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I nod, remembering where I was going with my earlier statement.

“She’s saying her mom was hurting for cash and about to lose her house. Benny knows her family, so—”

“So you think he might be planning to take advantage and use them as leverage against her later on. Smart. Sounds a little like a conspiracy theory, but still worth looking into. You got someone on her family to keep an eye out? I want to know what this bastard does before he does it. This girl may afford us the element of surprise as long as we keep playing dumb. I don’t know how else Benny would have known about Marks and what he did. It can’t be just a coincidence he knows her family.”

Benny and Aaron a team? “I don’t believe in coincidences. Benny never got paid if they were working together, since we got all the money back. This could be part of his plan—see if she can get the access her father had. But he’d have to know he was showing his hand, because he realizes we’re not idiots.”

He nods, his mind already working over something. “He surely wouldn’t think we’d be stupid enough to give her any access, given her father’s name. It’s a puzzle to solve.”

I stand and walk over to the very noticeable coolers. Pop shouldn’t have this shit in his apartment. One raid and he’s in the pin. Instead of voicing the fact this shit is pissing me off, I continue talking about the matter at hand.

“Juice and Evan are going to set up shop across the street from her mom. The house there was empty. It’s now Death Dealer property. If Benny makes a move, we’ll know it. If he goes for her family, then we’ll have all the ammo we need to start a war. I still think we should take him out now and be done with it.”

Pop laughs long and hard, acting as though I’m his entertainment for the evening. “Boy, you’d kill every rival club if you could. That’s why I let you keep the girl. You’ve earned it, and hell, you could use the distraction. We can’t go starting wars. Everyone you kill has someone who wants revenge. We kill when there isn’t another option.”

I cock an eyebrow.

“I thought I was keeping the girl because we agreed it was safer.”

I don’t like his condescending smirk. “No, that’s just what you’re telling yourself. You want her. That’s fine by me. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy. Besides, Esmeralda is getting jealous these days. She’s under the delusion she can make me settle down. A girl as innocent as you’ve described would have her eyes clawed out within minutes around here. Best she stay and keep your bed full.”

I frown as I sit back down. “She’s on my couch until I find her a room. I sleep alone.”

“My apologies,” he says with that same thick condescension. “She can keep your couch warm. Just so you know, it’s easier to fuck them in the bed. Couches are for teenagers.”

Rolling my eyes, I stand and head to the window. Two unmarked cars are parked just below. Feds are watching us now, but this isn’t news.

Turning around, I nudge a cooler with my foot while asking, “What’re you going to do with the drugs if they come in?”

Pop waves me off like it’s no big deal.

“It’s just a cooler full. I’ll flush the shit if it comes to that. No worries. If they had a search warrant, they’d have already charged in like the cavalier asses they are.” The knife scratches the surface of the plate as he readies a new bite of steak. “I want you to keep me posted on the girl. If she’s innocent, try not to torture her too much, just in case we have to use her later on. We’ll want her compliant and not overly resentful.”

I smirk as I head toward the door. “No worries, Pop.”

Torture isn’t what I have in mind.

Chapter 9


Two girls with long, silky hair walk in, carrying bags of what appears to be clothing. One girl has auburn hair that can’t be natural. The other is a platinum blonde with perfectly manicured red nails.

They don’t look the way I expected. I guess I expected fake bimbos with boobs spilling out of their tops and gum hanging out of their mouths. They look chic and understated sexy. I’d even say they look classy.

The wall dips and has a hidden cove. This is the safest place in the room to stay hidden. They haven’t seen me, but I can see them through the reflection of the mirror on the adjacent wall.

“So Drex, like, bought the girl or something?” the redhead asks. “Didn’t realize the sex slave ring was back in style.”

“He didn’t buy the girl,” a gruff voice says, matching the man who brought my stuff up earlier while I hid in the bathroom.

Tags: C.M. Owens Death Chasers MC Erotic