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He looked at her, rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Simple tastes, huh? We’ll see.”

Now what in the world did he mean by that?

They flew around for about an hour, he showed her the area with the trees, then flew to the south ranch.

“The south ranch is another whole operation.” He had to yell over the sound of the helicopter blades. “It’s smaller because the beef is organic and much more expensive to raise.”

She yelled back. “But don’t you sell the cow for more money, too?”

He nodded. “But not for as much as you would think, given the price in the store.”

He finally landed right where they’d taken off from.

Kaylie was exhilarated and excited. Her insides were dancing. She’d never done anything that was so much fun and she learned a lot about his operation.

“Is this the only ranch you have?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”

“Because your organic operation seems pretty small compared to what I believe you could be doing if you had more land devoted to that kind of cattle operation.”

He shrugged a little and put his hands in his front jeans pockets. “You’re right, I do. I have a ranch in Colorado about half this size and another one in Texas that is bigger than this one.”

She grinned. “I knew you couldn’t do anything halfway and the operation at the south ranch is definitely halfway. You had to be doing more.”

“You’re right. We do testing here and then apply it to the other ranches. What combination of hay, grass, and alfalfa is the best for the heaviest cow? Or the best marbling or leanest meat or whatever they need to know to make the operation a success.”

“Someday, I’d like to see the south ranch from the ground.”

“Maybe someday but not now. Not when I’m supposed to be keeping you safe. Speaking of which, I’m keeping the men posted only at night because I’m with you during the day. Okay?”

“I’m okay with that. I know how to shoot a gun. My dad taught me when we lived in Colorado.”

“Have you shot one since?”

She looked at the ground. “Maybe.”

“I hope you never have to use it but you need to know how to handle a gun.”

She placed her hand on his arm. “This isn’t your fight. It’s mine. I need to be prepared.”

He gave her a single nod. “You’re right, you do. I’ll fly us out away from the ranch buildings and we can practice. Tomorrow. Not today.”

“That’s fine. Tomorrow.”

* * *

The next morningRyan flew them out to where he’d set up a firing range.

She waved her arm taking in the range. “Looks like you use this often.”

“I have to keep up my skill set.”

“Yes, I suppose you do. I just wish it wasn’t because of me.” She turned toward the copter to get her ear protection.

He stopped her. “I don’t keep this just for you. I use this range at least once a week, every week, all year long.”

She nodded. “Got it.”

Tags: Cynthia Woolf Romance