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“So what happened after?” I asked, getting into this story and wanting these two people to get together. They would if I had anything to do with it.

Macy looked seriously sad and it was all I could do not to gather her up into my arms. That was saying something. I’m not a hugger. “Nothing. He just stopped, then basically ran out of the room. He’s been avoiding me ever since. And when I tried to talk to him he was just downright mean. Talk about mixed signals.”

I felt for the poor girl. I found it hard to imagine the man who had just carefully tended to my wounds and successfully dealt with an alpha male with unnatural testosterone levels being mean to a five foot nothing beauty like Macy.

She definitely didn’t look like a club girl. She was short and petite with pixie cut chocolate black hair and tanned skin. She was wearing a lace mini dress with a printed kimono overtop and knee length tan boots. She was a knockout and I didn’t get why Hansen would screw her around. But these men were weird. And a lot more complex than they seemed on first glance.

Before I could console her Macy plastered a smile right back on her face.

“You don’t need me unloading on you—we need to get some positive vibes in here.” She held up a laptop. “Now of course I am open to any and all online shopping possibilities that this baby presents, but I also have a plethora of movies for us to choose from. We’ve got some of the classic chick flicks—Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Bridesmaids. And if you are feeling like watching a chick kick some serious ass we could totally watch Underworld. Kate Beckinsale is my ultimate girl crush. I want to be her and sleep with her simultaneously.” She paused. “Well, if I was a lesbian, of course. But I feel like if you met someone that attractive in person who could pull off skintight leather, you’d be whatever she wants you to be, ya know?” Macy babbled.

I blinked at the rapid conversation and found it comforting and strangely similar to Gwen’s ramblings. “Mine’s Scarlett Johansson but I totally get yours. Gotta love girls that kick ass. I think I’m taking kickboxing classes when my legs heal,” I pondered and ignored the almost physical recoil my body had at the prospect of exercise. The idea of being able to properly defend myself was hugely enticing.

“Okay, Underworld it is,” Macy declared, moving her chair and setting up the laptop.

“How do you think she moves like that in that outfit?” Macy asked, tilting her head as if an alternate viewing angle would provide the answer.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I give her serious props for it though. I feel like I would walk like the Tin Man in something that tight.”

A clearing of a throat interrupted our pondering. Brock stood at the door, flanked by Lucky and Bull. “Hey guys,” I greeted, smiling.

Bull gave me a chin lift., “Hey darlin, you’re looking better.”

My mouth dropped open. He not only spoke but his face looked slightly warm, and I’m pretty sure his mouth was curled into a small smile. Before I could return this positively articulate and warm greeting from my usually broody friend Lucky interrupted.

“Holy shit, is this Underworld? Why didn’t you guys tell me you were watching it? This chick is fuckin’ hot. Plus she kicks some serious ass.” Lucky pushed through the doorway to perch himself on the arm of Macy’s chair, peering intently at the screen.

“We’ve already had this conversation,” I told him.

“And discussed our change in sexual orientation if we ever met her in person,” Macy added casually.

Lucky went quiet and moved his gaze from the screen to dart between both of us, mouth agape. “Holy shit. Well, isn’t that the best visual I’ve had since ever.”

“You wanna keep your tongue I suggest you stop right there, brother, and can whatever thoughts you got of my woman,” Brock growled, coming to sit on the bed next to me.

Lucky grinned at him. “Sorry, brother, I can’t control what goes on in here no more than you can,” he said, tapping his head.

Brock shook his head and smirked good-naturedly. Even his crazy over the top possessiveness was no match for Lucky’s easygoing nature. I’m pretty sure it was impossible to be mad at him. I decided not to think on Brock calling me his woman so casually. I could face reality later. Right now I was going to make the most of the warm feeling that came from the statement.

“We’ve got one more to go. You guys wanna watch?” Macy asked.

I almost snorted. These guys were more likely to dress in pink tutus than watch a vampire movie with us. I’m sure they had heads to crack or guns to shoot.

Imagine my surprise when Brock gently shifted me over to lie beside me and gather me in his arms and Lucky settled himself beside Macy. Even Bull dragged a chair from the other side of the room to come in viewing distance.

Break out the tutus.

After the movie the men left us to it. I hated to admit the loss I felt when Brock peeled himself off my bed. We were settling into some kind of couple dynamic way too easily, like the last year and a half hadn’t happened. It scared me. And excited me. Then I got worried about being excited, knowing that something good between Brock and I would never last. Then I felt panic. This was all in the space of time it took to Brock to extract me out of his arms and stand beside my bed.

He must have gauged something in my expression. “I’ll be back later on tonight, Sparky. You good?”

The men had declared they had “shit to do”. This coincided with a text Bull got which meaningful looks were exchanged once he read it.

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. “Yeah, peachy.”

He frowned at me a moment before bending down to kiss me firmly on the mouth. He pulled back an inch so our mouths were almost still touching. “Stay in bed, baby, please?”

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic