Page 40 of D!ckhead

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Hammer blinked. He’d forgotten about her presence. “Um… you have… food?” he asked, absent-mindedly petting Dex’s sweaty back. Tremors passed through his muscles now and then like aftershocks, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride at rendering the motormouth speechless.

She scowled and dropped all three boxes to the floor. “I waited for delivery by my mailbox. Couldn’t have the guy see… all this. Any of this!” She grabbed her head, shaking it. “All of them? They’re all dead?”

Hammer sighed, not even caring he was still inside Dex, because Cora had seen it all anyway. “They brought it on themselves. Self-defense.” In a spur of sated joy, he kissed the back of Dex’s blond head. Right now, he wasn’t about to unpack what the sex meant, or if it changed anything about him.

He’d been on edge for days, and now, even the need to handle several dead bodies couldn’t bother him.

“I can’t call the cops about this!” Cora paced the room like a caged tiger and her voice got an edge of hysteria. “You need to fix this.”

Hammer smiled and put his cheek against Dex’s shoulder blade. “I already have an idea.”

Chapter 11 – Hammer

Theboygrinnedandwhen he shook his head, pearls of blood dashed in every direction, bejeweling the handsome god of death.While the Executioner watched on, his new apprentice was happy to deal with the fallout of the carnage they’d both unleashed on the world.

Hammer picked up a piece of his pizza and rolled it up before biting the resulting swirl of dough, cheese, and meat. The cool air kept the hair on his bare legs bristling, but since Cora didn’t have any stained pants in his size, he decided to work in his underwear. Still lazy after the sex, he leaned against the tiled wall and watched Dex work, smirking whenever the kid shifted his weight or flinched with discomfort. His ass was bound to berawafter the treatment it had gotten.

Unlike Hammer, Dex got a pair of sweatpants which were baggy on Cora, but very snug on his ass. They also had a pink Hello Kitty print, but Dex didn’t seem to care, too busy carving off arms. While they did take a shower after sex, they’d need another once they were done with the bodies anyway, so Dex didn’t bother with a top and only wore elbow-length rubber gloves. As he chopped off fingers with a large cleaver, he looked like a butcher straight from some horror game.

The sparsity of clothes offered Hammer a good view on the bruises left on Dex’s body. He’d missed an opportunity to mark him with his teeth, but one couldn’t have it all.

Then again… should Hammer have sampled any of what was on offer in the first place? Lust was already reawakening in his veins, burning like a well-fueled fire. Had it been curiosity that had caused his spur-of-the-moment decision to give in to the dirty boy’s teasing, or was there something more involved? Something he’d been denying since teenagerhood?

Hammer gravitated closer, catching the fresh scent of jasmine still exuded by skin that felt warmer than any woman’s Hammer had been with. Despite having a preference for ladies who had more meat on their bones and didn’t strike him as frail flowers, he had to admit the hard flesh on Dex felt different. Maybe just because it was mainly muscle, and therefore more solid than feminine curves, but how could he know when he’d never before touched a man with the intention of enjoying his physicality?

And he had enjoyed himself so damn much.

Dex’s frame was built to withstand his force, and at no point had he needed to stop out of worry about hurting him. He’d been able to let his fantasies out of their pen without the need for collars to keep them in check. That kid had a sex drive to match Hammer’s, and the soul of a slut, but—

Hammer rubbed his face, following the curve of Dex’s spine with his gaze, all the way to that tempting ass, which had milked his balls so thoroughly he still felt lightheaded an hour later.

Still, if he didn’t put a lid on this now, he could end up with a disaster on his hands in the future. The club might not mind working with the gays from the junkyard, but that didn’t mean all the brothers would be comfortable around someone who fucked men. Especially when that someone already had issues fitting in. Had this whole thing with Ryker not proven how delicate Hammer’s position within the club was? He wanted to go back to the way things were and wasn’t ready to sacrifice the comfortablestatus quofor the sake of continuing an experiment with a guy, no matter how alluring Hammer found him.

“Ew!” Dex moaned. “I got some in my eye! Fuck. I should have worn the goggles.”

Hammer chuckled and approached him with the remaining pizza in hand. “Open up, I’ll bring some water.”

Dex didn’t question him and just took the food in his mouth, and once they managed to flush the blood out of his eye, he was back to chopping.

Hammer crossed his arms and watched him with growing fascination. “You’re pretty good at this.”

He’d also been a shockingly good shot despite the extreme circumstances. Maybe Hammer had underestimated him because of those wide smiles, horny offers, and stupid comments?

Dex grinned as if he’d been patted on the head for doing well at school. “Thanks! I think even Frank’s more bothered by death than me. I’m a pro.”

Again, that cutesy smile, as if he were an innocent kid who hadn’t sucked dick once. But the marks Hammer had left on his body and the bloody carnage on the table weren’t lying. This guy wassomething else.

He did not give a fuck about the dead body he was processing. Maybe the pep talk Hammer had come up with then showering wouldn’t be necessary?

“Remember when I offered to butcher the bodies?” Hammer asked, staring at the round ass, which surely still held some of his cum.

Dex nodded, moving on to the feet of the carcass. “Yeah, but you’ll have sore muscles in your abs.” He wiggled his eyebrows right before bringing down the cleaver.

Before he could think, Hammer squeezed Dex’s ass, making him flinch. “Oh?Youdon’t feel any discomfort?”

Dex grabbed the lower leg resting on the side of the table and poked Hammer’s chest with its hairy foot. “I do, okay? Happy? Do that again in the next forty eight hours, and I’ll kick your ass.” He waved the cut limb in the air. “Get it? Kick. With the foot.”

Hammer grabbed Dex’s throat and leaned over him, his pulse quickening as the kid’s brown eyes glazed over. Words pushed at his mouth like a flood, and if Dex were a girl, Hammer would have told him that there were other holes he could use. But Dex was a man, and as hot as the sex had been in a moment of high adrenaline, it should not be repeated. He was already crossing boundaries he knew ought to be left in place.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Romance