Page 54 of Always You

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Chapter Eighteen

Friday night came about all too quickly. It had now been a week and a half since Damian’s departure and still no word from him. Star went into professional mode when working with Lucas, and so Damian never came up unless they were discussing the client, and then, it was if they were simply talking about another employee. Star found it odd but decided it must be Lucas’s way of trying to return their relationship back to pre-Damian levels.

Today, however, she needed to put Damian out of her mind, although she wished he was there to offer her comfort and let her know she was doing the right thing. Laura and Toby were both on hand to deal with any questions and to hopefully share in Skylar’s excitement.

“Skylar, I have a surprise for you tomorrow,” Star said to her daughter over the dinner table.

Skylar looked at her, her eyes wide in anticipation. “What surprise Mummy? Is Damian coming back?”

Star faltered, her chest suddenly tight. Skylar had been asking after Damian all week and she was running out of excuses.

“No honey,” she said, “Damian is still very busy in America.” She hated lying. “I think you’ll like this surprise even better than Damian coming back.”

Skylar tilted her head in an expression that reminded Star so much of Lily, it made her jaw ache. “What surprise?”

“Well, your daddy wants to come and meet you.”

“My daddy?” Skylar stared at Star open mouthed.

“Yes, your daddy,” Star replied, smiling

“You found him? He knows about me?” she asked.

“Yes, munchkin, and he really wants to meet you.”

Skylar’s eyes suddenly filled with tears. “He wants to meet me?” she repeated, making Stars own eyes fill up.

“Yes, angel, he wants to come and see you tomorrow.”

Skylar burst into tears. Star panicked, looking at both Laura and Toby for support. For the first time since Skylar was born, Star didn’t know what to do.

“Hey, squidge, why are you crying?” Toby said as he squatted down next to Skylar.

“I prayed asking for a daddy. I thought God might make Damian my daddy, but instead he brought my real daddy home.” Star caught the sob before it escaped, her chest burning under the pressure. Laura had moved round the table to grab her in a hug, her own face wet with tears.

“Well, your real daddy wants to meet you,” Toby said, taking charge of the conversation, realising Star and Laura needed a moment to pull themselves together.

Skylar wiped her face on her sleeve and beamed up at Toby. “Uncle Toby, my daddy really wants to meet me? When is he coming?”

Star marvelled at her daughter’s ability to recover and flip her emotions from one to the other.

“He does, squidge, and he’s coming tomorrow morning.” Toby said, pulling the little girl into his arms.

Skylar’s eyes flew to Star. “What’s wrong, Mummy?” Skylar said, concern covering her little face.

“Nothing’s wrong, angel,” Star said, smiling through her own tears. “I’m just happy that you’re happy.” Pulling Skylar in for a big hug, she kissed the top of her head, breathing in her clean, child scent.

“Can I show him my room and my toys?” Skylar’s eyes flitted from one adult to the next, her growing excitement contagious.

“Yes, but you may want to tidy your room up a bit,” Star said, knowing her dolls were strewn across the carpet.

Skylar jumped up and raced for the door. “I’ll do that now.”

“Don’t you want to have your pudding first?” Laura asked.

Skylar stopped and tilted her head again, as if weighing up the options. “Yes,” she said, “Tidying can wait as I have until tomorrow morning.”


Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic