Page 23 of Instant Billionaire

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“You’re being dramatic.”

“Am I?” His tone is dark, eyes haunted. “Kylie, I’ve been working in this city for a while. I’ve seen some things. Things I hope you never get to see. And I have a feeling that this case, if you even want to call it that, leads to nowhere good.”

“It can’t be as bad as it sounds. We haven’t even uncovered anything yet. It might actually be nothing.”

“But it could still be something. And how is he supposed to protect you if he ends up going to jail for being Frank’s right-hand man? I’m telling you, Kylie—”

“You can tell me whatever you want, but I’m not backing down from this.”

He stares me down, lips turned down in a scowl. I abandon my mug on the coffee table and scoot closer to him. “Jax, I get that you don’t like it. But you have to trust me on this.”

“I want to.” He sighs. “But this isn’t something you wait out and see what happens. I think you should figure a way out of this.”

“Is this why you wanted me to live with you? So I can be under your big brother rule? If I wanted to be under someone’s thumb, I would’ve stayed home with Mom and Dad.”

I don’t bother to wait for his response and make my way to my room, slamming the door for good measure. Dangerous or not, Johnathan is expecting me to help him. And I’m not about to let him down. Even if it means pissing off my brother in the process.



I sitat the conference table, eyes flicking from my list of clients to Kylie. She sits at the opposite end surrounded by papers and open folders, mumbling with a scowl on her face. Is she upset about the way I came across in the elevator? Did I misread her body language and the lure of her eyes?

“So I heard this pizza place is open late,” I start. “Maybe we can try them tonight?”

Her head snaps my way, nothing but fear in her eyes. “Don’t you think what we’re doing is a little too dangerous for pizza?”

“Dangerous?” I blink at her. “Kylie, we haven’t even found anything yet.”

“But we could. You said it yourself that this could be dangerous. That this Leo guy was bad news.”

“Well, did you find something that supports that?”

“No, but.” She stands from her chair with a loud groan and walks over to the window, arms crossed in front of her. She looks so small and afraid. This isn’t the same Kylie that was fired up with determination. Is what she found so bad that she doesn’t even want to tell me? I slide back from my work and move toward her. No use in prolonging the inevitable.

The night stretches below us, a glitter of orange lights amidst the shadows. It’s the kind of view that people kill for. Something Leo has probably had his eye on from the moment he first walked through the door. I know the rumors painted him as an evil guy, but was he really dark enough to kill?

“The city sure looks beautiful at night,” I say, clasping my hands behind my back. “You’d never know there was anything going on from up here.”

“Jax says that there’s always something happening in the city,” Kylie spits, eyes glued to the street below.

“He’s not wrong. Danger in the city is everywhere. Whether you see it or not.”

“How can you be so calm?” Her eyes search mine, pleading to understand. “You’re not scared that your dad might’ve involved you in something terrible?”

“But that’s the thing, Kylie. I am scared.” I chuckle sadly. “I’m terrified that whatever was haunting my dad might be haunting me.” I take her small hands in mine and trace my thumbs over the backs of her knuckles. “I promise. I will never let anything bad happen to you.”

“But what am I supposed to do if you go to jail? Or die? Or—”

My lips quickly silence her. As I cherish those thick lips pressing lightly against mine, it begins to stir the beast inside me. I cup her cheeks with my hands to bring her closer. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but I don’t want to lose her. I can feel my body aching for her; how can I get her to understand how much I need her to stay? I caress her with my lips, each kiss deeper than the last. She leans into me, a low moan escaping her throat. I feel her hands press into my chest, and she pulls away.

"Johnathan,” she breathes, voice ragged.

I don’t let go of her as I search her eyes. “I want you, Kylie. And I haven’t wanted anything in a really long time.”

“But why me?” she asks.

“Why not you?” I graze my tongue on her bottom lip and slide my hands down to her hips. I grip her ass hard as her tongue brushes against mine. Her taste is addicting. She leans back into the window ledge, and I press all of myself against her. Those hands that once pulled me away are now entangled in my hair, every stroke of those small hands encouraging me forward. My cock twitches with anticipation. I want her more than I ever have. I slide my hands under her shirt and fumble with the clasp. There’s no one to hold us back. She’ll be all mine once more.

Tags: J.J. Love Romance