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Tyler steps back and blinks. His eyes glance down once before snapping back to mine. “Uh, Sophie texted me to wake you up because she’s trying to call you.”

“Okay. I’ll call her. Anything else?”

Tyler focuses on the ceiling and shakes his head. “Nope.”

I furrow my brows, wondering why he’s acting so weird. Looking down, I realize I’m only in my sports bra and shorts. “Oh, now you’re shy?” I chuckle. “You walked in on me getting out of the bathtub naked, remember?”

He squeezes his eyes shut. “That was an accident.”

“Mm-hmm,” I tease. “Relax, I’ll get dressed.”

“Good, because Liam is getting really strong, and I don’t want him kicking my ass for seeing you like this.”

“What? Did he say something?” I jab my finger in his ribs so he’ll look at me.

“Jesus.” He yelps, stepping back. “I’m leaving now. Get dressed and call your sister.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Tell your possessive best friend that I’ll walk around naked if I want.”

“I wouldn’t recommend that.” He peels open one eye and squints. “The last time I made a joke about you, he had me by the throat against the wall. Remember?”

Guilt creeps up at the memory of how worked up Liam got while waiting for Victoria to file divorce papers.

“Is he getting that bad?” I ask. By the time I see him every day, he’s already spent hours at the gym, then after he cleans up, he’ll go track a fugitive until the evening. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was purposely avoiding me, but I understand he’s trying to juggle a lot at the moment.

Tyler nods. “He’s getting anxious not knowing who he’s fighting yet, and JJ keeps texting him reminders about how important this fight is.”

I groan. God, I hate that ugly ass piece of shit.

“Okay, fine,” I surrender. “Getting dressed now.”

Tyler walks away, and I check my phone, seeing eight text messages from Sophie. She has a full day of rehearsals before she’s off for the holiday and asked me to run to the grocery store for some last-minute items she needs for tomorrow’s feast.

Maddie: I’ll grab everything, stop worrying.

Sophie: Thank you! Love you!

Maddie: Next time, don’t send Beanstalk to wake me up, though!

Sophie: I had no choice, sleepyhead!

I snicker and set my phone down so I can get ready for the day. Once I’m dressed and presentable, I head to my car and crank it, but it doesn’t turn over.

What the fuck?

I try it again and nothing. Well, great.

Grabbing my stuff, I walk back into the house and look for Tyler.

“Hey,” I say when I see him in the kitchen. “My car won’t start for some reason. Any chance I can take your truck to the store to get groceries for Soph?”

He looks at me, concerned. “It won’t start at all?”

I shake my head. “Just makes a weird noise, then dies. I have no idea.” Shrugging, I pout. “I can take an Uber if it’s an issue.”

“No, of course not. But I’m a little worried after what happened to the G-Wagon. You should let me look at it.”

I smirk and cross my arms. “You know how to work on cars?”

“Don’t look so surprised.” He chuckles, then grabs his keys. “C’mon, I’ll take you so I can buy some tools and oil. When’s the last time it’s had an oil change?”

I follow him to the front door. “Uhh…”

“Oh, Madilocks. I’m about to teach you some life skills today.”

Groaning, I walk out to his truck. “That sounds like zero fun actually.”

An hour later, we’re back at the house with everything on Sophie’s list and everything from the auto aisle. Tyler talks to me about car shit and what could be wrong with it, and honestly, he’d be better off talking to me in a foreign language because I don’t have a clue what any of it means.

As I unload the bags, he changes and returns in old-looking jeans and a ripped T-shirt. “Come out when you’re done. I want you to watch.”

I give him a look that says I’d rather be anywhere else.

“Stop being a baby.”

“I’m not! I just don’t want to tinker around in an engine.”

Tyler laughs hard. “You don’t tinker in an engine, Mads.”

I roll my eyes. “Whatever…can’t you just fix it, and I’ll give you a big hug in thanks?” I flash him a sweet smile.

“Nice try.” He grabs the extra bags of parts he bought. “Meet me out in there in five, I mean it.”

I grunt loudly. “Fine. I have to change again because I’m not getting my nice clothes dirty.”

“Don’t really care what you wear as long as it covers your body.”

He’s gone before he can see my scowl, and I grab my phone to send Liam a text.

Maddie: Is there a reason you’ve put Tyler on dress-code duty? He won’t even look me in the eyes!

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance