, and he pumped into me mercilessly. I took every inch he gave me, ecstasy overwhelming every inch of me.

“It’s just us. You and me, babe,” Asher grunted out. “Forever.”

I cried out as he brought me to the edge of the precipice. “Forever,” I repeated.

After he had rocked my world and cleaned himself from me tenderly, Asher straightened, a strange look on his face.

“I meant to show you this before, but I didn’t realize how much of a sex demon my little wife was,” he teased lightly, though his eyes were hesitant.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic