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“Where the fuck is that school?” Kiara demands. I smile wickedly at the girl as I answer.

“I burnt that bitch to the ground when I came back. It’s nothing but a pile of ashes now.” She nods and returns my smile.

“Atta girl.” She beams, I can see the vengeance in her eyes. Kiara is a rarity. She isn’t a spoiled brat or accepts anything from anyone. She genuinely cares about people and only wants to help them.

“So, you learnt how to track from a… school?” I nod in answer to Gage’s question.

“I’m not sold. There is more to this and I want the full story.” Bishop is good, just from looking at me he can tell I’m holding back.

“I looked into each of you when Anya told me about your family. I tracked everyone from each of your pasts, knew about the secrets your family thought they had buried. I’m good at what I do. Do you really think Knight found out what he did about me without me knowing?” Bishop grits his teeth in anger. “I allowed him and Luka to find things out, I knew it was the only way to buy me time until I could get out. You want a hacker, then I’m the person for the job. I can have every cent from Pauly and Vinny’s accounts wired into an offshore account that can’t be traced.”

“How long were you going to play my brother?” I feel like he punched me in the gut, the accusation clear in his tone. He thinks because everything else I have done was a ploy for my freedom that must mean I was playing with his brother’s head.

“The plan was to wait for you to take out Vlad, then Dimitri and I would run, meet up with Anya and finally be free.”

“What changed?” This time it’s Kiara who asks me a question. I mull over my words for a moment before deciding to just speak the fucking truth.

“Knight. He changed everything. I don’t know how it happened but he went from being the guy who was in the shadows watching me to becoming… my dark Knight.” I shrug my shoulders unsure how else I can explain how I feel about him.

“Do you still plan to run from him?” I hold Kiara’s gaze as I answer her question.

“I don’t want to, but if what he says is true and Vlad finds out about this baby, he won’t stop.” Bishop’s eyes harden.

“You run with his baby and he’ll hunt you down. We’ll all hunt you down––” I cut Bishop off, he doesn’t get it.

“If I stay here, I not only put the fucking baby in danger, I put him in danger! Vladimir will torture him slowly and make me watch, then he’ll make me watch as he kills my child. I got an IUD in secret so I would never carry an heir for Vlad. Anya is his only child but she isn’t a male. I never fucking wanted children!” I yell.

“Then don’t.” I’m on my feet and spin around to find Knight leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

“H-how long have you been there?” I ask.


I can see I’ve shocked her. I’ve been here the whole time since Kiara and Gage walked in. I didn’t want her to know I was here. I needed her to speak freely so I could gauge her intentions and so far, she hasn’t disappointed me.

“Long enough to know that you aren’t our… my enemy.” Her shoulders visibly relax at my words.

“I can’t have this baby.” I stiffen but make sure to keep my face blank of all emotions. I look to Bishop instead of answering her.

“You satisfied?” He cuts his gaze between me and Koby before sighing.

“Not in the fucking least, but I also know killing her would kill you, so what the fuck do I do?” I fight the smirk that wants to break free.

“You trust me, trust that I know she isn’t bad. If she was, she would have killed me a long time ago and helped the Russians at the dock.” That seems to appease him a little. He taps Kiara to hop off, they both stand and Gage follows their lead.

“Koby?” She slowly pulls her gaze from me to look at Bishop. “I don’t trust you, probably never will either.” She nods her head. “As long as that baby is inside you, you have my word that my family will allow no harm to come to you or that child.” She nods again. Bishop’s eyes darken and I ready myself for him to lay it out for her. “You try to run with that baby and believe me, I will kill you with my bare hands. You want your freedom, you can have it.” I open my mouth to tell him to fuck off but he pushes on. “But after the child is born, only then will I allow you your freedom.”

“You so much as try to take this baby from me and I’ll burn this fucking house down with you all in it.” Bishop laughs but there is no humor to it.

“Be glad you don’t have a dick.”

“Why?” Koby asks, confused by Bish’s statement.

“Because if you did, I would have knocked your teeth down your throat.” He doesn’t say another word as he leads Kiara and Gage from the room. Koby and I stand here staring at each other. I don’t know what the fuck to say to her. Do I care about her… yeah, I fucking do. Do I want this baby? Yeah, I fucking do. I never thought a girl and a kid would be in the cards for me but shit changes. Now I need her and this baby more then I need my next breath. I need her beside me daily. She was the only thing keeping the nightmares at bay. I didn’t know I even had feelings for her until losing her became a possibility.

“He’ll kill you,” she whispers.

“Let him try.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance