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“This isn’t a joke, Knight.”

“Never said it was.” She rests her ass on the edge of Bishop’s desk. I hate the space between us, so I close it. I gently grip her thighs and lift her so she can sit on top of his desk. I stand between her legs and stare down at her, seeing a war of emotions swirling in her eyes.

“You tortured me.”

“You lied to me,” I defend.

“You fucking locked me in a dungeon!” I cringe. That is something I will spend the rest of my life hating myself for.

“I lost my best friend, Koby. I wasn’t thinking straight. Fuck, I’m still not thinking straight.” She reaches up and rests her palms flat against my chest.

“How do you know I’m pregnant?” I fill her in about what happened with doc and him testing her blood.

“But I have an IUD, I can’t get pregnant.” Her argument is weak, even I know those things can fall out if a chick has a heavy period or something like that. “I can’t be a mom.” I cup her face between my hands and lean down resting my head against hers.

“I’m not cut out to be a dad either. Fuck, I never wanted a kid but now that it’s here, I want it so badly, Koby.”

“This child won’t be our savior, Knight. It won’t right our wrongs. We are bringing a child into this world in the middle of a war, which by the way I will not sit back and not fight!” Now that fucks me right off.

“Like fuck. Your ass will be staying right fucking here––”

“Hell no, I’m an asset––”

“You’re pregnant with my kid!”

“Our kid!” Hearing those two words out of her mouth has a smile splitting my face. Before I even know what I’m doing, I have my lips sealed to her demanding entrance. She opens for me and I moan at the taste of her. Koby is a fucking addiction I wasn’t willing to admit I had. She is a drug that runs through my veins. I know now, as I stand here nestled between her legs and kissing her, that I’ve… fallen for her.

* * *

Three weeks later….

Koby is finally able to breathe easier and actually move without difficulty. The doc is coming to take her stitches out today. There is still tension between her and my brothers. The girls have tried to make it up to her and apologize about not helping her, but Koby is stubborn as fuck. I can’t deal with all of that shit and still continue to search for my brother. Bishop wanted to call Car and fill her in on what happened, but I stopped him. I need to be the one to tell our sister about Rook. We have all agreed no service, wake or funeral will be held for him because none of us believe he is truly gone. He can’t be!

“Knight?” I turn around to find Dimitri standing in the doorway. I’ve been staying out in the guest house with him and Koby. The tension inside the house with Koby and the others does my fucking head in. I don’t have the energy to sort that shit and she has threatened my balls if I do. I put my phone in my pocket and decide to call my sister later. Honestly, I’m dreading calling her. Her and Rook were always really close growing up, so I know the news is going break her.

“What’s up?”

“The doctor is here and asked to see you.” Shit. I shove past him and rush into the living room thinking something is wrong with Koby but freeze when I see her shirt pulled up to just under her boobs and the doctor moving a wand thing around on her stomach. A throat clears drawing my attention to just behind the couch, I’m fucking shocked to see my brothers and both the girls standing there. Koby is laying on the couch, stiff as shit and looking so out of her comfort zone. Each of them smiles reassuringly at me. I turn to Koby to find her eyes on me, she looks fucking terrified. She lifts her hand using her index finger to call me, and as if I’m on autopilot, I do as she says and walk over to her. I kneel down beside her head and cradle her face. The doc turns and smiles like this situation is normal.

Nothing about this is normal. The woman who is carrying my child is married to the boss of the family we are at war with. I’ve had a couple weeks to come to terms with all of this, but it’s hard. Koby and I have coexisted but haven’t pushed the line. It’s not through my lack of trying. I want to fuck her to get rid of the sexual tension pulsing between us.

“Congratulations. You’re around six weeks and both babies have a strong heartbeat.”

“Both?” Koby and I say in unison. The Doctor looks between the both of us before pushing his lips to the side and jerking his head in a nod.

“Yes, both. As in you are having twins.”

Jesus fucking Christ!


I sit on the edge of the pool with my feet dangling in the water gazing up at the night sky. So many stars shine brightly tonight. I feel like the universe is playing a cruel joke on me—I get the worst possible news today but then a stunning night as if to ease the sting.


How is that even possible for him to fucking get me twice. The Doc says identical twins. Knight took off after hearing that. I want to be pissed as hell at him, but I get it. He lost his twin and now finds out he is about to be a father to not just any twins but identical ones like him and Rook. Once he took off, I kicked the Doc and everyone else out. I didn’t need their prying or pity, I just needed some fucking time to process shit! How the fuck has my life turned out like this?

The first guy that makes me feel something and I manage to fall pregnant by him. Killing Vlad isn’t just about my freedom now, it’s the life––lives I carry inside me. I lay my hand against my flat stomach and just… feel them. I never wanted this, I had no intentions of ever having children but now that they are here and are real… I want them. Even if their father doesn’t, I’ll love them enough for the both of us so they will never have to wonder what the love of a father feels like. I sit forward, dropping my hand to my side as I stare down at my stomach. For the first time since finding out I was pregnant, I feel something other than dread.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance