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“Drex Caine, I presume?” the douche on the right asks.

“Apparently you guys are a little more interested in me than I am you, considering I have no idea what your names are.”

They both shift uncomfortably as I slowly break through the wall of confidence they thought to be impenetrable. Then I feel someone behind me, and I tense. How the fuck did I forget?

“Well, hello,” Sarah says, grinning wickedly at the girl behind me, who came down at the exact time I told her. Only she won’t look as calm and collected as the rest of us. She’ll draw attention to herself and this situation we never should have agreed to.

“Hi,” Eve says uncomfortably, her voice almost too quiet to be a whisper.

Both feds look at her, and then they exchange a look of intrigue. Shit.

“Come here, baby,” I say smoothly, scooting my chair back for her to join me on my lap. It’ll go better if they think she’s my girl instead of my toy. The VP’s old lady has to be the most loyal to the club—or so they’ll think.

Chapter 12


I’m so damn nervous, and everyone in here is looking at me. The two men in suits are showing far too much interest in me. And Drex is talking a little too sweet.

I sit down on his lap when he motions for me to do so, but I feel too on display to get comfortable. Sledge eyes Drex, whose face I can’t see, and I feel like I’m stuck in the middle of a private conversation.

“I’m afraid I don’t know your name,” one of the guys in a suit says.

“Don’t make it too easy on them, baby,” Drex says while running a hand down my back, settling it on my hip as I shift in his lap.

His grip tightens, and he tugs me backward a little. To sit the way he wants me to, I’m forced to throw an arm around his shoulders and angle my body.

I don’t speak a word to the two men who don’t belong in here. They have to be cops. But why would Drex let them in?

“What’s the matter, boys?” Sledge drawls, looking at the men with a taunting gaze, even though his expression was drastically different when he exchanged a look with Drex. “Not used to seeing a pretty girl in someone’s lap? I heard you boys paid a lot of money for that. Jealous he’s getting it for free?”

I swallow hard when I start feeling like a science project everyone wants to study.

Drex’s lips on my neck startle me slightly, but I don’t react as though I’m surprised. A devil like him shouldn’t have lips so soft. It’s actually another reason for me to hate him.

When he nips at my ear, I almost moan, inwardly cursing myself for my body’s response to his touch. “You need to relax right now,” he whispers, making sure to escape the ears of the men on the far end of the table from us. “Pretend as though this is a common thing between you and me.”

I don’t answer, but I do—by some miracle—manage to relax. When I turn my head, our lips brush, and his breath catches in his throat. I hate myself for wanting to feel his lips, but he’s now screwed me twice and still hasn’t kissed me. In my mind, I might can find a way to embrace the madness if he gives me some semblance of normalcy. And I’ve got to find a way to cope if I’m going to last.

If we continue on this fast-paced wild ride, I’m going to be insane by the end of the week. It’ll all catch up to me at once, and I dread it.

Our eyes are locked, and everything gets intense. My skin tingles for all the wrong reasons, and the fear I need inside me is slowly fading and making way for other feelings I’m not prepared to face.

“You boys want to ask some questions, or were you just wanting to stand around and watch Drex and his old lady all night?” Sledge asks, and Drex smirks while redirecting his attention to the men in suits.

I keep my casual placement in his lap, but I manage to turn my eyes back to the men as well. Drex’s hand moves up my shirt, finding the skin of my stomach, as both of the men watch.

“No questions, gentlemen?” Drex drawls, taunting them.

The one on the right finally clears his throat while Drex’s hand goes higher, and my shirt creeps up just a little. When he brushes his hand on the underside of my bra, my hand on his shoulder grips tighter.

“The word around town is you’re buying up numerous businesses and properties,” the man says, his eyes drifting to where Drex’s hand keeps getting higher.

He dips a finger into my bra, teasing my nipple, and I feel the flush on my face. This is so humiliating, but I do my best to play my part. The last thing I need is for him to be pissed at me.

Tags: C.M. Owens Death Chasers MC Erotic