Page 22 of Instant Billionaire

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I’m lost in his sincerity. With the way he started this quest, I thought he would be more of a tyrant. But the way he looks at me makes it seem like we have all the time in the world.

“Shall we?” He drops his hand, and I scurry out the door.

I can feel the heat on my cheeks, and I do my best to calm myself before Johnathan notices. My fingers go to hit the down button but meet his instead. The casual feeling between us is gone, that familiar zing of electricity running through me as I recoil my hand.

“Sorry,” I mumble, staring down the doors. I just have to keep it together long enough to get in the car. Why did he have to say all of those things? Those sweet, wonderful things? The elevator arrives, and I do my best to calmly walk on, hands to myself to avoid any more of his electric touch. The last time we were like this together, he nearly took all of me before we even left the lobby. Now I find myself standing on the opposite side of the elevator for reassurance. His eyes are on me again, but different than before. I look down at my phone, trying to look busy. He inches closer, but I refuse to look at him. Just a few flights more and I’ll be safe from temptation.

“Kylie,” he breathes.

The way he says my name convinces me I’m safe. I steal a glance and know instantly I’ve made a mistake. His eyes are no longer clear; those lustful clouds are back and tempting. Maybe it’s the burnout setting in, but I inch closer to him. A single kiss won’t hurt. I’m pretty sure there’s a place out there that kisses their bosses on the lips as a sign of goodbye. Right? Maybe even more than once?

The elevator doors swing open, and I jump back, half expecting someone to be there. But only the dark lobby greets us as Johnathan stands up straight and holds out his arm once more. The gentleman has returned.

“After you.”

I refrain from running all the way to the car, and we cross the lobby together in silence. I want him. If I didn’t live with overprotective Jax, I’d steal him away in a heartbeat. The cool night air sends a chill down my spine, and I do my best to avoid any more physical contact as I slide in the backseat.

“Goodnight.” I smile, looking up at him. Every part of me wants to drag him in here by his tie and show him all the wild thoughts locked inside my head. His eyes search mine, and I’m convinced he can read my thoughts.

“Goodnight,” he says, voice thick with desire as he closes the door between us.

I slump back in my seat and stare at him through the tinted glass. And here I thought we were making progress.

* * *

The apartment isdark when I walk in, and I do my best to close the door without a sound. I guess Jax isn’t the hard worker I thought he was. A light clicks on in the hallway, and Jax stands there in a blue robe and slippers.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” he says.

I stand corrected. “I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be quieter coming in.”

“No, Kylie.” He crosses his arms. “This is the third week in a row that you’ve been out late. At first, I was thinking that it’s because you’re in a new job. That you and Johnathan must be going over things. Business things. But now, I’m starting to think something else.”

“Oh, will you give it a rest?” I yawn, grateful for the shadows as I kick off my shoes. “There’s nothing going on between me and your college BFF.”

“Then why are you coming home at three in the morning?”

“I think your lawyer brain and your brother brain are starting to clash. Johnathan just has me on this special project. And as his personal assistant, it’s my job to be thorough.”

“That sounds like code for sex. Just admit it.” He shakes his head, raking his fingers through his hair. “I really did expect more from Johnathan.”

I can tell he’s spiraling, and I’m too tired to argue. How do you outsmart a lawyer that knows you inside and out?

“Jax,” I sigh. “It’s late. Can we do this in the morning?”

“No, we can’t.” He walks toward me. “You are going to tell me everything now.”

“Most people talk about their day over breakfast.”

“Most people don’t hide secrets.” Jax takes out a crumbled sticky note from his robe pocket and holds it out to me. My own handwritten note with the word fraud stares back at me, and I take it with a sigh. He holds my face in his hands and looks me in the eye. “What does he have you roped into?”

I sit on the couch, nervously fidgeting with the cup of hot chocolate Jax handed me, before I spill every last detail of the past few weeks. Minus the sexual tension and the night at the wedding, Jax is caught up to speed. Not that I know much in the first place. Two weeks of research and I seem to still have more questions than answers.

“So, let me get this straight,” Jax says, fuming. “Johnathan’s late dad may have been involved in embezzlement and fraud, and you just agreed to help him look into it?”

“Well, yeah. What was I supposed to do?” I snap. “He’s my boss, Jax. Regardless of your personal history, I’ve got a real chance to make a difference.”

“Not if you end up in jail. Or dead!”

Tags: J.J. Love Romance