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Eli places his fingers under my chin and forces me to look into his emerald green eyes. “It took some planning.”

A few tears stream down my cheeks because no man has ever done anything so special for me before. Eli leans in and kisses my tears away. “What’s wrong? Everything okay?”

I wrap my arms around his waist. “I’m just overwhelmed with happiness. This is all so perfect and thoughtful. Incredibly sweet. I’m just…I don’t deserve all this.”

“You do and more. But wait until you see what I cooked.” He chuckles, and I notice how good he looks, and damn, I’m ready to undress him with my teeth.

Grabbing my hand, he walks me over to the table and uncovers two large bowls. A plate in the middle is stacked full of homemade-looking crackers, and my stomach is screaming out in protest because it smells so good, and I’m starving.

“Lobster bisque with bread crisps,” he says.

“Eli,” I whisper. “It smells so good.”

Pulling the chair from under the table, he motions for me to sit. We might still be in the cabin but sitting under the fake stars and listening to the sounds of crickets lightly chirp is one of the most romantic dates I’ve ever had. This is everything I ever dreamed of, more than I expected, and I’m not worthy of this.

He fills two glasses full of wine, and I take a sip, grinning over the rim. I pick up the spoon and taste the bisque. “Yep, pretty sure I just died. This is so good.” When did he make this, and how did I not smell it? The man is a pro at being stealthy.

Eli licks his lips. “I’ll teach you how to make it one day.”

I nearly spew out my wine. “With my current record, we better start with ramen.”

“I was worried my clues might be too hard,” he says with a chuckle. “I forgot how much shit I remembered over the years.”

“The kitchen one got me for a second until I saw the oven light, but honestly it was the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever done for me,” I admit, my temperature rising at the intensity that streams between us as he studies me. I’m nervous and unworthy of the man sitting in front of me.

“Well, there’s a lot more where that came from, baby.”

I chuckle at his playful wink. “I swear I’m living in a Hallmark movie right now.” I bite my bottom lip, and he smirks.

“Well, there’ll be no fade to black tonight.” His voice is velvety smooth, and his confidence is sexy as hell. Is tonight finally the night? Butterflies flutter in my stomach, and my heart pounds at his words.

I down my wine. I’m already feeling it swarm through my body, or maybe it’s Eli who’s making me feel that way.

Our dinner is delicious. We talk and laugh, and everything between us feels natural and perfect. We finish eating, and I pour the rest of the wine that’s left into my glass. He opens another bottle and fills his too.

“I want to dance with you,” I tell him.

Eli chuckles and stands. He grabs the remote to the sound system and randomly finds a song. It’s an old classic that’s played at weddings—Nat King Cole’s “Unforgettable.” I somewhat stumble getting up, but he’s by my side in a second to steady me.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, he pulls me to him, and we slowly move together. All of my exes hated dancing at the events I dragged them to and acted like it was a huge inconvenience. But not with Eli. The song ends, and another begins, and he holds me closer as if I’ll slip through his fingers. I lean my head against his chest, and we sway together in harmony.

When I step back and smile, Eli’s eyes are locked on me. Seductive and sexy. He dips his head down, and our mouths connect in a feverish kiss, the passion sizzling when our tongues twist. I moan against him and fist his shirt. I need Eli. He groans, and I need him right now, and I don’t have to say it because he knows.

We grow greedier, more desperate, and soon, my back presses against the wall as Eli’s muscular body leans into me. His touch is light and warm against my skin like a summer breeze.

“Cami, fuck,” he growls, standing inches from me as his hand trails up my thighs. Eli lifts my dress, then slides my panties down to my ankles, and I step out of them. I’ve wanted him since the moment I saw him tonight, and the last hour was grueling as I waited in anticipation. With steady fingers, he rubs my clit, and my knees nearly buckle from how goddamn good it feels. My eyes flutter closed, and I whisper his name like a prayer, knowing it won’t be long before he pushes me over the edge.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance