Page 9 of Always You

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Before Star could say anything, Laura spoke: “Damian Hunt is back.” It was Toby’s turn to drop his knife, while choking on a mouthful of salad.

“A warning next time, please,” he said, shooting his wife a look. “Damian’s what? When? How?”

Star shrugged. “He was in Lucas’s office this morning. I walked in totally unaware I was no longer meeting Lucas, only to come face to face with Damian.”

“What do you mean Lucas wasn’t there and Damian was. Lucas wouldn’t do that to you. He knows your history,” Toby said.

A heavy weight sat in Star’s stomach as she thought more about Lucas. Toby and Laura were right: he wouldn’t have just dropped this on her; he’d been as excited about presenting to the Account Manager as she was. Whatever was going on must be serious for Damian to have come all the way from the US to be here. Her thoughts returned to the day before, when Lucas had clutched his chest. Star had been so shocked with the turn of events, she hadn’t had time earlier to analyse the situation. Not that she would have called Lucas with Damian around. However close they were, Lucas was still her boss, and if she needed to know something, he would have contacted her.

“Apparently Lucas is in hospital,” Star said, before recounting her meeting with Damian to her friends. She just hoped Damian’s visit was a fleeting one and that he would return to the US so she could put her heart back in her chest.

Before Tobias and Laura could question her further, Skylar reappeared in her PJs, ready to begin the final part of their three-day project. Who would have thought this week would be as eventful as it had been. First an emergency project, a presentation that could kickstart her career, and now Damian. Next week couldn’t be as crazy as this one. Surely.


Star awoke hot and trembling, desire pulsing through her body. Groaning loudly into her pillow, Star was unsure how she was going to face Damian today. Just the thought of where her mind had taken her overnight caused a rush of heat to her cheeks. Damn her seven years of celibacy, and damn Damian. Not once in that time had she felt so empty, so raw. Her stomach contracted, and another rush of heat flooded her body. Star and Damian’s sex life had been passionate and loving. But last night, it hadn’t been memories of their time together that had heated her blood; instead her imagination had taken her on a whole new adventure, one starring the new, more mature Damian. It was those thoughts, the crystal-clear images her imagination had conjured up, that had her body hot and wanting.

Star switched the shower setting to cold before stepping in. She needed to get her head, and heart under control, or the next couple of hours would be torture.

Before going to bed the night before, Star had sent a message to Lucas, wishing him a speedy recovery and sending him her and Skylar’s best wishes. She’d not heard back, but hadn’t expected to, knowing Mary she’d probably confiscated his phone to ensure he rested.

The school was officially open again, so, after breakfast, Star and Skylar took one final look at the Tudor house, which Star had to admit was pretty amazing. The journey included a running commentary from Skylar on the class preparation for tomorrow’s Great Fire of London re-enactment. Star thanked Skylar silently for her much-needed distraction, although she failed to shift the heavy weight that had settled in her stomach every time she thought about work.

As soon as they arrived at the school gates, Skylar took off, excited to be back with her friends. Star headed to the station earlier than usual, trying to look on the positive side. School was open, so she could concentrate on her job and not worry about Skylar until this evening. She wasn’t having to rely on her friends as emergency babysitters, off-loading her daughter in order for her to go to work. Instead, she just had to get through this morning, and face Damian again with last night’s erotic nightmares still fresh in her mind.


Star arrived at the office early, putting out a plate of Skylar and Laura’s cookies for the team. They were always appreciative of Star and Skylar’s baking and the plate would no doubt be empty before mid-morning. Star had grown up cooking with Lily, so it had felt natural to continue that tradition with her daughter. At least once a week, they’d bake and Star would share the goodies with the team – a perfect way to keep her figure and build a good relationship with her colleagues.

As expected, the cookies soon disappeared. But the team chatter did little to settle Star’s nerves. Pulling the team into a meeting room, Star set about organising the next focus groups, and working through the team’s list of outstanding jobs. Jackson was late as usual, but Star decided she needed to cut him out of their deadlines. The team was functioning well without him and his attitude. She didn’t need the hassle of relying on him, and today, especially, she didn’t need his attitude on top of everything else. She’d decided last night to deal with Jackson when Lucas returned. His lack of respect was beginning to grate on her nerves and Star had the impression that the rest of the team was getting as annoyed with him as she was.

Once the team’s next steps list was agreed, Star added it to the client presentation and headed up to Damian’s office. It was just before ten; she was determined not to be late. The team meeting had done its job, acting as a distraction to the turmoil that raged inside her, but a sick heaviness had begun to settle in her stomach the closer she got to the door. Lucky for her, telepathy wasn’t one of Damian’s many skills, so he wouldn’t be aware of her erotic dreams. The thought made her cheeks flush; only she was privy to that knowledge.

Pam looked up from her desk as Star approached. “Morning, Star, he won’t be long. He had an emergency meeting this morning.”

Star smiled and took a deep breath. “Skylar made some cookies for you and drew you another picture,” she said, placing the container of cookies and a drawing of Pam’s dog on her desk.

Pam picked up the picture and studied it lovingly. “Send that gorgeous girl a big hug from me. She’s caught Jessie’s likeness beautifully,” she said, before grabbing some blu-tac and sticking the picture to her filing cabinet for everyone to see. Pam nodded at the cookies. “Perfect to go with my cup of tea.”

Pam was a soft touch, never forgetting Skylar’s birthday. Pam had adult children, but, as she said, they were high flyers, and children were low on their priority list. Pam decided she would “borrow” Skylar and, whenever she felt grandmotherly urges, she’d treat Skylar as her own. The pair had developed quite a bond over the years.

Behind Star, the office door clicked, signalling the end of Damian’s current meeting. Turning, Star froze as Jackson emerged from Damian’s office. Her shock must have been visible, as a smirk appeared on his face. “Have a good meeting,” he whispered as he passed her, his swagger doing little to settle Star’s butterflies.

An impending sense of doom enveloped Star. Pam, sensing something was wrong, placed a hand on her arm. Jackson’s meeting with Damian couldn’t be a good thing. Both had it out for her, one out of jealousy and one by her own making. As if summoned, Damian appeared in the doorway, his dark eyes locking on her instantly. Star felt the colour once again rise in her cheeks, the intensity of his stare burning into her soul. Raking his hand through his dark hair, he motioned for her to follow him before closing the door behind them. It didn’t take long for Star to realise how tired Damian looked.

“How’s your dad doing?” she asked.

Rubbing his face, Damian looked up. “It looks like he’s had a minor heart attack. They’re taking him into surgery later today.”

“Oh my god, Damian. Should you be here? How’s Mary doing?” Star said, her hand flying to her mouth.

“You know Dad. He’s more worried about the business. I’ll head over this afternoon before he’s taken down. We’ll know more by the end of the day.” Damian paused, his face hardening. “I’d appreciate if you kept this to yourself. Dad doesn’t need to be the centre of office gossip until the proper announcements can be made.”

Star braced herself before answering, “Thank you for telling me. Your mum and dad mean a lot to me, and of course I wouldn’t dream of saying anything.” Star felt lost. Lucas and Mary were like family, but Damian didn’t need to know that.

Obviously sensing her distress, Damian added, “I’m not sure what’s gone on over the past seven years, but not once has your name been mentioned. Last night, however, Mum made it very clear how close you are to them both.” A look of hurt flashed across his face before a mask of indifference returned.

It was true – since Damian had left, she had remained in contact with his parents. They had helped her when her life had gone to hell and back. They’d been there when Lily had been taken ill, and when Skylar had come into her life. Lucas had supported her when she’d needed a job. She’d repaid him by working hard to ensure she lived up to the faith he’d put in her. Damian didn’t know any of this. He didn’t know anything past her betrayal. To Damian, she’d betrayed him seven years ago, and now he clearly thought his parents had betrayed him, too.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic