Page 62 of Always You

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“I didn’t realise you were going to be with Dad that day. She’d showed up, and she wanted a clean break and didn’t want to hold off collecting her things. We both realised we were in the relationship for the wrong reasons. She is far from heartbroken; I can promise you that. She’s started dating a rock star, I believe,” Damian chuckled to himself.

Star’s jaw flew open. “Wait, Sabrina … Sabrina Croft? You were practically living with Sabrina Croft.” Star sat heavily on a nearby wall, shock clear across her face. Sabrina Croft was one of the top fashion models and she had just begun dating Randy Howard, the lead singer of the heavy metal band, Rollercoaster.

Shock registered on Damian’s face quickly followed by confusion, “Yes, but why does that matter?” he said.

“Only a man would say that!” Star snapped. “She’s one of the world top models and she’s beautiful! How do I compare to that?”

Damian laughed at Star’s outburst and the filthy look she shot at him. Pulling her into his arms, he rested his chin on top of her head. “There is no comparison.”

Star shoved away from him, before he reeled her back in.

“You are it for me Star Robert’s. What we have is no comparison to any other relationship I’ve ever had. I should never have walked away seven years ago. I should have fought for you, but I myself was devastated, and I thought I was giving you what you wanted. It’s what you do for the one you love.” He kissed her neck, down into the crease of her shoulder. “I can’t lose you again. I love you with all my heart.”

Star reached up, encircling Damian’s neck and burying her fingers into his hair, looking into his eyes, her own moist with emotion.

“Damian Hunt, you are and always have been ‘it’ for me, it was always you,” she said, pulling his lips to hers and sealing their love with a searing kiss. Pulling away, Star looked deep into Damian’s eyes, convinced what she saw was genuine. “We better head back to the house, I think I’ve worried your mum and dad, and we’ve abandoned Skylar with them.”

Chapter Twenty

Star and Damian’s relationship fell into an easy pattern over the next few weeks. They spent time together in the evenings and weekends. Damian even welcomed Christian into their fold, accepting him easily once he saw for himself Skylar’s excitement and the love the man clearly had for Skylar. Damian also recognised that Christian was respectful of Star and her position in Skylar’s life. He didn’t undermine her authority, or overstep the mark, and that went a long way in cementing the men’s relationship.

Lucas was starting to take a more active role in the day-to-day running of the office, although most of his time was still spent working from home. The Board was still causing issues behind the scenes, which had Damian firefighting when he really didn’t need to. Although their relationship was not common knowledge, they were no longer hiding their comings and goings. Damian had made it clear that their relationship was not up for discussion, and Star’s team was happy for her. Pam seemed to have let slip to a couple of people how they had dated at university, and that it was only the death of Star’s sister that had led them to part ways. The rumour mill still ran but with a more positive spin, with many now understanding her strong bond with Lucas.

For three weeks life was idyllic, and then suddenly it wasn’t. Some of the American clients were getting antsy that the head of the office was still out of the country and not dancing to their tune. Damian was fielding calls morning, noon, and even in the middle of the night. It soon became clear that he was not going to be able to stay away from the New York office for much longer, however much he wanted to.

“Come with me to New York,” Damian said one night as they were curled up in his parents’ snug. Skylar was upstairs in her newly decorated room. Mary had taken it on herself and had let Skylar choose how she would like her bedroom to look when she came to stay.

“What do you mean?” Star said.

“You and Skylar – come to the US with me?”

Star was no longer sleepy, and sat upright, turning her body to face Damian’s. “We can’t,” she said.

“Can’t or won’t?” Damian said, his voice taking on an edge Star hadn’t heard before.

“Can’t,” she replied firmly. “Skylar’s life is here. Her father is here. She’s just found him, Damian, I can’t rip her away from him.”

Damian snorted, pulling away from Star. “No, but you’ll forgo our happiness for a man who has had nothing to do with her for the past six years.”

Star felt her temper rising. “This is not about Christian. This is about Skylar! Don’t you think that little girl has been through enough?”

“Stop using her as a shield, Star! Yes, Skylar, had a rough start, and my heart breaks for her, but she’s got an amazing life with you. You are her mummy – don’t you deserve to be happy too?”

“I do,” Star whispered. “But not at her expense. Uprooting our life and moving to New York is not an option.”

“Well, I can’t stay here,” Damian said falling back against the sofa. “I was hoping our relationship meant enough to you to come with me, but clearly I don’t.”

“That’s not fair, Damian, and you know it!” Star snapped. “You came back here, you’ve joined our life, and now you want us to up sticks and move across the world because it suits you?”

“You know I run the New York office – I was always going to have to go back.”

“Yes, and it’s one of the reasons I have held back. I’m sorry, Damian, but I won’t disrupt Skylar’s life, especially now, I can’t.” Star got up and headed for the door, her stomach churning. “I’ll sleep with Skylar tonight.”

As she made her way down the corridor, a smash resounded behind her. Damian had thrown his glass against the wall of the snug.

Silent tears streamed down her face as she crawled into bed next to Skylar, already missing the warmth of Damian’s arms. They had been doomed from the beginning. Watching her daughter sleep, she knew she was making the right decision, although the pain in her chest was acute. The day she’d agreed to raise Skylar, she’d promised her sister she would do her best for her, even if it meant giving her own happiness up. She’d done it once before; she would survive again. She was older and wiser now, and financially independent. She had a good job, great friends. Skylar would grow up to be balanced – she now had a male father figure in her life, her actual father who wanted nothing but the best for her and Skylar. Damian was a pipe dream, one Star had to let go of once and for all.


Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic