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As expected, the mall is a tiny affair, and it doesn’t take me long to walk all around. Of course, I didn’t have any last minute Christmas gifts to purchase. By the time Halloween came around, my Christmas shopping was done. It’s like with everything else in my life. Organized, planned for, and meticulously executed. I don’t leave room for error or improvisation. That way, there are no unpleasant surprises. I have a job I love, and it pays well, so I can afford a comfortable lifestyle.

I haven’t dated since my ex broke off with me, saying he couldn’t envision spending his life with such a frigid bitch. His words. So I keep to myself. I don’t let anyone in. If the need arises, I can manage to find someone to scratch the itch. But other than that, I’m self-sufficient. I have a large and diverse selection of highly efficient toys, a loving family, few but amazing friends, a job I love, and my peace and quiet. I truly am content with my life. Do I sometimes feel the weight of my years-long singledom? Yes, but you know what they say, better alone than in poor company.

* * *

When I step into the elevator to make my way back to the mall entrance, I grace the three men standing at the back of the cabin with a head nod, then turn to face the closed metal doors. But the brief glance I caught of them has me picking up my jaw from the floor.Good Lord in heaven!It’s like Thor, Clark Kent, and David Gandy all flew to Hopeton and decided to take a stroll to the mall. I steal furtive looks into the reflective metal, andyep, I can confirm my initial assessment wasn’t an optical illusion. The three guys standing behind me, with their backs nonchalantly resting against the mirrored walls of the elevator, are absolutely, jaw-dropping-ly gorgeous.

Like his namesake, Thor has dirty blond hair, chiseled features, and a golden tan that makes you want to peel off the hooded sweatshirt and battered denims tarnished with paint splatters, to explore every inch of his colossal body. A small gold hoop dangles from one of his ears, giving him a bad boy’s edge.

The dark-blond version of Clark Kent standing next to Thor sports thick black-rimmed glasses and a black leather jacket. A thin black cord dangles from his powerful neck and plunges under his shirt collar, making me wondering if there’s a pendant resting on his bare skin. He’s not as tanned as Thor, but the subtle hint of honey in his complexion makes my mouth water.

What?!I shake my head, trying to clear it of my completely unexpected thoughts. I never react to strangers with such interest. I can appreciate a handsome man. But there are never any clit tingles, pussy throbs, or sudden dry mouth symptoms triggered by the mere presence of complete randos.Get yourself together, Yasin.

But before my brain can give a different order, my eyes drift to the third man.Yeah, there’s definitely something in the water of this town.Or maybe this year’s Mister Universe election is being held here, in Bum-fuck, Nowhere, and the contestants are roaming the mall.Who the hell knows at this point?!

Thor’s hotness is in your face. Loud and all-consuming. You can’t escape noticing him. Superman’s alter ego is equally drool-worthy, but in a more subtle way. He seemed less captivating at first glance, but the more I look at him, the more I can see he’s just as gorgeous and magnetic as the other two with his powerful built and gorgeous face.

Now, this last man? This one may just be the most dangerous of the trio. His deep-seated eyes are set in a frown that seems to be a permanent feature on his handsome face, his generous mouth is framed by a short, trimmed beard. His tall, broad frame perfectly fills an impeccably cut, gray checkered suit. There’s something electric emanating from him. As if he was the most level-headed of the lot, but also the most susceptible to wreak havoc if he lost that tight leash on his control.

What the fuck am I even thinking?!

I look up and see there are only two more floors until we arrive.Thank God!I’m not sure how much longer I can handle the thick atmosphere of this confined space.

Because I can feel their eyes on me. Three intense gazes taking their time to travel the length of my body. And since I was getting too warm after walking all over the mall, my coat hangs on my arm. So they have an unobstructed view of the skin-tight sweater dress that hugs every single one of my curves.Fuck!

Only one more floor.Thank God! Also, is this elevator the slowest in history?

I’m bracing to bolt as soon as the doors open when the cabin is jolted, lights flickering, and I’m abruptly thrown back… When I recover my senses, I realize I’m cocooned in a pair of long, muscular male arms, my face pressed into a warm chest, the scent of a deliciously woodsy, expensive cologne tickling my nose. The soft fabric of a starched button-down shirt pressed against my cheek.

Then a rumbly voice says from above my head, “I got you, sweetheart.”

Oh boy…

I push away from the man’s chest, declaring in a firm tone, “I’m good, thank you.”

But the words have barely left my mouth that the cabin is once more shaken.What the hell?!In my hurry to get away from the warm, brawny chest of stranger number one, I’m thrown against another male body.Is this really happening to me right now? Nowit’s the giant, bespectacled hottie who’s holding me steady.

His long, muscular arms wrapped around me, he lets out in a voice huskier than I would have guessed, “whoa there, love.”

With my fingers tightly gripping the lapels of his leather jacket, I exclaim, “Oh My God, I’m so sorry!”

The grin that lifts a corner of his full, pink mouth hits me like a twelve-ton truck. His bright blue eyes twinkle behind the thin layer of glass covering them, one of his cheeks creases with the most adorable fucking dimple, and he rumbles in a raspy bedroom voice, “nothing to be sorry about, love.”

I remain glued in place, frozen under the spell of his blinding handsomeness. Lips parted and eyes wide. He has one arm hooked around my waist, his gaze never leaving mine, and we’re standing so close my breasts are smashed into his hard pecs. Our heavy breathing blending together. He feels so hard, so hot, smells so wonderful. Like leather, spicy cologne, and pure male essence.I wanna wrap myself around his tall, large body and never let go. What in the fuck is happening to me?!

Then, of course, the possessed death-trap rattles once more. The shock wakes me from my sex-craved stupor, and I free myself from the arms of Clark Kent. But my unsteady feet send me into the corner of the cabin. And before I crash against the wall, a strong hand catches my wrist and pulls me into the arms ofNúmero Tres.Good one, Universe. This might just be the worst joke you ever played on me.

“Uh…,” I start, while attempting to extract myself from the firm hold of the Viking.

But he interrupts me. “It’s all good, sugar. Hold still for me for a sec, will you? Not too sure what’s wrong with this thing, but it might be safer if one of us keeps a hold of you, yeah?”

Lord have mercy, Thor has a southern drawl… The way his deep voice twirls and swirls instantly makes my nipples stand to attention. And we’re standing so close that I know he feels it through the thin layers of my lacy bra, sweater dress, and the plain white-cotton t-shirt under his hoodie. Because his delicious-looking lips crook up on one side into an evil smirk.

I take in a sharp inhale and immediately realize my mistake. I’m assaulted by a mix of smells. Sawdust, paint, and clean, musky male scent. My knees turn into jelly and I clasp my hands on his forearms to stay upright.

Another baritone resonates at my back, close enough that I can feel the heat of the body it emanates from, the vibrations of the deep voice through my chest, “easy there, sweetheart. We got you.”

And just when I think things can’t get worse (or better!), sandwiched between two tall, muscular forms, one pair of hands firmly gripping my waist, another at my hips, a big, warm hand wraps itself at the back of my neck and turns my head to face the hypnotizing baby blues of Clark Kent.

Tags: Imani Jay Erotic