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“Oh no,” I said and looked at my Kings. “The road closed right behind us, and nobody else can make it for Christmas.”

I hoped everything wouldn’t be ruined because of this. Just when everything felt like it was going my way, something like this came along.


“Christmas is going to suck,”I sighed and flopped onto the wide leather sofa next to the fireplace. It was brown, overstuffed, and cozy. It enveloped me as I sunk into the cushions and let my anxiety melt away. “I can’t believe nobody else will be here for dinner and presents and all the fun.”

“When have we ever needed anybody else to have fun?” Archer asked and sat next to me. Valen and Ryker were lighting the fire, and Kingston was in the kitchen getting hot chocolate with a strong liqueur together.

“He’s got a point,” Archer chuckled. “We don’t need anybody but you to have a good Christmas, princess.”

“I know what I want under the tree,” Ryker said, looking up as the fire caught the kindling he had piled in the fireplace. “I know exactly what I want.”

I flushed with heat at his deliberate slow, sexy gaze traveling down my body and landing on my thighs. I knew what he wanted, and he would have it, but also the other gifts I’d brought for them.

“I have a feeling I’ll be giving a few gifts under that tree tonight,” I said, then pushed myself off the sofa. “Since we’re going to be alone here until the roads are open, I guess we might as well start celebrating early.”

“It is Christmas Eve,” Valen said, watching me closely. “And we have our Christmas Evie.”

“Which is exactly what I have in mind,” I giggled and trotted down the hall to my master suite. The clothes I’d sent ahead were all folded and hung in my walk-in closet, and I stripped down before having a quick shower.

I put my hair up in a sexy, loose bun and applied a little red glittery lipstick to my lips. I slipped into the Santa lingerie I’d purchased on a whim a while ago and put on a silky Santa hat trimmed with soft faux fur. I slipped my feet into red stiletto slippers lined with red silk and wiggled my painted red toenails.

I liked what I saw in the mirror, so I walked back into the living room like a Victoria’s Secret model on the runway, wiggling my hips and sauntering like I owned the place.

I supposed I did, and I also owned the hearts of every man out there. All four of them, my sexy hunks I’d had for years. They were all maturing into extraordinarily handsome men, and our love was growing with each year that passed.

But still, it never hurt to keep things fresh and fun with things like my silly costume.

They didn’t notice me at first, the fire was roaring, and Kingston was pouring drinks while the others were gathered in front of the fireplace. There was something about fire and guys. It was primal, I supposed. Every time we were near one, it was like each of them wanted to light things up and burn things down.

It was adorable. But still, I was hotter than the fire and needed their attention. I cleared my throat and teetered on the tall heels, so I grabbed the back of the sofa for support.

I must have made a loud enough noise because it cut through their talking, and they all froze and turned to me at the same time. Kingston with a tray of boozy hot chocolates, the other three in front of the fire.

I had to giggle at the looks on their faces. I knew they’d like what I was wearing, but I never expected them to all wear the exact same expression. Pure, absolute, complete lust. Like I was a delicate morsel tossed toward starving men. Like they’d never seen me look like this before. I felt butterflies in my stomach like it was my first time with them. This feeling was crazy, I’d been with them too many times to count, and in all ways we could think of.

But for some reason, it felt different. I didn’t know if it was the fireplace, the snow outside, the fact that we were cut off from civilization, or the twinkling lights of the tree and the fresh pine garlands decorating the cabin, but it felt magical.

Like anything could happen like we could all fall in love with each other over again.

“Is anybody going to say anything?” I asked, giggling nervously again. I was beginning to feel like a juicy T-Bone hanging in front of a hungry dog pack or something.

“You are so fucking beautiful, Evie,” Kingston said, at last, his voice thick with reverence. He set the tray down on the coffee table and stepped around the sofa to where I was still balanced on the impossibly high heels of my stilettos. “You take my breath away every time I see you. Even after all these years, I still can’t believe you’re mine.”

He swept me up in his arms and carried me close to his chest. I could feel his heart beating inside his thick muscled body, and I reached up to start unbuttoning his shirt.

“She’s not yours,” Ryker growled as he stood up from the fireplace. “She’s ours, asshole. Don’t you forget it.”

Kingston chuckled and kissed my forehead. “I knew that would get them riled up,” he whispered under his breath. “And I know you love it when we get territorial.”

“Thank you,” I replied and kicked my feet, extending them in the sexy shoes. In a louder voice, I added, “I guess that means only two Kings are into me tonight?”

Valen and Archer took my direction immediately and stood up, joining Ryker and Kingston to surround me with their muscular, hot bodies. I would never grow tired of that part of our love, being around such incredibly gorgeous men. They took my breath away, even after all this time and all the ways we’d already had sex.

But tonight was magic, it was Christmas Eve, and I was their Christmas Evie, and we were going to make it one to remember.


Tags: Amelia Winters Erotic