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“Cami,” I growl. She looks up at me with big blue eyes, humming. “Fuck, your mouth feels so goddamn good,” I admit, running my fingers through her hair.

She slides her hand over my shaft as she takes all of me. When my dick touches the back of her throat, she gags but keeps going. Watching her choke on my erection is hot as fuck as her head bobs up and down. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to last as she trails her tongue down to the base, then sucks and licks my balls. She’s gentle but also forceful in her own way, letting me know she’s in control right now. And fuck, I don’t even care. The woman is a savage and doesn’t leave an inch untouched as she gives me the royal treatment. Right now, I feel like a fucking king with her mouth all over me.

My eyes roll back, and while I didn’t want to cross the line like this, I have no regrets. I let out an animalistic groan as she increases the pace and pressure. Before I explode, she stops with a naughty smirk.

“Good enough?” She looks up at me with a popped eyebrow, casually flicking her tongue against me, making everything overly sensitive.

Leaning closer, I grin, already missing her mouth on me, but I don’t tell her that. “Sure. I’ll finish,” I say, shrugging.

As I lower my hand, Cami laughs and pushes me away, then places her sweet lips back where they belong.

“Not a chance in hell. This cock is mine now, Eli. Remember that.” She goes slow, which is fucking agonizing. The orgasm builds in the pit of my stomach as she devours me. Cami is a goddamn fucking pro and deserves a gold medal because she’s the best I’ve ever had. Perhaps it’s the fact that my feelings for her are more intense than I’ve ever had before, but everything is a hundred times better with her.

I fist the comforter as electricity shoots up my spine. She feasts on me, and I can’t take it any longer and release inside her. Cami swallows with a satisfying hum, and a huge fucking smile on her face. She licks me clean, devouring every single drop like it’s candy.

“You taste so good, Eli,” she whispers, not taking her eyes off me. She moans with satisfaction, and I can tell she wants me. All of me. More than what she just had. God, I want to fuck her into next week, next month, next year.

“Thank you,” I say. She gives me a seductive wink, and I don’t know how any man could leave her. My sweet, seductive, sassy Cami is the whole fucking package.

Cami continues up the bed until her mouth presses against mine. “So fucking hot,” she tells me, and I can’t resist touching her soft skin. My palm goes straight to her pebbled nipple. Her head falls back on her shoulders, and I slide my mouth to her neck until I’m at her ear.

“Let me repay you,” I whisper, and she moves away, searching my face with a grin.

“What did you have in mind?”

I love it when she’s playful like this.

Rolling her off me, I slip my hand into her panties and move my fingers across her needy clit. Her body instantly reacts, and when I slide inside her pussy, she squeals and arches her back.

“Baby,” I whisper as her mouth crashes against mine. “You’re so fucking wet,” I say between bated breaths.

“Your touch…” she says, trailing off, leaning against the pillows. “It’s fucking magical.”

Adding another finger inside her tight little cunt, I watch her eyes flutter closed as she sinks into me. “Make me come, Eli. I need it badly.”

I love her demanding tone and that she knows exactly what she wants. With all my strength, I rip the panties off her body, and they snap in a second. She lets out a small grunt and then grins as I tuck them under my pillow as a keepsake. My mouth captures her nipple, and I palm the other while thrusting two fingers inside her hot body and rubbing circles with the pad of my thumb against her clit. The way she reacts to my touch has me wanting to come again.

She grinds against me, and I know she needs to come, but I want to put her through the same agony she put me through, so I dramatically slow to a snail’s pace. Her chest rises and falls so quickly that it’s obvious she’s dangling on the edge.

“Eli,” she pants, wrapping her hand around my neck. “Eli. Please.”

I close the gap between us and kiss her, twirling my tongue with hers. Within just a few minutes of continuing to work her clit precisely the way she loves, her back arches, and every muscle in her body tightens as she sucks in a breath. She moans my name as she relaxes against me, and it’s the sweetest fucking sound I’ve ever heard.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance