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The next day after breakfast, Ryan showed her the ranch.

“I guess we’ll start with the barn.”

“Let me get my coat.”


She came back into the kitchen. “I’m ready.”

He held the back door open for her. “Let’s go this way, it’s closer.”

Kaylie walked outside and waited until he’d closed the door.

Ryan took her hand and they walked out to the barn.

Inside, he switched on the lights.

“For some reason, I always thought barns didn’t have electricity.”

He laughed. “In the olden days, but this farm is as modern as I can make it. Including electricity in all the out buildings. Come outside, I have something I think you’ll enjoy.” He walked toward the back of the huge building and out through the door there.

Sitting outside was a small two seat helicopter.

Her eyes widened and she fisted her hands and ran in place. “You have a helicopter! Your own helicopter!”

He grinned. “Yes, I do. Do you want to go for a ride?”

“Do I ever? I’d love to.”

He took her hand again. “Let’s go.”

They ran toward the aircraft.

Ryan helped her in and made sure she was buckled in. Then he went around and climbed into the pilot’s seat.

“You really know how to fly this?”

“I do.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve wanted to ride in one forever.”

“Now you can…whenever you want. Just let me know.”

She kept the smile plastered on her face knowing that she’d be leaving in a few short weeks. She couldn’t get involved with Ryan. Heck, he was a billionaire. Not just his father, but him in his own right. She read up on him as much as was available on the plane ride here but she didn’t remember if he inherited from his grandfather or maybe it was a gaming company he’d sold or whatever, she didn’t care. She wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

He took the helicopter up and flew around the area.

“How much of this property is yours?” She asked over the whap-whap-whap of the helo’s blades.

“All of it. I have about twenty-thousand acres here and I don’t use but half of it for cattle. I’m trying to grow trees on part of it, to reforest the land and I grow hay and alfalfa on some of it to feed the cattle in the winter.”

“Wow. I don’t know what to say. I’ve never known anyone with their own helipad before.”

He laughed. “All that and the thing that impresses you the most is this little helicopter. Why am I not surprised?”

She shrugged and laughed. “What can I say? I’m a simple girl with simple tastes.”

Tags: Cynthia Woolf Romance