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“Hi!” he laughs happily into her hair, mussing it all up. “It is so great to see you!”

“It’s great to see you too!” she laughs back, helpless in his embrace.

When Trigger finally sets her down, Pete swoops in, brushing those little bits of hair back into place before lifting her chin so he can kiss her on the lips. I get a shiver seeing how easily she submits to his gesture of possession. Is this really happening? Is she really ours? Just like that?

“You want a tour?” Pete smiles.

“You want to eat?” Trigger calls out from the kitchen. He holds a fistful of forks over his head triumphantly.

She gazes at Pete for a few moments, taking in his details. He’s a little bit dusty from his work in the stable, with an artful smudge on his stubbled jaw, so perfectly shaped it practically looks like he put it there on purpose.

Then she seems to come to, as if snapping herself out of a dream. She shakes her head and takes a deep breath.

“Actually, I don’t have time!” She smiles. “I was just on my way to a job interview, just a few blocks from here. Since I made strudel this morning—”

“Strudel!” Trigger repeats happily.

“— I just thought I would drop by and bring you some. You know. Just, um…” She trails off, her eyes darting between us.

“So thoughtful of you,” Pete smiles, stroking her cheek again.

Every time he does that, she sways toward him. Like a cat, coming in for a nice scratch behind the ears.

She clears her throat nervously. “Yes, well… I actually have to go?”

“I’ll drive you,” I blurt out suddenly.

Everybody turns around and looks at me. I look back with my hands out.

“What? It’s the least we can do, right? She did bring strudel for crying out loud…”

“She sure did!” Trigger announces happily, one cheek already bulging and full.

My mouth waters, but I can wait. Something tells me that this act of kindness will have its own rewards, even after breakfast is done.

“Well, that’s very nice of you,” she smiles politely.

Her smile fills me with… something. What is it? I don’t know. But I know that I would do just about anything to keep her smiling just like that.

Chapter 12


Stephan rests his wrist on the top of the steering wheel as he drives. It’s just a couple of blocks, but it is still nice of him to do this for me. I get a little thrill every time one of the guys goes out of their way to protect me or show me these little masculine gestures of kindness.

His hand is relaxed and strong, with veins knotting the back and a healthy tan in his smooth skin. This is the hand of somebody who works hard for a living. Somebody strong and capable.

Somebody who puts a whole flock of butterflies in my belly every time I look at him.

I thought I would just skate through the firehouse, maybe check out what the boys were doing. The truth is, I really couldn’t stay away. I found myself baking for them again in what seemed like a ridiculously obvious ploy to get them to like me.

Funny thing is, they don’t seem to mind one bit.

I didn’t expect to be chauffeured around, with my panties soaking wet and my heart fluttering like this. I realize I just met them, but there’s something going on, something electric and thrilling. Irresistible.

Stephan finds the address and pulls into the driveway, shifting the truck into park. I just sit there awkwardly for a moment, not really sure what to do. I haven’t been alone in a truck with a man since high school, I realize. Crazy but true. Aren’t we supposed to make out or something?

“Okay, so, thanks,” I swallow, my voice hoarse.

“You know these people?” he asks suspiciously.

“Know them? Well… it’s a job interview. I guess the point is to get to know them.”

He nods slowly, squinting through the windshield at the house. It is a beautiful brick building, one of these stately old buildings with the giant columns in front that make it look like it was modeled after the White House. A huge light fixture hangs on several chains from the middle of the entry area. Very impressive.

“I will wait here,” he announces. “Take your time.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that!” I object automatically.

People doing things for me feels really weird. I get a kind of sick burn in my stomach just thinking about it.

But when he looks at me, it doesn’t appear like I have any say in the matter. Stephan has made up his mind. He’s going to wait for me in the driveway. Seems like that is just the way things are now. It feels kind of nice, if I’m honest.

“Okay. I won’t be long. Probably,” I murmur. “I’m not sure.”

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic