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“Don’t ruin my carefully crafted reputation bitch. I will cut you.”

To this I burst out laughing, which only made him sulk more. I looked around the table at my new friends and smiled, feeling a happiness that had nothing to do with the amount of tequila that was currently in my system, which was a lot. The last people I thought I would be hanging out with, joking with, hell, sleeping with, were bikers. Funny how the world worked. I tried not to think too deeply about life and fate and all that shit, I instead focused on my man’s hard body underneath me and hands which were absentmindedly stroking my leg while he was discussing something with Brock. I felt a trail of fire where he touched me, my body reacting as if we hadn’t just had sex, twice, only a couple of hours ago. I squirmed against him, placing one of my hands on his rock hard thigh and squeezing it.

Cade stood abruptly, taking me with him, gathering me in his arms. I let out a little squeal.

“My woman is ready for bed,” Cade declared to the group at large before turning on his heel without another word.

I gave everyone a lame little wave.

“Night everybody! Thanks for coming!” I shouted. I smacked Cade’s shoulder. “Cade! That was rude, we didn’t even say goodbye properly,” I scolded giving him my best drunken glare.

He climbed the stairs with me in his arms with little effort.

“Babe, you squirming against me, feeling your heat and knowing you’re smashed. You’re lucky I lasted that long,” he growled, striding into my room and throwing me roughly onto the bed. His eyes were hungry and dark as he surveyed me.

“Gonna fuck you hard baby. Looking forward to drunk sex with you.”

I didn’t say another word, well nothing intelligible after that.


I woke slowly with a slight headache thanks to my old friend tequila, nothing I wasn’t used to, and I had definitely had worse. Cade’s body was behind me, his strong arm holding me tightly to him. He was possessive even in his sleep. I was happy because I didn’t have to rush off and open the store. We were closed on Mondays. And Cade had mentioned he didn’t have to go into the garage until late afternoon, so I had the morning with him. Something I hadn’t had as I was always rushing off early to get to the store.

I slowly tried to free myself from his grip so I could get up and make us some breakfast that we could eat in bed. I moved carefully trying not to wake Cade. I don’t know why I tried, he was some big badass who was aware of shit even in his sleep. His arm tightened across my stomach and I felt his stubble scratching at my neck.

“Where you going baby?” Cade asked, voice gravelly.

I relaxed into his body, grinding my booty into his hard erection as he kissed my neck.

“Was going to make us breakfast, but now you’re awake I would rather do something else,” I mumbled, feeling Cade’s hand move up to roughly cup my breast.

“If it involves me fucking you, or my dick in your mouth I am all for it. Anything else, fuck no.”

I moaned as his erection pressed into me and his fingers roughly tweaked my nipples. Cade pushed me onto my back then raised himself on top of me, hands running down the sides of my body, then cupping in between my legs. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, headache long forgotten about, all I needed was Cade, best hangover cure ever.

“Fuck me Cade,” I demanded, peering at his handsome face.

He bit my lip, not saying another word, just roughly pushed into me. I cried out in pleasure as he gained momentum, pounding me hard.

“You are mine,” he grunted, not stopping.

I didn’t reply, I was too lost in pleasure. He grabbed my face roughly.

“Gwen, you are mine. Say it.”

I breathed out, struggling to get any words together.

“I am yours,” I managed to whisper.

That’s all he needed to hear and no more words were spoken.

We were finished, Cade was still on top of me, still inside me. I was taking a while to come down from my high, relishing in having Cade back in my bed, even two nights without him was hard. Uh-oh, this was not good, I seriously liked this guy, but luckily by the way he was looking at me, I think he kind of liked me too.

“Didn’t like being away from you Gwen.” Cade was obviously thinking the same thing as me.

“Specially didn’t like being away from this.” His eyes moved down to where we were still connected.

“So you just want me for my body,” I joked light heartedly.

His eyes turned serious. “I want you for a fuck load more than that baby.”

Butterflies flew in my stomach at his words, and a happy glow came over me.

He stroked my face, pushing inside me even further. I let out a soft moan.

“Again?” I whispered disbelievingly, we had had a lot of sex over the last twelve hours.

“Again,” he said before he turned me on my stomach and proceeded to rock my world.

After our second batch of love making, I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and to make sure I don’t look like Medusa. I cringed when I saw my reflection. My face was slightly red, burnt from the sun and flushed from sex, my hair was a massive rat’s nest. Cade must like me if he still wanted to have sex with me when I looked like this. I smiled to myself, splashing some water on my face before entering my room. Cade was sitting up, sheets to his waist, perfect body on display, he was scowling with his phone at his ear.

“I don’t fuckin’ care Steg, we scheduled the meet for this afternoon and that’s when it’s going to happen,” he bit into the phone, looking seriously pissed. He paused, obviously listening to his President’s reply.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic