Page 24 of Always You

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“You wouldn’t be saying ‘date’ if it were one of the other Mums,” Star pointed out.

“True, but this is the ‘hot’ new dad, who is single,” Laura pointed out, adding, “Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great. You should go out on a date – it’s about time.”

“It is not a date! I don’t do dates. This is two parents taking their girls, who happen to be friends, to the cinema and then for some food. No date! You can’t have a date with two six-year-olds there!” Star said, suddenly concerned. She hadn’t thought of it this way when Andrew had asked her. Surely he wasn’t thinking about this as a date! This was a playdate, plain and simple. Just the cinema and then food. She was letting Laura, Toby, and even Damian get in her head! She’d show them – she could be friends with her daughter’s new friend’s single, good-looking dad.

“Okay, whatever you say,” Laura said, sounding unconvinced.

“You’ll see, he’s picking us up on Saturday,” Star said.

“Okay, so not a date!” Laura said with a smirk, before leaving the room.


Friday came about really quickly. Star had relaxed a bit, as the team had all pulled together since Jackson had left, and she was able to trust that the tasks she delegated would get done. Life was looking up. After their impromptu meeting at the hospital, Star had managed to keep her distance from Damian, but was now being chased by Pam, who was complaining that she’d been abandoned. As it was Friday, Star had suggested they go for a catch-up lunch, which Pam jumped at, locking it into her calendar as an appointment.

They met in reception before heading to their favourite little Italian. The owner knew that lunch breaks were time restricted, so made sure the food came on time, which made it popular with the lunchtime crowd.

“So, what’s new?” Pam said when they were seated at a table. “I know it’s not me you’re avoiding, so I can only assume it’s Damian.”

“I went to see Lucas in the hospital a few nights ago. Mary invited me, and then Damian showed up. Lucas was probing me about Damian and me. It was so embarrassing; I didn’t know what to say. Then Mary took me for a coffee and told me I need to stop putting my life on hold.”

“Well, Star, Mary has a point. When did you last go out on a date? When did you last truly let your hair down and enjoy yourself, and I’m not talking about the Christmas party or client drinks!”

Star was getting tired of everyone questioning her about her love life; it was her choice to be single. She was more than happy with just her and Skylar. “I don’t need a man to fulfil my life.”

“I’m not talking about fulfilling; I’m talking about enhancing. Having someone there to support and help you. Before you say it, I’m not talking about myself or Mary, or even Toby and Laura. I’m talking about someone for you, and someone who is above school age. I’m talking romance and orgasms!”

Star covered her face with her hands and laughed. It was beginning to feel like the world was ganging up on her. Before she had time to think it through, Star blurted out, “Well, as it happens, I’m going on a date tomorrow!”

“You are?” Pam’s eyes lit up.

“Yes. Well, it’s actually a date with Skylar and Olivia, her new best friend, and Andrew, Olivia’s dad, who just so happens to be single. He asked if we wanted to go to the cinema and he’s picking us up. We are going to dinner afterwards.”

Pam looked confused. “So you’re going on a date with your two daughters?”

Star’s shoulders sagged. “No, that’s just what Laura said it was. I say it’s simply a playdate for our daughters. If it were another Mum, no one would bat an eye lid, but because I’m a single mum and he’s a single dad, everyone seems to be putting two and two together and coming up with five.”

Pam laughed. “Don’t worry,” she said, patting Star’s hand over the table as their food was delivered. “It may flourish into a romance, and if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t matter. However, if you don’t go, you’ll never know. Is he good looking?”

Star rolled her eyes and ignored Pam’s question.

Before they knew it, it was time for them to get back to work.

Entering reception, there were plenty of people milling about, some coming and others going. Before they parted company, Pam shouted, “I hope your date goes well tomorrow!”

Star shot Pam a look of confusion, only to see Damian standing watching them both.

“Thank you, I’ll let you know,” Star said, unable to help herself.

Damian’s eyes flashed, a look of annoyance crossing his face. For some reason, a sense of satisfaction enveloped Star. She was unsure what Pam was doing, but she felt the need to let Damian think she had a life, that she wasn’t just some single mother left on the shelf. There was life after Damian Hunt, even if it was fabricated.


The next day, Andrew arrived promptly at twelve-thirty. Laura rushed to the door to open it and let Andrew and Olivia in, offering them a warm welcome.

“Star’s just coming,” Laura said. “I’m her housemate and best friend, Laura. Pleased to meet you.”

If Andrew was taken aback, he didn’t show it. “You are also one of the teachers at the school?” Andrew asked, smiling at Laura.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic