Page 103 of After Hours

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“Exactly,” my mother says cryptically, and I frown. “He was only thinking of you and your safety. His last thought was to protect you.”

“I’m going to bed,” I mutter before discarding the drink and leaving them outside.

Everyone and their dog will have fed their opinion back to my parents about our exchange in the cafe, and they’d made their minds up long before they planned to discuss it with me.

I get into bed but am unable to sleep—too worked up about the possibility of Cain returning tomorrow. I’m not sure I’m strong enough to face him again so soon. My father's words roll around in my mind.

If he did do this to protect you, then I’m glad to know he can put you before himself.

Ending things would have ensured my safety.

Cutting me off ensured he didn’t falter from his decision.

All this pain was for the benefit of keeping me safe.

He treated me with the same level of harshness he did Royce. Tears pool in my eyes and roll down my cheeks in hot, salty beads.

* * *

It’s warm outside, so I pick out a dress and straighten my hair. I don’t bother too much with makeup and stick to concealer and lip balm. I’m digging under my bed for my other sandal when I hear the door knock. I snap up and race to check out my window, but I can’t see any cars other than my parents in the drive. Frowning, I check the time and relax when I see it’s only eight a.m. I manage to find my shoe and give myself a once over before deciding to grab a jumper to pull over the top and head downstairs. My parents are chatting quietly in the kitchen, and I hesitate at the door but decide to enter as another voice reaches my ears. “Matt?”

DeLuca stands and gives me a once over, his gaze critical and direct. “Hello, how is my favourite patient?”

I frown at him and notice his medical bag on the floor. “Confused. Why are you here?”

“Lauren, don’t be rude,” Mum prattles. “I am sorry,” she apologises on my behalf. “Did you say one sugar or two?”

“Just one, please.”

“He sent you, didn't he?” Crossing my arms, I lean my hip on the kitchen table. “I’m fine.”

“Do you want my medical opinion or just that of your friend?” Matteo drawls.

“Knowing you, I will get both,” I quip as my mum places our drinks down and pulls a chair out for Matteo.

“Are you happy for your parents to stay?” He holds my stare, and I nod. “Okay. I think, like usual, where you are concerned, Cain is overreacting. You’ve lost weight since I last saw you, but nothing to the degree Cain is stating. That said, you can’t afford to lose any more. You’re slight as it is.” I open my mouth to defend myself, but Matt holds his hand up. “However, I hear you work full time and manage to do a fairly physical job. Waiting tables isn’t easy.” I relax and smile at him because he is the first person to consider all of this and not just that I've lost weight. “You still have colour in your face. That’s good.”

“I do eat,” I affirm.

“Now, for my medical opinion.” Matt walks to me and lifts my wrist, and I can only assume he is feeling for my pulse. “Chronic stress, even depression, can severely curb someone's appetite, resulting in them losing weight.” I clear my throat as he sweeps his eyes over me. “Your hair has little shine, and your lips are dry. You’re likely dehydrated and lacking nutrients. Are you taking any vitamins?” I flinch at his crass words and stare at the floor.

“No,” I say quietly.

“What did you last eat?” He pulls my chin up.

“A burger and salad last night,” I fire back as quickly. Hurt by his observation, I stroke a hand down my hair, self-conscious.

“Lauren, you're not taking care of yourself,” he concludes softly. “Have you been to see a doctor?”

“No.” I swallow, trying to batter down my emotions as his examination is met with concern by my parents. “I don’t feel hungry.” I shrug, welling up.

“Are you drinking plenty, passing urine—what about stools?” he asks in quick succession, and I snap back, embarrassed.

“I’m not talking to you about that!” I laugh, going red.

“Yes or no is fine, Lauren.” He sighs, his eyes dancing with humour.

“Yes,” I whisper.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic