Page 3 of A Ryan Restraint

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“No,” he says with a frown. “I’m fine.”

“Yeah, but if you don’t stop this grueling session and take me to bed instead, I’m going to tell everyone I just knocked you on your ass.”

“Everyone?” he smirks at me.

“Well, your brothers at least.”

He laughs loudly and the sound rumbles through his body and into my thighs as they stay pressed against his waist. “You think they don’t already know that I’m a simp for you, angel. I’m pretty sure they think I let you get the better of me on purpose when we spar anyway.”

“They do not,” I insist, but a tiny sliver of doubt creeps into my mind. “You never let me off that easily. Do you?”

“Never,” he says with a smile. “But they don’t know that.”

“They don’t, huh?”

“No, because they know that I would kneel at your fucking feet every second of every day if you wanted me to, angel,” he growls and that deep rumble travels straight to my pussy now.

Dear God, this man drives me to constant distraction. “Is that so?” I purr as I push myself up to a standing position.

“You know it is.”

I put one hand on my hip and stare down at him. His chest rising and falling and his abs tightening as he glares back up at me. “So prove it, big guy. On your knees.”

Without any pause, he sits up and in one swift and agile movement presses his knuckles onto the mat and springs onto his knees before me.

I bite down on my lip as he looks up at me, his beautiful brown eyes smoldering and I wonder what the hell I have ever done to deserve him. I must have been a goddamn saint in my former life.

“Now what?” he growls.

Now what?A thrill of pleasure shoots right through me as I contemplate just how far my possessive, control freak husband is willing to let me push him. Placing my hand under his chin, I smile at him. Then I give him a quick kiss on his busted lip before taking a step backward. “Now crawl,” I command as I keep walking back until I’m leaning against the ropes.

He remains in place as his eyes roam over my body. The muscles in his neck twitch and his jaw ticks as he clenches it shut while he considers my request. I narrow my eyes at him — daring him to do it.

I smile as he slowly begins to edge forward. He doesn’t crawl, so much as walk on his knees and the closer he gets, the more every cell in my body begins to tremble with need, anticipation, and just a little trepidation for good measure.

He stops when he’s directly in front of me — his body just a few inches from my own. I can’t deny that the sight of one of the most powerful men in the country on his knees for me makes me feel weak in mine.

He looks up at me, his eyes so full of fire I feel them burn into my skin.

“Now I want you to-"

“I don’t think so, angel,” he interrupts me, and the deep timbre of his voice vibrates through my bones, making me shiver.

Oh fuck!

His warm hands grip my hips and he pushes me back until I’m sitting on the middle rope.“Just because I’m willing to worship you on my knees…” Taking my left hand, he starts to weave my arm through the top rope as he goes on talking in that low, gravelly growl that turns my insides to molten lava. “Don’t go thinking that means that you’re in control here.”

Once my left arm is secure, he does the same to my right until I’m held securely by the thick, tight ropes. My heart starts racing even faster than it was when he was pushing me to my limits a few minutes earlier. Meanwhile my entire body is flushed with heat and desire.

“What are you doing?” I whisper.

“Worshipping you, angel,” he chuckles darkly as he runs his hands down my legs to my feet before pulling off my sneakers and tossing them onto the gym floor.

They bounce with a thud but I can’t take my eyes off his as his hands slide back up my thighs, making pleasure roll through my core. He hooks his thick fingers into the waistband of my pants before pulling them off over my hips and ass. A second later, he tugs them off completely, along with my socks, before throwing them over his shoulder. I never wear panties with my workout gear so now I’m naked except for my sports bra. The cool air of the gym dances over my damp skin, making me shiver.

“Conor,” I whisper as he grabs hold of my right ankle and begins to secure my leg to the bottom rope in a similar way he did with my arms. Holy fuck, in about five seconds time I’m not going to be able to move.

“Yeah?” he asks with a wicked grin.

Tags: Sadie Kincaid Erotic