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In the drafts of air disturbed by the dancers, the occasional sound of the tin bells could be heard over the orchestra, and it was those fairy notes that provided another layer of magic to the evening. The haunting fragrance of lilacs teased his nose, pulled him under her spell more quickly than any aphrodisiac.

And through it all, he held her gaze, falling, always falling into those blue depths. Would he know he was drowning? Then he didn’t care, for she would be there to pull him out before he expired. At his next blink, he registered the joy in her expression, and his chest tightened, for it had been him to give her that emotion. There were stars in her eyes as well as something else he didn’t dare to name for fear he was wrong.

Suddenly he wanted everything a real engagement entailed. In short, he wanted her in every way a man could. Would she want the same? Even in the face of the knowledge that him being with the Home Office was a dangerous endeavor? There was no way to tell, but he promised himself that he would ask before the night ended.

“If anyone were to glance at you in this moment, they would be shocked at the wicked intent contained in your eyes,” she whispered, but her smile was as bright as the North Star.

“They would only be shocked out of jealousy.” Hawk put his lips to the shell of her ear, and damn but she felt all too good in his arms. “Especially if they knew all I want to do right now is spirit you off to the dower house, separate you from that stunning gown, and then explore every inch of your body with my mouth.”

Her kissable lips formed a perfect “o” of wonder while her eyes darkened. “And here I thought you’d wish to solve our most recent clue.” When she shivered, those tiny tremors transferred to him. “Not that I would say no to your other plans.”

The waltz ended before he was ready. Curls of cold disappointment went through his gut. Her mention of the clue bounced through his brain. Mercurial temperatures. Drafts. Stairs. A gasp escaped him, and he stared at her. “That’s it!”

“What is?” Belle smiled at a few people who glanced their way.

He had the presence of mind to lead her to the sidelines while the next set formed. “I honestly believe the answer to that riddle lies in Brambleberry Cottage. Unless I miss my guess, it has something to do with the fireplace in that library.”

“How is that possible?” When she frowned, he had the insane desire to kiss it away. “There are at least four other fireplaces in the dower house.”

“Yes, but only one is in the room with the works of Shakespeare where we found the clue and where your husband’s last words pointed.”

“That makes sense, but you already inspected it.”

“I did, but only gave it a cursory look.” For after that, they’d sat in the room and talked, which then led to kissing and a bit of exploration before they’d finally returned to the manor house for dinner yesterday. When she eyed him askance, he shrugged. “I was distracted.”

“Indeed, you were.” She giggled, and once more he was lost. “Did you want to go there?”

“And cheat you out of accolades for this night?” Hawk shook his head. “You have planned for months for this event. I want you to receive every moment of the praise you’re due. However, I can tell you what I will do.”


“I am going to take you outside onto the terrace and then I’m going to kiss you. Senseless, probably. After that, we shall decide what to do next.”

Whether that meant in the next few hours or the next decade of his life, it didn’t matter, but he knew thing. No longer was he content with having her only in a pretend engagement no matter the risk.

I have finally found my direction.

And he couldn’t wait to start following it.

Chapter Fourteen

Merciful heavens. I cannot survive this man at his full potency.

Though Belle stood at the side of the ballroom while a new set began, she didn’t see the crush of people in the room, didn’t hear any of the gaiety filling the air, didn’t waste a thought on anything else than what centered on the captain. From the moment she’d spied him tonight to the words he’d spoken to the dance they’d just shared, she’d lost several more pieces of her heart to him, and it had been the most logical and lovely progression.

“Well?” A trace of anxiety clung to that one-word inquiry from Hawk.

It had been so lovely to dance with a man again. “Hmm?” With a tiny shake of her head, she refocused her regard on him. Truly, he was one of the most handsome men in attendance tonight, and that dear, cheerful waistcoat kept tugging her gaze to his abdomen, which made her mind wonder what his whole form would look likesansclothing.

His chuckle sent an army of butterflies into her lower belly. “Would you like to accompany me out to the terrace? I don’t believe it is raining.” When he put a hand to the small of her back, trembles of need jumped down her spine. “It would be lovely to cool our overheated skin, but I would like to steal a kiss.” The look in his eyes dissolved the strength in her knees. “I would very much like to have you all to myself.”

A blush heated her cheeks. Oh, how had she fallen so quickly for him? Or was it merely the magic of the season and perhaps her feelings weren’t real at all? She didn’t know. Everything was so confusing, but he waited on an answer. “I would like that as well.”

“Good.” That grin of his was enough to keep her at sixes and sevens. “You seem a bit bemused,” he said as he easily escorted her through the crush of people in the room. “Are you well?”

“Yes, very much so.” As they stepped out onto the terrace, a shiver racked her shoulders, for it was definitely chilly, but she hoped he would warm her in the most delicious of ways. “How delightful!” At the stone railing, she turned toward him and laid a palm on his chest. “Look how pretty the snow is!” Gentle, delicate flakes fell from the skies, not enough to cover the ground, just enough to form a lacy network on the grass and trees. “What a lovely surprise from the rain. It’s beautiful.”

“On that I quite agree.” Yet the dear man wasn’t peering at the snow. His gaze was firmly on her. Another round of heat went through her cheeks. “How have I managed to exist all these years without knowing you were here at Ravenscroft House… waiting?”

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical