Page 24 of Instant Billionaire

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The buzz of the phone vaguely registers as I trail my kisses down her neck. Whoever is trying to get a hold of me will have to wait until later. The buzzing stops as I get the clasp undone. Finally.

The ring of the office phone rings loud in the silence, and Kylie pushes me away, eyes still laced with lust. We stare at each other as the phone continues to chime, each one sobering us up a little bit more. The ringing finally stops, but the moment is gone. I let go of my hold on her with a sigh and look out the window in an attempt to calm myself. “I’ll go ahead and order that pizza.”

“Sounds good,” she squeaks, clearing her throat as she backs away from me. “I’m going to go wash my hands. For the, um, pizza.”

I’m surprised she doesn’t run out of the room, and I fall back into the overstuffed armchair as soon as the door slams closed. What is wrong with me? One minute I’m worried about her leaving and the next thing I know I’m a few motions away from sliding inside of her.

I let out a loud groan of frustration. Every minute she’s in this office, the chemistry between us intensifies. Part of me wants to let a quick one out right here. No doubt Kylie was coming back any time soon. No. I have to keep my cool.

I grab my phone to place the pizza order. I wonder if Kylie likes sausage or pepperoni? I swipe open the screen, and the first thing I see is Isabella’s name popping up as a missed call. That would explain the back-to-back phone calls. Wicked woman. She would be the one to interrupt me while I’m enjoying myself. As if being chained to her isn’t enough misery. I click her name and pray for it to go to voicemail.

“I need to talk to you,” she answers on the second ring, her voice extinguishing any lingering feelings of Kylie.

“I figured that’s why you called,” I grumble.

“Not now. Tomorrow.”

I lean back in my chair, growing more irritated by the second. “Then why bother calling today? Next time, just send a text.”

“Texting always leaves room for subliminal interpretation. Besides, I’m passing by the office tomorrow, and I want to make sure you’ll be there. I need us to meet up early enough that my day won’t be interrupted.”

“Oh, we wouldn’t want that,” I mumble.

“What was that?”

“Nothing. Sounds good. I’ll be here, as usual.”

“You better be,” she snaps. “I’ll be there around seven. And don’t keep me waiting.”

She hangs up, and I’m tempted to hurl my phone across the room. The stacks of folders on the conference table seem to mock me with every passing day. Somewhere in this room is my ticket to freedom, and I’m no closer to finding it than I was a few weeks ago. I rub my eyes in frustration, the ghost of Kylie’s lips still on mine. Am I really trapped in this life forever?



He kissed me.Is this a dream?

I lean on the marble countertop and remind myself how to breathe. My brother’s fear has all but consumed me these last few days, but all of it faded away with that one kiss. I still feel the wetness of his lips on mine. The feel of his hands on my back as he unclasped my bra. I’m glad it’s the middle of the night; otherwise I’d be forced to compose myself in a cramped stall. I fling off my shirt and readjust my bra. Why did that phone have to ring?

One glance at my reflection gives away my lingering excitement. Flushed cheeks, a quivering smile, and a twisted bra. How obvious can I possibly be? There’s no way that I can go back in there after that kiss and focus. Maybe I can pretend that I have a stomach bug and tell him that I need to leave now. I’m sure big brother Jax will be happy to see me home early. Every time I walk through door, it’s nothing but a bombardment of questions. What did I find out about the case? Is there anything new? I’m surprised he doesn’t have a voice recorder pressed to my face the way he wants information. Not that I’ve discovered much else besides phantom buildings and lost paper trails. Whatever Frank wanted to keep hidden, he did a fantastic job of doing it.

I splash some water on my cheeks to cool my blush and straighten up in the mirror. I’ll just tell Johnathan that I’d like to go home early. It’s not like he can tell me no. Right?

I slide my shirt back on and step back out into the empty hallway. The murmurs of Johnathan float down the hall, his tone all business. Was he seriously ordering a pizza after our make-out session? My steps are muted on the carpet, and I hover outside the door, trying to catch any hint of the conversation. By the time I lean into the door, Johnathan is silent and I’m left listening to my own hammering heartbeat. Looks like a good time as any to go back in there. I suck in a deep breath before opening the door, steeling myself for whatever wrath is about to come my way.

He stands by the conference table with a folder in his hand.Just spit it out, Kylie.

“Hey,” Johnathan says before I can start. “I was thinking that we call it quits a little early tonight. I’m not feeling much like myself.”

Well, that’s an understatement. I guess he wasn’t ordering a pizza after all. But then who was he talking to? And why the sudden change in attitude? Was it because I left in such a rush? What was I supposed to do, completely fall in his arms and let him take me on the conference table after someone called the office? Maybe whoever called pissed him off. Either way I should play it cool. The last thing I want is to seem desperate and clingy.

“Sure.” I nod. “Let me help clean up and then we can go.”

He doesn’t look at me as he closes folder after folder, stacking them one on top of the other. “I’ll stay behind and clean up. I’ve already called you a car. It’s downstairs so you can go.”

I’m stunned by his tone, but I’m not about to pry. Whoever he was just talking to has changed his mood completely, and I can’t tell if it’s for better or worse.

“Okay, well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I gather my things and nearly run out the door. He doesn’t say anything else, and I’m grateful. For better or worse, I’m free of Johnathan for the night.

Tags: J.J. Love Romance