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“Oh, I think sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. I don’t know to be honest. I have nothing to do with the club. My brother won’t let me.”

Ava smiled. She knew Harlow loved herbrother, Big Dick, a club member, dearly, but it didn’t stop the two of them from bickering like crazy.

“What do you and Smokey have planned for Christmas?” Harlow asked. “Anything sexy? Hot? Grovelly?”

Ava rolled her eyes. She might have complained a time or two about Smokey’s constant need to make things right with her. She refused to even think about what went down with Raven.

Yes, Raven had hurt her, and for a long time afterward, it had been bad, but Ava had seen how sad and guilty Smokeywas. Even now, he was trying to make up for everything. All the club women who’d been involved in her attack were gone. He’d completely removed them from the club.

She also noticed that he only ever sent the guyswho hadn’t been there to drag her back to the clubhouse.

It was sweet. There was no way she could say otherwise, but it was also a little upsetting. He wouldn’t allow Brick or Kinky near her, not for long periods of time. Even when she went to the clubhouse, she’d started to realize he wouldn’t allow them alone with her either. He’d be guiding her elsewhere, far away from the basement, and from all memories.

He still felt his guilt. Ava had gotten over it, or was certainly attempting to get over it, but this couldn’t be healthy for either of them.

“I don’t know. I think we’re going to have a private Christmas, maybe? I’m not sure.”

“Do you want a different kind of Christmas?” Harlow asked.

“I know it’s probably going to make me sound crazy or something, but I… I’ve always wanted a big family, you know. Big and full of people. Feeding people. I love cooking, and the more the merrier, as far as I’m concerned.”

“You want to spend time at the club?” Harlow asked.

“Yeah, no, I don’t know. Maybe. I think so. I’m not sure. I know it’s part of Smokey’s life, and I want to be involved in his life, you know.” She didn’t just want tobe the woman he came home to or the person who randomly dropped by sweet treats to the guys. It was her peace offering. Trying to show the whole club that she had forgiven them.

It had been a long, hard road, but she was much better now. Raven had also taken the time to discuss the difficulties of the club with her. Mainly because Ava had forced her to. Ava had wanted to understand why that image was so important that day all those months ago. And she completely understood why Smokey had reacted that way. Sure, she was pissed that it was her, but once she was able to take herself out of the equation and put in another woman, and a few other details, it made a lot of sense.

Smokey had been betrayed one too many times, and she had been a different kind of woman to him. He hadn’t realized he could completely trust her.

Chapter Two

Smokey had never known true love in his life until he’d been with Ava. Then, of course, Umberto had been born, and he’d come to understand complete and utter devotion unlike anything else.

He fucking loved his son. Worshipped his woman. They surpassed the club on every single level. On all levels.

There was nothing else he wanted more than to be with his woman and his son. Of course, he had no choice but to deal with the club because he certainly wasn’t stepping down as their prez. No fucking way.

Lifting his son, he stared at Umberto and then pulled him in and hugged him. Not too tight as he didn’t want to hurt his son, but holding him just enough to give him the comfort and love he needed. He was no longer a tiny baby but well on his way to being a toddler. The time had gone by so fast.

“I love you so damn much. I’m going to teach you everything, and hopefully, you won’t piss off Ugly Beast and have a thing for his girl Bella.” Smokey shook his head. “Nope, you can’t be chasing any of the brothers’ children. Not that there’s many right now, and no matter what, you cannot hurt your mother. You’ve got to be a good kid. You can piss off everyone else. I’ll deal with teachers and stuff, but not your mother. You’ve got to be a good boy for her. Always.” He kissed his cheek and then held him close as he stood up. “Your dad was a total asshole, you see, so she needs to know that there is some good inside me, and that is you.”

He movedtoward the window and looked out over the parking lot. A fresh layer of snow had fallen, and as far as he was concerned, Ava wasn’t going to be driving in it, not tomorrow. He’d deal with Harlow if he had to. His woman was not going to put herself in danger.

As if thinking about her had conjured her up, he saw her car pulling into the lot and taking the last available parking space.

Most of the guyswere at the clubhouse. They didn’t have any business to deal with, but that was because the holidays were always slow. It was one of the few times of the year, that they could just relax.

He watched as Ava climbed out of the car and opened the backseat door of her car. She pulled out a couple of baking trays and then started to walk toward the main clubhouse.

He spotted Brick outside, headed toward her, and Smokey quickly left his office andwent toward the doorway.

Brick had already taken the two traysfrom her, and they were close to the door.

Ava chuckled. “I figured you guys could use a sweet treat.”

“You’re not wrong. Smokey’s starving us.” The smile on Brick’s face disappeared when he caught sight of him.

Smokey had warned him to keep his distance.

Tags: Sam Crescent Romance