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I couldn’t. Not with my husband on top of me, all his exquisite muscles in motion against my flesh, pressing himself to me and demanding I give him the release he wanted. I had no shame. I had nothing but need.

My body shook now with every thrust into his hand. “Want to come for me?” he growled. He punctuated the statement with a lunge of his hips that pushed the head of his cock almost into my ass, but not quite.

The climax almost overcame me. I held it back, but only barely, with a groan and a, “Yes. Yes. I need to come.”

“Then come for me,” he said, and bit at the back of my neck again. I heard a grunt, and a quivering groan, and then-

-the head of his cock nudged my ass open. Just the entrance, enough for the tip of his cock to push that much inside. He snarled, cried out, and then hot waves of come erupted against me, into me.

A climax harder and more devastating than any other ripped through me. I wailed his name, worked my hips to milk myself dry in his hand even as he emptied himself onto and into my ass. That pleasure claimed me utterly. It drove all thoughts from my head and filled me with searing light that poured from me and into his hand.

When it faded, I collapsed. He did, too, weight distributed between my back and his elbow. I loved to feel the weight of him on me. It was erotic and comforting both. Intimate. Unfamiliar, but not for long, I thought. My body remembered him more each time we touched.

“Feeling relaxed now, babe?” he asked, voice breathy on my ear.

All I could do was chuckle and pant. “Feelinggooooood,” I said, and went back to my new duty as “puddle of sated Bastian” on the bed.

We’d have to move soon. Those sheets were done for. But not yet. Not yet. I wanted to keep him here against me as long as I could.


Back in those days,I wondered if everyone could see it on me. You know, the fact that I had a devastatingly handsome soldier ravishing me in restrained yet naughty ways every night. I’d walk through the school and wonder if I hadMister Hendrick Almost Took the D Last Nightwritten on my forehead.

I did not. Guaranteed one of the filthy-minded students, or hell, the gutter-brained teachers wandering the halls would have pointed that out on the double-quick. It justfeltlike it. I was okay with that.

As it turned out, Ireallydidn’t. I found that out the next day for sure. I’d arranged for a substitute to cover my afternoon classes. That day, they consisted of a set of newsreels on the lead-up to the Martian conflicts and a short essay on the contents. Easy-peasy. I’d even set up the files on the room’s big flatscreen so the sub could hit “play” and not fuss with anything else.

That done, I lingered outside at the front of the school, waiting for Jackson to show up. It wasn’t as if he could reliably text me to tell me he’d arrived, since my phone had now decided that it would only accept charge from an external batterysometimes.We’d decided on an old-school approach today, where I waited outside, he pulled up in his truck, and I jumped in like his date for a long weekend.

I was examining the charger port on my phone to see if lint had blocked an important component when I heard a woman’s voice say, “Hey, Sebastian! What are you doing out here?”

With enormous effort, I suppressed an audible groan. (The silent, mental groan, I did not bother to suppress. This deserved it.) Dana Adams taught freshman English. Taught it well, too. Had a knack for imparting the difference betweenlayandlie, and a quick draw on a comma splice.

She was also a very good friend of my ex, Joan. “Introduced me to my ex” good. Actually uttered the words, “You two are perfect for each other! I want to be the godmother of your babies!” That kind of good.

“Hey, Dana,” I said, and tried to will Jackson to arrive faster with the vast powers of my mind. “How’s it going?”

“Not bad. I came to see you in your classroom last week, but you were out for a couple days.” Her smile contained volumes of concealed intentions.

I held up my left hand to show the simple, gold wedding band there. “Yup. Got married. A couple days off seemed like the least of what I should do. Heck, I might have taken a few weeks if we weren’t at the end of the school year. Luxurious, right?”

Her eyes had widened to dinner-plate diameter. Big, dismayed dinner plates. “You what? To whom?”

See? English teacher. She can actually usewhomcorrectly.

“I put in for a Mail Call Mates match a few months ago,” I said, and didn’t bother to point out that a few months ago, heryou’re perfect for each other!friend had dumped me. She could deduce that or not, her choice. “My match came in! Sergeant in the Army. Totally dreamy.”

“But-” A pout puffed out her lower lip. “Sebastian, why?”

Bad choice, Dana. You should have picked up what I was putting down. “Because Joan dumped me and I decided I wanted to go a new direction with my life. So far, it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Suck on that.

She did, too. Apparently, the statement tasted like lemon, because her lips pursed as though she’d deep-throated a particularly sour bit of citrus. “I really hoped you’d patch things up with Joan.”

“Joan made her position clear. Her position did not match with mine. In fact, what she wanted me to do would have made my life actively worse.”

“Worse than not having her with you?”

Tags: Cassandra Moore Romance