Page 22 of Heat Haven Holidays

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“You always do,” she sighs dreamily. I take her lips against mine and squeeze her ass tightly.

A splash breaks us apart as a sputtering Dean comes to the surface. “Baby, you can’t just jump into the ocean by yourself!”

She pouts at him. “Did I scare you, my big strong Alpha?’ she says, swimming over to him to give him some affection.

His lips are in a firm line, unamused with her. “I’m sorry Alpha, I’ll be a good girl,” she says to him, kissing his lips and making his irritation fade away. He flattens down her wet hair and kisses the side of her face.

“You want some floats?” Grayson’s deep voice rumbles from the top of the deck.

“Oh, yes. Please, daddy!” Liv says, and I swear I can see Grayson’s dick get hard from here.

He gives her a stern look. “Don’t make me come down there.”

“Don’t tease,” Liv says, floating on her back. Grayson tosses a few different pool noodles down. Dean and I both grab one and take the pink flamingo one over to Liv.

“Here you go, baby,” Dean says, putting it between her legs as she sits up and beams.

“We don’t even have to leave this place and do anything else. It’s magical,” she says.

“You’re right. We don’t need to drive four wheelers, go on a catamaran, or pet stingrays,” I say nonchalantly.

“Did you just say stingrays?”

“Yeah, didn’t think you wanted to do that?” Dean says, faking a yawn.

“I want to pet the puppies of the sea!” Liv says and we laugh.

“We have two weeks, angel. We can do whatever you want.” My foot accidentally touches Dean’s leg as he screeches and jumps slightly.

Liv and I can’t control our laughter. Thank fuck we have the noodles or it would be hard to swim. Liv is barely holding on by a thread as Dean scowls at us.

“It’s not funny. There could be sharks in here.”

“It is the ocean,” I reply. He gets this look in his eye. The one that says I’m going to make you pay for that later and I just grin at him. He splashes me and then Liv in the face.

“Hey!” she says back and we team up and splash him even more. He growls and laughs, pulling us both against his chest.

“You two are going to pay for that later.”

“I hope so,” Liv replies, spinning and kissing Dean on the lips.

“Dinner’s here,” Grayson says from the dock. He has pristine, fluffy white towels for all of us. Liv pouts slightly, but I swim back to the dock, dragging her by her pool noodle.

“We will have all day tomorrow to swim. Word on the street is daddy has something special for you,” I joke and make sure to really make the word daddy pop.

She grins. Dean and I let her go up the stairs first, where Grayson wraps her around in a towel and plops her on his lap. “No swimming at night or without a mate, got it?” he says sternly. In that voice, he reserves when there is no arguing.

“Got it,” she says, kissing his bearded cheek. He grins and leans forward and grabs a piece of pineapple to plop into her mouth.

“No towel service for us mere peasants?” I joke and Grayson chucks the towel at me. I laugh as I dry off my hair before wrapping it around my waist and sitting on one of the outdoor chairs.

Grayson makes Liv’s plate and hands it to her while she is still perched on one of his massive thighs. “Mmm, damn. This is good. I need to recreate this when we get home,” Liv says dramatically with her fork as she inhales the BBQ pineapple chicken and rice.

As soon as I take a bite, I realize she’s not wrong. It is really fucking good. We’ve truly been spoiled to death by Liv’s cooking. We went from a group of men who can make microwave meals and eat out every night to some of the best homemade meals I could have ever imagined.

Once Liv is done eating, her head slowly droops on Grayson’s shoulder. He tugs her close to his chest. “Angel, you probably want to shower before we catch up on sleep in that nice, cozy bed,” I say.

She nods her head against Grayson’s shoulder. “Come with me?” she asks, and I smile and nod my head.

Tags: Sarah Blue Romance