Page 56 of D!ckhead

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Hammer’s blood was hotter than lava, about to burn through his skin and consume everything in its path.Hewas the only one allowed to manhandle Dex.

But there were ladies present, and Hammer liked to think of himself as a gentleman, so he took a deep breath and stepped between the rude fucker and Dex. “Back in your lane while you still can. I only ever give one warning.”

The bald one came closer, no longer set on keeping the peace. “Or what? Are you gonna—”

Hammer pulled a knife out from underneath his jacket. Being a gentleman had its limits. He threw the knife right above the head of the woman in pink. Her eyes grew wide when the blade lodged itself in the wooden wall behind her.

She screamed.

“I said,one warning,” Hammer said through his teeth, even though this throw was a generous warning number two.

The women stepped away, and the one in pink tugged at her man’s arm, but it was too late. His adrenaline levels had risen, and he’d rather risk being stomped into the floor than give up like a reasonable animal faced with inevitable defeat.

“Is there a problem?” Steve asked, appearing out of nowhere as if the situation were still salvageable.

“Yes, this pervert threw a knife at my wife, because she told him to stop flaunting it!” the one with the stubble said with so much anger Hammer could only assume he believed his own bullshit.

“We were just minding our own business. It’s you who still insist on being my target practice. And I’m much worse at aiming with this,” Hammer said as he grabbed a throwing axe out of Dex’s hand.

“That’s it! I’m calling the cops, there’s cameras here to prove the assault on me!” The woman in pink said, trembling as she grabbed her phone.

Dex stepped forward. “Wait! I’m sure we can settle this. How about a good old-fashioned axe-throwing competition, huh?” he asked her man. “You win, you call the cops, you lose, we all go our separate ways.”

Hammer was boiling with the need to slam the axe right in the center of the fucker’s forehead. He’d watch the skull split in half and the brains splatter out while the bastard’s helpless mouth was still open in a scream. But if there were cameras here, the footage might be sent off to a central security system before Hammer managed to get his hands on it.

The guy in plaid hesitated, and Steve was quick to reassure him. “You don’t need to get involved in this, sir.”

But the man huffed, assessing Dex. “Three throws. Let’s see if your little boyfriend can save your ass,” he added, glaring at Hammer.

Dex must have read Hammer’s mind, because he backed into him, and wrestled the axe out of Hammer’s clenched fingers.

Fine. If he was okay with being disrespected like this, Hammer would let him, but empty hands wouldn’t stop him from shooting back. “I’m sure he’ll do a better job than you.”

Steve stepped in with a flash of courage in his eye. Oh, he would be telling his girlfriend all about this as she made him herbal tea later this evening. “Fine. I will judge this contest. And whatever happens after will have to wait until all of you are outside.”

“Other plans for the evening?” Hammer asked.

Steve’s mouth pressed into a line. “I have better things to do than stay here after work and talk to the police, so calm down and resolve this through sports,” he said as Plaid Guy stood next to Dex with his own axe in hand. Tension cooked the cool air, and even the women’s perfume became more intense despite both of them having stayed behind the divider and eyeing him like two rabbits trying to wait out a wolf.

He gave them the glare of death just to fuck with them.

Dex’s first throw was a perfect bullseye while his opponent managed to only score four points. Hammer laughed out loud and ruffled that blond head to the sound of a few shy boos from the women.

“Two throws remaining, so don’t get ahead of yourself!” Plaid said with a huff of annoyance while his face turned a darker shade of red. Hammer couldn’t wait to see him lose in front of his wife.

Sadly, the next throw was an underwhelming two points for them, and another four for Plaid, leaving the last throw to be the one to deliver judgment.

Hammer had no idea he could get so engaged in axe-throwing, but there he was, patting Dex’s back and leaning in to whisper. “He’s not that good. Just try for as close to the bullseye as possible, and he’ll fuck himself over with a shitty throw.”

In the other lane, Plaid was getting a pep talk from his buddy, and the women got excited, cheering on their contestant as Steve walked over to the board and sprayed it with some water, claiming it made for better results.

Hammer stepped away with knots in his stomach and bit his knuckle as he watched both men swing their axes one after the other. He almost jumped for joy when Plaid hit the edge of the target, landing himself a measly two points, but seconds later, Dex’s axe, which seemed perfectly aimed, sprung off the board and landed on the floor instead of getting stuck in the wood.

Hammer’s stomach sunk. They’d lost. They’d fucking lost. Had the situation been too much for Dex? Because he fucking deserved to squash that normie bitch into the floor!

But they’d agreed to solving their issues through the contest, so Hammer took a deep breath and gave Dex’s shoulder a little squeeze. Maybe money could keep the peace instead?

In the other lane, the woman in pink awarded her husband with a kiss amongst whooping, and Steve gave Plaid Guy a tentative clap.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Romance