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That’s what I should have done. It was something that would forever be on my conscience. So I wasn’t taking any chances. I would watch Cade carefully, although I didn’t think he would be a danger to Gwen. Her heart and her capacity for how many orgasms she could handle may be in danger though. I would do everything in my power to make sure my best friend didn’t get hurt again.

Just because I had a watchful eye on Cade, did not mean I wasn’t glancing at my own biker. I had caught his eyes a couple of times during the night and he had grinned at me. I hadn’t grinned back, but I think my vagina had. By the end of the night I was convinced that our silent conversation had resulted in a mutual agreement. One that meant I was going home with him tonight. And Gwen had informed me that she wasn’t coming home. We were both getting laid tonight. High five for Team Abrams and Alexandra.

The party had wound down; only our newly formed girl posse and the small group of leather clad gods remained. After I had cleaned up my workstation (okay, cleaning up accounted to me draining the last of my drink and sweeping everything to one side), I had expected to see the sexy surfer again for more beer. Since he was a man at a clothing store he would be needing booze, but all of the men had sat on their single beers for the entire night. That had puzzled me. I owned the joint and I was halfway to blotto. I speculated they didn’t want the cops in attendance, who had been watching them, to have any reason to pull them over.

I had met all of the other men on the night of Rosie’s party. Heck, I had grinded up on Dwayne (christened this because of his uncanny resemblance to my crush The Rock) half of the night. Unfortunately, despite his similar looks to my celebrity crush, there was not much of a spark. Sure, he was hot and I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, but I didn’t want to climb him like a tree either. The same could not be said for Brock. He was someone I hadn’t seen at the barbeque so Rosie had introduced us when our two little groups had merged.

“Amy, this is Brock. He was MIA on the day of the barbeque and he has only just made it back into my good graces,” she teased, smirking at him.

“Oh, we’ve met and had a discussion on Amy’s lack of future in the bartending field,” Brock remarked, face blank but tone teasing.

“I don’t know, brother, if our bar had a woman that looked like that behind it I think I might just take up residence there.” Lucky winked at me.

“Like you don’t already,” Dwayne shot at him.

I smiled at the kid warmly and raised a triumphant eyebrow at Brock. Of all the people I had met in the club Lucky was my favorite. He was a freaking funny guy, which was interesting since on first glance he looked like he drop-kicked puppies for fun. He was Hispanic with a bald head, harsh features and tattoos covering everything but his face and neck. Once he smiled, which was often, all of his menace melted away.

We had formed a bit of a huddle and I was currently squeezed with Rosie on one side and Brock on the other. I didn’t miss the way his arm brushed mine, nor did he miss the way I leaned into him. We didn’t speak; well, apart from him whispering in my ear, “Need a ride home tonight, Sparky? Think you’ve been sampling your wares a bit too much.”

I failed to hide my shiver at his breath at my ear and glanced up at him, nodding. We both knew he was giving me much more than a ride. Or maybe more than one kind. Har har.

His hair had been released from its bun and was falling in waves around his face. Seriously hot. I wanted to rake my fingers through it. I had to form my hands into fists so I didn’t do just that.

“Okay, I think I need to go home now. The room is spinning and not in a good way. For future reference Amy has a heavy hand with the liquor when making cocktails,” Rosie declared, wobbling slightly.

“I’ll take you home, Rose. I’m dropping the heavy-handed bartender off, you’re on the way,” Brock said.

“Oh, right on. Thanks, Brocky. Do you need my car? I don’t fancy trying to fit two of us on the back of your bike,” Rosie replied, smiling vacantly.

“Got a cage babe. Knew you girls were bound to suck back too many cocktails. We had contingency plans,” Brock declared. “And I thought we talked about you calling me that,” he added, frowning.

“Calling you what?” Rosie asked innocently.

“You know what.”

“No, I don’t,” she argued.

Lucky and Dwayne shook their heads, grinning.

“For fuck’s sake, just get your ass out the door and into the truck,” Brock ordered, running his hands through his hair.

I followed their journey, entranced.

Rosie stayed put, frowning at Brock. I knew from experience that no matter how drunk a woman was she did not respond well to getting ordered around. Well, outside the bedroom at least.

I turned to let Gwen into the circle, my movement pushing me closer to Brock. I felt his hand brush my ass and my eyes flared in surprise.

“Are you okay to get home?” she asked me with concern, unaware I had just been fondled by a cocky biker.

I swallowed, ignoring the flames of desire that had followed said fondling.

“Yeah girl, Brock here is taking me and Rosie home,” I informed her, eyes on Brock. His gaze was hot on mine.

“Thanks, Brock,” she said, her voice a little breathy. I didn’t blame her; this guy had a presence. An air of sex, if you will. “No problem, Gwen. Kick ass brownies, by the way.” He grinned at her.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic