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“Shut up. You have nothing to be sorry for.” King’s voice is filled with unshed tears. I clench his shirt between my hands and hold him tighter. I don’t deserve his forgiveness.

“I would never have done what she asked,” I choke out, needing him to know that no matter what happens between us, I would never kill my own brother! He moves his arm to grip the back of my neck, pulls me back until we are resting our foreheads against each other. His eyes shine with pride and love.

“I know.” I never knew two words could hold so much power. “It wasn’t your fault. You were just a kid. I’m sorry I made you feel like any of this was your fault because none of it is.”

“I swear if I knew Mela was yours…”

“Shhh, I know. I know you would have told me. Mela is here now with us and that’s all that matters. I need you to let this shit go, Knight. It is killing you inside. You may not want to hear it, but Bish and I won’t be able to bring you back if you retreat inside yourself, that was Rook’s job.” At the mention of my brother, I slam my eyes closed and for the first time since he went missing I allow myself to feel the grief, the pain and the anger that accompanies any thought of him.

“You’re gonna be a dad soon, kid. You need to work shit out.” Bishop’s tone leaves no room for argument. He’s simply stating facts and he’s right, I need to pull my shit together. “You dumbasses need to get cleaned up and then fix this fucking room.” King and I both laugh, earning a slap on the back of each of our heads from Bishop, which just serves to make us laugh harder.

“I swear to God, boys are so stupid!” King pulls back from me and stares up at Ally who is glaring at us. He smiles sheepishly.

“Baby, words don’t always work…” King clamps his mouth closed when she places her hands on her hips. She shoots her death glare to me next.

“You are such a dick. Hitting each other doesn’t solve shit!” King and I share a sideways glance before busting out into fits of laughter. It feels so weird but also so good to laugh with my brother. It’s not often that I laugh, if I do at all. It feels weird to hear the sound of my own laughter.

“Baby, you like it when I smack that ass so don’t play coy.” Bishop groans, I splutter, while Ally turns a shade of red. When a throat clears to my other side, that’s when I remember we aren’t alone. The light feeling inside me dies when my gaze connects with Koby’s. Her green eyes are void of all emotion; her face is a blank mask. Taking a deep breath, I slowly climb to my feet and wince in pain, King got a good hit to my fucking ribs. I open my mouth to speak to her but Bish clamps a hand down on my shoulder cutting me off.

“Get cleaned up,Katarinaand I need a moment alone.” I look from him to her, noting that both of them have walled their emotions off from me. Regardless, Bishop needs to know where I stand with Koby. This situation with her isn’t fucking ideal that’s for sure, the one thing Bishop has raised us all knowing is that blood means everything. Neither of us may want what is coming but it’s happening whether we like it or not. She’s having my baby and that makes her family.

“I trust you, don’t make me regret that, Bish. That’s my kid in there…” She snaps her eyes to me in shock. I hold her stare as I finish speaking. “That makes her family,” is all I say before I leave the room and hope to fucking god my trust in my brother isn’t misplaced.


After Knight left, Bishop ushered me into his office. I’m sitting in one of the seats in front of his desk while he sits in his, behind it. The way he hasn’t stopped staring at me is making me uneasy, it’s like he is looking inside me and I don’t know how the fuck I feel about that.

“What’s your end game here?” His question doesn’t exactly shock me but the fact I don’t know how to answer him does. I have always had the same answer my whole life, freedom for me and my brother. “I need an answer.” His tone is firm and unyielding.

“I can’t give you one,” I answer honestly.

“Why?” I nibble on the corner of my bottom lip unsure how to put into words what I’m thinking. I’m grateful when I hear the door open, giving me more time to think clearly on how to answer Bishop. I’m slightly taken back to see it’s Kiara and Gage who entered and not Knight. She moves around the desk and drops onto Bishop’s lap, placing a tender kiss to his cheek. Gage claims the chair beside me. It’s funny, he looks so much like them but doesn’t at the same time. Gage isn’t as tightly wound as his brothers. If the information I have is correct, Gage is the third oldest in the family. “My patience is growing thin here.”

I sigh before trying to voice my answer as clearly as I can to the Don. Bishop is intimidating, the guy wears three piece suits all year round and never smiles. The only reason I know the guy actually has a heart is because he is currently holding said heart against him now. Kiara Bennett has the mafia Don whipped and there is no one who can deny that.

“My aim was always to get freedom from the Bratva. I never asked for any of this or wanted any part in it. My father promised me I would never have to marry for something other than love. Vlad took that choice away when my father refused my hand in marriage.” I take a deep breath and lock my emotions down, I haven’t told this story in a long, long time and it still kills me to this day. “My father wasn’t like other Pakhan’s, he was good and cared for his people. He never had a hand in the skin trade. He said that women and children were to be treasured, not used. Vladimir didn’t agree. He is the one who runs the skin trade. He is the one who will be dealing with the other families to bring in shipments.”

“Your father’s refusal started the war between the two head families?” Bishop’s tone isn’t as harsh as it was a moment ago.

“Yes. He vowed to me I would never be used, that I could choose my own path in this life. Vladimir took that choice from me when he murdered my family. I was married to him within a week of my father’s death.” I can hear the anger slowly creeping into my voice as I speak of the bastard who stole everything from me.

“If you’re his wife, then who is this Anya and how did you get away?” Bishop’s gaze bore into me, he’s watching me closely to try to detect any deceit.

“Anya and I grew up together, sort of. We became friends when we were sent to the states for school. Vlad wasn’t good to her like my father was to me. She was going to be married to someone here to form an alliance. I don’t know anything else about that, that is all she told me.” Bishop’s eyes narrow. I can see from the hard set of his jaw that this is news to him. “Once we were brought home, it was then I learned of the death of my family. I married Vlad willingly.” Bishop glares at me with nothing but anger and disgust in his gaze. He opens his mouth, but Gage beats him to speak.

“He used Dimitri against you, that’s why you married him without a fuss.” I don’t take my eyes off Bishop as I nod. My agreement seems to ease some of the tension in the Don’s body.

“What happened next?” Bishop is pushing for his answers and I truly don’t blame him.

“We stayed until I was nearly nineteen. Anya was the one who helped us escape her father. I didn’t ask any details or look a gift horse in the mouth. I took the tickets and ran. We had new identities and a chance at a life that didn’t involve being raped daily by your best friend’s father.” Kiara flinches in Bishop’s hold, he tightens his hold around her and pulls her in closer.

“What else?” A whoosh of air rushes out of me at his question.

“Dimitri and I landed in the states. We ran for months until we were sure we weren’t being followed. I made money fighting in each city we passed by until we hit New York. I got a message from Anya saying that a family here had caused trouble for her father. I thought what better place to hide out, than right under his nose with his enemies.”

“How did you know about Allison?” Gage asks. I nibble on my lip debating if I should answer or not. In the end I decide I’ve told them everything so far so I may as well continue on.

“St Mary’s isn’t like most schools… it teaches you to fight, shoot, kill, hack. They even teach you how to be a good housewife and block out pain in case your husband decides to share you with his buddies.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance