Page 8 of Always You

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In Star’s defence, she did feel the meeting had gone well. Damian had been complimentary about most of the proposals they were putting forward, especially after seeing the initial focus group feedback. She’d answered all of his questions, even with her head feeling like it had been stuffed full of cotton wool. The suggestions he had made were relevant and thought-provoking. At one point, it had felt like they were back at university again, sharing and debating ideas. The pain Star had felt as those memories had risen to the surface was real. She thought she’d buried her feelings for Damian long ago, along with her sister. Now they were back and rearing their ugly head. This was not something that could happen; she had her promotion and Skylar to think about. Her history with Damian could not stand in the way. She would have to show him like she’d shown everyone else she was more than capable.

Heading back to her desk, Star found herself surrounded by members of the team. She fielded as many questions as she could, letting the team know that the meeting had been a success, although not with the Account Manager as she’d hoped. The team were on board to make the necessary changes, although it was impossible to ignore Jackson smirking in the corner. A sense of doom sat heavily on her stomach, well aware her lateness had been the reason the Account Manager had not been present and the project wasn’t moving forwards today. Shaking herself off, she plastered a smile on her face, hiding from the world the chaos raging inside her head and body. She could do this.

Chapter Four

An excited squeal greeted Star when she arrived home. “Mummy!” Arms circled her waist, and a head mashed into her stomach. The stress of the day and Damian’s reappearance were temporarily pushed to one side while Star enjoyed the love and comfort of her daughter. For Star, everything was once again all right in the world.

Bending down, she returned Skylar’s hug, before conspiratorially handing her a large box of chocolates and whispering in her ear, “These are for Aunty Laura, as a thank you for looking after you today.”

Excited to be given the task at hand, Skylar ran back into the kitchen towards Laura, who was taking the latest batch of cookies out of the oven.

Following the delicious aroma, Star joined her daughter and best friend in the kitchen, snatching one of the cookies already cooling on the rack.

“Mummy, you’ll ruin your dinner!” Skylar said, before turning back to Laura and proudly handing over the box of chocolates. “Look what we’ve got you. Mummy said they’re a thank you for having me.”

“Thank you, Skylar, that’s very kind of you,” Laura said as she bent down and hugged the little girl. “We’ve had lots of fun today, haven’t we, squidge? Why don’t you show Mummy the house while I put these on the cooling rack. You’ve done such a great job of painting it.”

Chest puffed out at all the praise, Skylar led Star into the conservatory where the Tudor House was drying near the open window. The house had been painted white with black beams. Star was amazed at how neat everything was.

Taking Star’s hand, Skylar pulled her closer. “Aunty Laura showed me how to stay inside the lines. We did the white first, and then outlined the black beams with a black sharpie so I knew where to paint.”

“Well, I think it looks amazing. You and Aunty Laura have done a great job.”

“Aunty Laura said if we put it by the window, then it will be dry in time for Uncle Toby to help me with the roof when he gets home.”

“You’ll have to see how tired Uncle Toby is when he gets in,” Star said, thinking her friends had already done more than enough for Skylar’s project and bracing herself to find the energy to complete the roof herself if she needed to.

“Oh no, Mummy, Uncle Toby already called Aunty Laura and spoke to me. He told me he’s been looking forward to it all day.”

“Well, you go and get washed up ready for dinner. I’ll help Aunty Laura, and then we can get you ready for bed and you can sit and work with Uncle Toby when he gets in.”

Skylar dashed back through the kitchen and headed up stairs.

Star leant against the doorframe, watching Laura clear the baking dishes. “Thank you. You saved my bacon this morning.”

“No problem, hon, it’s what friends do. How did it go, by the way?” Laura asked.

“The meeting was interesting.” Star paused, before adding, “Damian’s back.”

Laura dropped the baking tray into the sink with a clang and spun to face Star. “What do you mean Damian’s back? You’ve been in the house twenty minutes and this is the first time I’m hearing about it. What about a text message? Wasn’t your meeting this morning?”

Star dropped down onto one of the kitchen chairs, her head hung low. “It’s taken me all day to really accept this morning happened.”

“Oh, honey, talk to me. Why is he back? It’s been what - seven years?” Laura said moving towards Star.

Before Star could reply, Skylar entered the room, her hands and face now clean.

Shooting Laura a look, Star got up and headed to the fridge, pulling out the salad and quiche she’d made the day before. Understanding Damian was not someone Star would want to discuss in front of her daughter, Laura changed the subject, but sent Star a look that told her this conversation was far from over. Star deflected, pulling Skylar back into discussing her day, rather than letting her mind drift to earlier events.

Toby walked in as they finished dinner, greeting his wife with a PG-rated kiss. Skylar never batted an eyelid when they showed their love for each other; it was part of everyday life. Star smiled to herself – at least her daughter knew what a loving relationship should look like.

A lump formed in her throat as she watched her friends. Star had had that kind of love, but had given it up for a different kind of love. A love she would not change for the world, one that sat next to her, chatting nonstop about everything that had gone on today.

“Mummy, you’re not listening!” Skylar looked at her mum, brow furrowed.

“Sorry, honey, I was day-dreaming. What did you say, munchkin?” she said.

Instead of letting Skylar repeat her question, Laura stepped in, suggesting Skylar go and get into her pyjamas while Uncle Toby ate his dinner. Not needing any further encouragement, Skylar sprinted for the stairs.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic