Page 102 of After Hours

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“I didn’t right hook him.” I blush. “It was a slap, and I’m not sure if it shocked him or me more.”

“I’m proud of you, honey.” My dad sighs, twisting to face me in his chair. “I know this has been hard, but tonight is the first time I've seen some fire back in your eyes.”

“You're proud of me for hitting someone?” I muse light-heartedly.

“He broke my little girl's heart—one of us had to give him what for.” Dad winks, and I laugh, but my lips turn down slightly. “I’m proud of the woman you are and how strong you are. You’re so bright and spirited, and when you moved to London, we knew you’d do well.”

“Not that well. I'm living back at home,” I joke.

“It’s a pit stop.” He smiles. “You’ll get your swing back. Your apartment and job are waiting for you when you’re ready to go back.” He nods, lifting his beer and sipping loudly. Mum heads over and huffs, dropping into the chair beside my father.

“What?” I pull back, confused. “What do you mean?” This is news to me. Perry never mentioned anything when I spoke to him.

“The flat, it’s all paid for.” Dad shrugs as Mum leans to grip his arm, flicking a worried glance my way.

“Why would you do that?” I splutter, shocked to find they have been so generous.

Mum shakes her head lovingly. “Not us, Lauren. Cain owns that building. He assured us the apartment wasn’t a concern.”

“But.” I slump back in my chair, stunned. “Cain owns it?”

They nod, and I blink and give a broken laugh. I can't believe this. He had inserted himself in my life right from the start. “What about my job? Perry has never said anything.”

“He told you your job was safe.”

“He was being kind,” I respond casually. “He’s likely replaced my role with someone new by now.”

“Even so, I think he’d find you something.”

Shaking my head, I stand, still rattled at finding out Cain owns my apartment, the building I lived in. “I’m not sure I want to go back to London,” I tell them truthfully. “I’ve been looking at apartments up north. I thought maybe I could find a front-of-house position in a hotel. There’re some vacancies that I’ve been applying for.” So far, I'm yet to hear back, and I worry my connection to Cain is to blame. His face is too well known, and mine is associated with him.

“Oh.” My mum looks crestfallen. “That far? Lauren, honey, you can stay here until you’re ready to go back to London. Your friends are there.”

“So is Cain. I don’t think I can face him again any time soon,” I admit. Mum stands and gives me a hug. “He looked exhausted,” I whisper into her neck.

“He’s hurting too.” I try to pull away, but she holds me in place. “He loves you, Lauren. Rose from the cafe told me he said he was trying to protect you.” My mum stands back and cups my cheeks. I frown, not sure what to say because we’ve hardly discussed Cain.

I flick a look at my dad, and he shrugs. “We men do stupid things. He deserved that slap, though,” my father adds quickly when I scowl at him.

“I’m not sure I can forgive him,” I whisper. “Even if he was protecting me, he just cut me off. It was callous, and it hurt,” I croak emotionally.

“We know. You’d have argued against his reasons, Lauren. You would never have agreed to go on a break whilst this all blew over. I honestly think he thought he was doing what was best. You’ve lost weight, and you barely socialise. You look lost, honey. We just want you better.”

“How will he make it better?” I laugh. I can't believe I'm hearing this.

“You love him. We hoped you’d reconcile. You were glowing in London. Would it be so bad to forgive him?” Mum sighs.

“Mum! He broke my heart and left me drugged up in a hospital bed.”

“With family,” she chastises. “We all make mistakes. He probably thought he was doing you a favour.”

Dad grumbles his agreement.

“I can’t believe this—you're siding with him?” I demand quietly.

“No, we just want what's best for you,” my dad says sternly, heaving to stand. “Lauren, love, he’s an important man. I can’t imagine the pressure that comes with that. He was under a great deal of stress with this court case and that poor excuse of a stepfather. If he did do this to protect you, then I’m glad to know he can put you before himself.”

I stare at them, completely gobsmacked. “Really, because I can’t help feeling like I was the last thing on his mind.”

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic