Page 60 of Always You

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As Star grabbed her keys from the sideboard, it was Laura and Toby’s turn to look shocked.

“No time like the present,” Star said with a wink, both realising they’d been duped. “Skylar, we need to go,” Star called up the stairs.

Skylar came trundling down the stairs, the teddy Damian had bought her in one hand and her backpack in the other.

“What’s in your bag?” Star asked.

Skylar rolled her eyes. “It’s all the books I’ve read while Damian has been away, I need to show him.”

Star’s eyes glistened at her daughter’s words, “I’m sure he’d love to see what you’ve been reading,” she said, hoping he wouldn’t reject her daughter’s affection even if she herself had blown any chances with him.


Pulling up outside Kingston House, Star switched off the engine. She took a deep breath before turning to Skylar. “Can you stay with Aunty Mary and Uncle Lucas while I go and find Damian?”

“Of course, Mummy,” Skylar said, her eyes shining in excitement. Silly question when there were puppies involved.

Mary met Star at the front step, ushering Skylar into the house, who took off immediately as if she owned the place.

“He’s on his usual running path,” Mary said. “I haven’t told him you were coming. You two need to talk.”

“We do,” Star said, pulling on her trainers and removing her jumper dress. Underneath, she had her running gear on. She’d known, or at least suspected, Damian would be running – it was something they’d done every Sunday morning. The greenery was good for the soul and helped calm the mind. She knew the grounds almost as well as he did; she’d made him explore them with her whenever they got the chance. Star knew this would be the best place for them to meet.

Mary took in her dress and shoes, nodding her approval as Star set off in the opposite direction. She knew she’d never catch him, but if she could meet him halfway round, then she hoped they could talk.

Twenty minutes into her run, Star began to worry that Damian had changed his route or that Mary had got it wrong. It wasn’t until she saw him as a speck ahead that she was able to relax, picking up her pace. She was hot and sweaty by this point, but it wasn’t glamour she wanted to sell to Damian; he had that in America, surrounded by actresses and models. She wanted to sell him the warts and all. If what they had was real, then he needed to see the sweat, blood, and tears that were her life. She needed him to see the real Star Roberts.

Damian’s pace didn’t ease up, even when Star was sure he had seen her. They met halfway, both pulling up, dragging in air. Star leant forwards, resting her hands on her knees, her heart fluttering as Damian smoothed away a piece of hair that had stuck to her cheek as if it were the most natural thing in the world for him to do. Reaching up, her hand snaked behind his head as she pulled his lips to hers. The salty taste of his workout and hers was like nectar to a honeybee as their lips collided, and Damian didn’t wait for a further invitation, pulling her body flush against his own. One hand nestled in her hair, the other sliding over her bottom and down her thigh, hitching her leg around his waist. Star jumped, her legs wrapping themselves tight around Damian’s waist, the evidence of his pleasure at seeing her nestled close to where she ached the most. Star moaned deep into his mouth as their tongues battled for supremacy, their hands frantic as they sought out flesh.

Damian manoeuvred them into the Dell at the side of the path. Away from prying eyes, they made short work of each other’s clothes before Damian dropped to his knees, his mouth latching on to the moist folds between her legs. Star’s head swam with the sensation, her knees buckling, her breath coming out in pants. This was not what she had expected when she’d come in search of him; she knew she needed to speak to him, but their desire for each other was overwhelming. Damian lowered her to the ground, his body moving back up hers, locking his mouth to hers, allowing her to taste herself on his lips. Spreading her legs Star locked her ankles behind his back, angling herself up to draw him in. Neither of them had the power or will to wait. Damian did not hesitate, thrusting himself deep, leaving them both breathless and moaning as the sensation of coming together overwhelmed them. Star rolled Damian onto his back, sitting herself astride him, taking charge as she teased his head with her opening before sliding up and down his hard length. Damian’s eyes remained locked on hers, his raw desire plain to see.

Tension coiled in Star’s belly as Damian’s hands reached for her breasts, his thumbs stroking her tender nipples, warming them against the coolness of the morning breeze. Star continued to move up and down in a rhythm only their bodies knew. A moan escaped her lips as she rested her hands on his shoulders, digging into the solid muscles she found there. Damian reached up, taking a puckered nipple in his mouth. Star’s muscles began to tighten around Damian, her body shattering as her orgasm hit her. Damian’s own followed quickly behind. Star dropped her forehead to Damian’s as she waited for his shudders to stop. Her own muscles were still fluttering inside with the intensity of what they had just shared.

Star rolled off and lay panting on the grass next to Damian.

“That was not what I expected when I left the house for a run this morning,” Damian said, rolling onto his side. Taking her hand, he interlocked their fingers before bringing it to his mouth.

“I take it you don’t usually ravish ladies while you’re on your morning run then?” Star said cheekily.

“Only woodland sprites,” Damian said, bending down and reclaiming her lips.

Placing her hand on Damian’s naked chest, she eased herself away, “We need to talk.”

Damian flopped back onto his back and stared at the blue sky above, the sunlight flickering through the leaves above them.

It was Star’s turn to move. Sitting up, she hugged her knees to her chest, offering herself some coverage against Damian’s heated gaze. “I want to apologise. I flew off the handle yesterday when I should have listened.”

“You did,” he said, taking her hand again as she tried to withdraw, “but I deserved it. I’m sorry I didn’t stay around to listen.”

“We need to work on our communication,” Star said, drawing his hand to her mouth and placing a kiss on his palm.

“We do. Probably with clothes on,” Damian said, grinning as he hauled himself to his feet, pulling Star up alongside him. Cradling her face in his hand, he stared deeply into her eyes. “I love you, Star. I want us to work, whatever it takes. I don’t think I can cope with losing you again.”

Stars eyes prickled and her breath caught. A warmth spread through her chest, defrosting the ice that had been present since his departure. Star moved into Damian’s arms, encircling his waist and resting her head against his bare chest. His heartbeat was erratic as hers.

“I love you, too. I never thought I’d get to say that to you again.” They stood locked in each other’s arms until a cool breeze whipped through the trees, causing goose bumps to rise on their skin, making them laugh .

“We better get back,” Star said, “Your mum is going to think we’ve killed each other. But, Damian, we still need to talk.”

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic