Page 23 of Always You

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Star sucked in a loud breath, “No, you can’t do that, Mary,” Star said, horrified. “I hurt Damian, more than you can ever know. In order to get him to leave, I let him believe I didn’t love him – that I never had.”

“I know why Damian left, Star; I always have. I know you let him find you with Toby,” Mary said gently. “It was smart and clever, and probably the only way you could have got my stubborn son to leave. It shows how well you knew Damian.” Mary clasped Star’s hand over the table. “Nothing short of you being unfaithful would have made him leave.” Shaking her head, Mary continued, “I was so angry at Lucas for interfering, especially when I heard about Lily. Lucas was a different man then, too focused. All he could see was Damian needing to make a mark on his own, and he wanted nothing to stop him.” A deep sadness tinged Mary’s voice. Star was in shock; she had no idea Mary knew why she and Damian had split up.

Mary patted her hand. “I asked Damian a couple of years ago what had happened. It was then he told me. Lucas admitted to me he’d asked you to convince Damian to leave. I disagreed, but by then the damage had already been done.”

“Oh, Mary, I don’t know what to say.”

“Do you still love him?” Mary asked.

“I don’t know what I feel. My head tells me I can’t still love him, that he’s a different man now. It’s been so long, yet my heart re-breaks every time I look at him.” Star stared at her hands. “So much time has passed and my life has turned upside down. I’m not the same person I was seven years ago. Damian has achieved so much, and I can only think of Skylar.”

“That’s where you are wrong!” Mary said, clasping Star’s hand. “You have a child – that doesn’t mean your life has to stop. You are young, beautiful, and intelligent. When Lily asked you to take care of Skylar, she didn’t expect you to stop living, Star. Far from it. Your sister loved you, she loved Damian, and wanted the best for both you and her daughter. She knew you would be able to offer her daughter the unconditional love she was not going to be able to give her, but she would not have wanted you to give up on your own happiness. She fought so hard to stay on this earth with you both, but that wasn’t God’s plan for her. The last thing she’d want is for you to live a half-life.”

Tears filled Star’s eyes at the mention of Lily, and Mary patted her hand. Star knew Mary was right. Lily had fought to survive. She’d had such a thirst for life and adventure, something Star had always envied in her sister – that she’d always been the braver one. But Star wasn’t sure how to do everything Mary was asking. At the moment, she couldn’t allow for something to slip. Was Mary right? Had she put her life on hold? She had a plan, and once that was accomplished, then maybe she could start thinking about getting back into the dating scene. Until then, she had to get her job sorted and look after Skylar.

“Just think about what I’ve said. It’s never too late. Open yourself up; don’t lock yourself away.”

Chapter Eight

Mary’s talk continued to play on Star’s mind over the weekend. Was she doing Skylar a disservice? Should she be looking for a father figure for her daughter? She knew better than to bring this up with Laura, as Laura and Toby had spent years trying to set her up with one friend after another, telling her constantly that she needed to get back out there. Star had pushed their matchmaking to the back of her mind, but maybe she needed to rethink. What harm could it do? She didn’t have to introduce anyone to Skylar unless she was sure it was serious …

It wasn’t until Star was collecting Skylar from after-school club that she finally bumped into Olivia and her dad. Skylar had run over and grabbed her hand. “Mummy, Mummy, Olivia’s dad is here. Pleeeease can you arrange a play date.” Star had been pulled across the hall and pushed in front of Olivia’s father, who was surrounded by a couple of the other mothers. Andrew Dennison was in his mid-thirties, with short blond hair and brilliant blue eyes. He wasn’t handsome in the traditional sense, but there was kindness to his face that instantly put Star at ease.

Greeting the other mothers who were congregating around him, Star stepped forwards and introduced herself, holding out her hand in greeting. She was more than a little embarrassed at her daughter’s intrusion.

“Skylar’s mum! Thank goodness,” Andrew said with a smile, giving her his full attention. “I’m so glad to finally meet you. Olivia has been nonstop about having a playdate with Skylar, and I have to admit, I misplaced your number.” The sheepish grin he shot Star was endearing and she found herself warming to him instantly.

“No problem, I know what it’s like. All the bits of paper that come home from school!”

“May I take your number again?” he said, getting out his phone and unlocking it, before passing it to Star to enter her details. The other mothers slowly drifted away, leaving Star and Andrew alone. Even the girls had wandered off, content that their role in arranging a playdate was complete.

“So do you have a date?”

“Pardon?” Star said, startled at his question.

“For the playdate?” Andrew said, unaware of her awkwardness. Star felt the colour start to rise in her cheeks but stamped it down.

“I can either take Olivia home with us one evening for dinner, or she can come over one Saturday,” Star said, mentally flicking through her diary.

“Well, I don’t know about Skylar, but Olivia is dying to see the new Disney movie,” he suggested.

“Is she ever,” Star laughed.

“Well how about we take the girls to the cinema on Saturday, if you’re free, that is?”

Knowing they had no plans this weekend, Star smiled and agreed. It would be nice to have some adult company for a change and it would solve two problems at once: Skylar would have the playdate she’d been on about for the past week, and Star could tick the movie off in one hit.

“Excellent, shall I pick you both up on Saturday? Save us both trying to find somewhere to park,” Andrew said, before adding, “Maybe we can grab something to eat afterwards in one of the restaurants.” The cinema was in a complex that catered to everything, from bowling and swimming, to a cinema and restaurants. It was a one-stop shop in entertainment.

“Sounds like a plan,” Star said, scribbling down her address for Andrew. “I better get going. Skylar will be so happy we’ve finally managed to arrange something. See you Saturday.”

Skylar chatted continuously about her playdate with Olivia all the way home, and accosted Laura and Toby with the tale as soon as they got in.

“So, you’re going on a date with the new single dad?” Laura asked, when Skylar had left the room.

“What? No!” Star said, looking horrified. “We’re simply taking our daughters to the cinema to see a film.”

“And then dinner afterward?” Laura probed.

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