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“Yeah, it’s a chick magnet,” I tease.

“Shut up.” She giggles. “No chicks better be touching or even looking at my man.”

“Hearing you say that is hot as hell,” I admit, lowering until I capture her lip between my teeth.

As we make love, our ragged breaths fill the silent space.

I pick up my pace, pounding faster and causing her glorious tits to bounce. We’re needy and moan together, a melodic sound of audible emotions.

“Damn, baby,” I groan. “You feel so good. I could stay here all goddamn night.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” she repeats. As the intensity builds and our releases threaten to take hold, she tugs my hair.

“Come inside me,” she urges.

I pant, my heartbeat in my ears. “Cami, that’s risky.”

“I’m on the pill,” she reassures me. “I’ve…never shared that with anyone before. I want it to be you, Eli.”

My mouth goes dry, and I know if I continue pumping into her, I won’t pull out fast enough. However, the thought of Cami pregnant with my baby has me wanting to lose all control.

With my arms on each side of her, I hold myself above her petite frame. I move my face closer to hers, twisting my tongue with hers as I ram my cock inside her tight little cunt.

Her pants quicken, and when her body seizes again, she demands I fuck her. Deep in the pit of my stomach, I feel the build. I move upright and pull her thighs toward me, ramming harder like she wants. Cami studies me, and my vision blurs as I spill inside her, releasing deep groans as the orgasm takes over. As I try to inhale, I lean down, and we exchange a searing-hot kiss.

“Wow,” she blows out, satisfied, tucking her bottom lip into her mouth.

I give her a wink and then help clean her up, both of us unable to stop touching each other.

Afterward, we lie together and stare up at the ceiling. Eventually, Cami and I move to face each other. I reach over and push her hair behind her ear. I notice her cheeks are rosy red, and her lips are swollen.

“I’m speechless,” she finally says, staring like she’s scared I’ll disappear if she blinks. “And you know how rare that is for me. I feel like we just did this soul-bonding ritual like in those fantasy books.”

Laughter escapes me. “You’re so fucking cute,” I admit, and she leans forward and captures my mouth. I deepen the kiss, and she moans against me.

“It was intense,” I admit, trying to make sense of what I’m feeling. I want to tell her how much I love her, how much I’ve always loved her, but I also don’t want to say those words too soon and scare her away. So I keep them to myself, but I think she feels it too.

We make out like ravenous teenagers making up for lost time. When I finally pull away, we’re both breathless. “Take a break, because I’m ready for more of you.” She glances down at my cock.

“Are you gonna name him too?” I ask, referencing to how she named her vibrator. I place my hands behind my head and grin.

She scrunches her nose, thinking hard. “Maybe. Hmm. Zeus? That sounds like a name for something big and mighty.”

A roar of a laugh escapes me. “Oh really? You’re too good for my ego.”

Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her close to my body, and she lays her head against my chest and listens to my heartbeat. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to be with you like this?”

“Do you know how long I’ve waited?” she counters.

“A week?” I ask.

“Wrong,” she states, peeking up at me. “You’re so wrong, and you don’t even know.”

The words are like music to my ears as she shifts, then straddles me. She grabs my cock that’s still hard, then takes every inch of me again, rocking her hips as I grip her waist. Her head falls back on her shoulders, and she takes full control. This is the Cami I love, the one who knows what she wants and takes it without apology.

With her name on my lips, I dig my thumbs into her skin, driving into her. Cami rides me until we’re close to the edge, then soon we’re spilling over.

“Four,” she screams out as we both chase our high. She runs her fingernails down my rib cage and mixes pleasure with pain. Cami paints her mouth across mine while we’re still connected, fully satiated.

“One more to go,” I tell her with a smug smile.

“I’m numb from the waist down.”

“Then you better hold on.” Swiftly, I grab her waist and flip her on her back, then rub my fingers over her clit. It’s swollen, and I can tell it’s sensitive.

“Holy shit,” Cami mutters as her eyes roll to the back of her head. It’s only another couple of minutes until she’s digging her nails in my arm and exploding in relief.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance