Page 34 of First Comes Love

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Colin has already gotten it. He jumps up again, coming at Noah. Wes is sitting between us, strategically placed by Katie, I’m sure, and pops up just in time to stop Colin from throwing the first punch.

I turn to Dad, sure he’d be hightailing it to the coat closet to get his shotgun, but he’s sitting there, looking too stunned to breathe.Please don’t have a heart attack.

“My sister!” Colin says, batting at Noah, who stands. He’s shielding me, keeping me from becoming part of the scuffle. “Why would you do this to my sister?”

“It’s not like I had no say in this,” I snap, surprised at how defensive I feel over Noah. “It takes two, you know.”

Wes gives Colin a bit of a shove and he backs off, sitting back down. He’s staring at his best friend with a mixture of hate and shock. Jenny has her head turned down, and I think she might cry.

Oh my God.

How could I have forgotten? She’s been wanting a baby for months and hasn’t been able to get pregnant. And here I am, knocked up after one night. I should feel horribly guilty, right?

“Everyone just calm down, please,” I say, tears coming to my eyes. Yes, I feel horribly guilty. Terribly guilty.

Mom looks at me, stricken. “How could you let this happen?”

“I didn’t mean to,” I start, unable to look my mother in the eye.

“I would hope not,” Dad says. “We raised you better than this, Lauren. And you.” He glares at Noah, at a loss for words.

Mom’s hand is resting on her chest, feeling her rapid heartbeat. “You’re so young, Lauren. You have your whole life ahead of you and … and now…” she trails off, tears springing to her eyes.

“I know, Mom. I know.” Great, and now I’m crying. Noah flips his hand over, lacing our fingers. “But it happened and now … and now…”

“Now we’re dealing with it the best we can,” Noah says.

I wipe my eyes, glad I decided to forego any eye makeup today. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

“We’re not mad,” Dad tells me. “We’re disappointed.” Ouch. That’s even worse. “I didn’t expect this from you. Him on the other hand…”

“Mom, Dad, please!” Tears fall freely from my face. Katie gives me a sympathetic smile. Colin is staring daggers, and Jenny’s eyes are on the table. Wes looks a bit entertained, and I know Katie told her fiancé beforehand what’s going on. “I know this is the last thing any of us wanted, but it happened, and I need your support. I’m really scared.”

Mom’s face softens and she gets up, coming around the table to hug me. “I’m here for you, honey. I always am.”

I press my head against her shoulder to muffle a sob. Mom pats my back, holding me for a minute. I didn’t realize how much I needed my own mom until I discovered I’m going to become one.

“Shhh,” Mom soothes. “It’s okay, Lauren. We’ll figure this out.” I nod and sniffle. Mom takes my hands in hers. “It’ll be okay in the end.” She kisses my forehead then takes the ultrasound pictures off the table.

“When are you due?”

“December third.”

She looks back at the ultrasound for a full minute, processing everything, then smiles. “I’ll have a grandchild in time for the holidays!” She turns to my dad, who is as still as a statue. “We’re going to be grandparents, Riley!”

Dad blinks, then takes the ultrasound images. “I assumed your brother or sister would be the first to provide some grandkids,” he starts, still staring at the pictures. “This is incredibly unexpected, Lauren.”

“Trust me, I know,” I sigh. Should I apologize?

“But every child is a blessing.”

I sink back in my chair, relieved. I can tell my parents are less than thrilled, but they’re not going to yell at me. Not now, at least, when everyone else is around.

“How are you feeling?” Mom asks. “And when did you find out? How long have you kept this from me?”

“I’m really tired, but other than that, totally fine. And I just found out a few days ago. I wanted to tell everyone at the same time, ya know. To get it over with.”

Her eyes go to Noah, who barely uttered a word since we got here. “And you two have been dating in secret for a while?”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Romance