Page 63 of Always You

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Damian was gone by the time she awoke the following morning.

“He’s gone back to the States,” Mary said, disappointment clear on her face. The red rims around her eyes let Star know it had been far from an easy goodbye.

“Damian didn’t say goodbye,” Skylar said, her lips quivering as her eyes filled with tears.

Star ruffled her hair, trying to comfort the little girl. “He had emergency clients to see. He’ll be back,” Star said shooting Mary a look, not to contradict her. Her own heart was breaking, and it was all she could do to hold it together, but she couldn’t see a way out of this predicament. She couldn’t leave, and he had responsibilities there. There was no choice.

“We’ll be out of your hair soon,” Star told Mary, aware now that Damian had left that she was very much intruding.

“Don’t rush,” Mary said pulling herself together and smiling. “The house is going to be very empty. I’ve enjoyed the comings-and-goings.”

But both Star and Mary knew it was coming to an end and it was never going to be the same again. With Damian gone, she and Skylar wouldn’t be calling in and staying over. The fairy tale was at an end.


Day-to-day life fell back into its usual pattern. Toby and Laura were happy to see them back. Star hadn’t realised how much time she had actually been staying with Damian; her life had been one long dream, one that had ended up turning into a nightmare she wished she could wake up from. Together, Laura and Toby tried to distract her and help her move forwards. Christian was as attentive as always, although Skylar missed Damian and told Star so every night, sending love and kisses to Damian in America along with her kisses to her mummy in heaven. Christian had tried to question Star about Damian’s departure, but she’d closed him down.

Over the next few weeks Star found herself caught up in a never-ending cycle of school run, work, all things Skylar, and repeat. The new project was taking off, which should have led to a feeling of satisfaction, but instead life itself held no interest for her, and she felt like she was going through the motions. Laura and Tobias tried to pull her out of her slump when Skylar was off with Christian, and to keep her friends happy, she went along, even though her heart wasn’t in it.

“You’ve lost too much weight,” her mum said, on one of her infrequent visits.

“Thank you, Mum. You look wonderful as always. The cruise must have been good.”

“It was. Your father and I had the best time. Beautiful food and wine, and the sights, what can I say. Something you should try.”

“I’ll bear that in mind,” Star said, wishing herself anywhere but here. She couldn’t take her mum’s criticism today; she didn’t need her finding fault with everything she did.

“So what is this about Christian Dupree being back in the picture?” Daphne said, letting Star know this was not a social call. Her mum and dad were in the same social circles as the Duprees, so news had obviously spread that Christian had taken an interest in his daughter.

“Yes,” Star said trying to cover up the sigh that was about to escape. “We met while working on a project. His company have asked Hunt and Hunt if we can create their new advertising project.”

“Well, it’s all very sudden,” her mother sniffed. “I was talking to his mother at a function at the weekend – they are suddenly very interested in little Skylar.”

Star’s heart started to beat erratically. The last people she wanted around Skylar were Dupree Senior and his snobby wife. They had practically thrown Lily out on the street when she’d approached them.

“Well, Christian is proving himself to be a wonderful dad to Skylar,” Star said covering up her discomfort. She’d need to speak to Christian about his parents.

“And so he should be – he is her father after all. Have you thought about giving him custody?” Daphne said, with no preamble.

Star couldn’t hide the look of horror that crossed her face. “Skylar is my daughter!” she spat at her mother. “I will not be handingmydaughter over to anyone. If that is what you think, then maybe you need to leave, Mother!”

“Don’t be like that. I heard you split up with Damian Hunt again because you stayed here for Skylar.”

“Wow!” Star said. “Gossip spreads fast in your circles. Damian and my relationship is nobody’s business. Skylar is my daughter, and no one can take her away from me. You and the Duprees can stay out of her and my life. Christian and I have an arrangement that is working perfectly well.”

Star’s mother held up her hands, looking round the room before flicking some lint off her trouser suit. “Well, you never were one with any ambition. The Duprees could give Skylar everything. Instead, you have her living in shared accommodation with your university friends.”

“I think it’s time you left, Mum.” Star stood up holding the living room door open for her mother who reluctantly made her way towards her.

“Think on what I’ve said. They’re willing to compensate you for all you’ve done. Just think, you could move on with your life, have a family of your own, and stop ruining your own life for your sister’s mistake.”

“Skylar is my family, more than you will ever be. You might not have loved Lily and me the way we deserved – we were a means to an end for you, a way to trap Dad.” The slap resounded through the hall. Star raised her hand to her face. “Get out, Mother, and don’t bother coming back!”

Star watched as her mother flounced to her Jaguar F-Type and drove off. Star was glad Skylar was out with Christian, although she was going to find out from him what the hell was going on when they returned.

Toby entered the hallway with Laura.

“I take it you heard?” Star sighed, giving way to the tears she had so valiantly held back.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic