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Well, that explained much. Still, she snorted. “That isn’t good enough, Hawk. You needmypermission since I am the one who has taken care of this estate for the last several years.”

“Don’t be coy now, Lady Ravenscroft.” He brought her hand to his lips. “Will you give your permission, then?”

“As if you haven’t already been all over this acreage.” She could hardly think when he pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist just above the edge of her glove. “What willIgain from this mission? If those valuable pieces are indeed on this property, they are safe for the moment. The second you unearth them, they will be fair game for anyone else searching for them.” Which brought up an interesting point. Had Philip known about the ill-gotten gains and that was why he’d suddenly visited? There was no evidence of it, yet…

When Hawk shrugged, he released her hand, and she mourned that sudden loss of warmth. “If I gain not only your permission but your assistance, there will perhaps be danger, intrigue, mystery, and adventure in the offing. Do any of those things sound worth your time and investment?” He waggled his eyebrows in a gesture she was becoming to interpret as a distraction tactic.

For the space of a few heartbeats, Belle studied him. There was no trace of dissembling in his posture. Honesty reflected in his eyes. Perhaps he was just the thing she needed for this holiday season to help chase away the ennui and loneliness she battled. After all, she’d been widowed for five years, and what else had she to do besides preparing for the ball?

And hewasa rather attractive and intriguing man.

“You will truly let me partner you in this endeavor?”

His chuckle reverberated in her chest. “Did you assume I’d lock you in your bedchamber if I solved the clue?”

“I’ll admit, that thoughtdidcross my mind.”

“It is much along the same lines as inventing a faux engagement.” He dropped his voice even though they were alone on the lane. “I need to keep you safe.”

“While I thank you for that kindness, I will say that I don’t need it. With the exception of you, Philip, and the servants, there is no one else on this property. I shall be all right.”

“Unless your dear brother-in-law isn’t telling the complete truth of why he is here.”

“You don’t think he arrived to take up the reins of his duty?” That would align well with her budding doubts.

“Let’s just say that I do not believe in coincidence.” She must have appeared confused, for he rushed on. “You had already stated the new Lord Ravenscroft never visited this estate at Christmastide even though you invite him year after year, correct?”

“Yes, this is so.”

“Now that you have been appraised of my mission from the Home Office, don’t you find it suspect he’s here now? This leads me to suspect that someone, and quite recently, has come upon that missing cache of treasure, and somehow, that information made its way to Ravenscroft’s ear.”

Knots of unease pulled in her belly. “You believe Philip is involved?”

“I don’t know that for sure, of course, but the Home Office indicated there were others at play searching for the same thing I am.” He shrugged. “I will need to investigate, go through his luggage and search for clues.”

“That might prove a problem. He had brought a valet and a few other servants who are extremely loyal to him. I am not certain I would even be able to access his rooms.”

“Which is even more reason for me to keep you safe.” His intense gaze bored into hers. “If Ravenscroft knows about the treasure and thinks to search for it himself, anyone else on this property is in danger. I cannot, in good conscience, let you—”

“—letme, Captain?” Belle popped her hands on her hips. A thrill went down her spine when his regard slowly sailed down her body to that part of her anatomy. “I have looked after myself for years, whereas I have only just met you not a handful of days ago.”

“I understand that, but if the treasure is now in play, the dynamics of the estate have changed. Anyone here can be a suspect, and that cache is worth three fortunes.” The man dropped his hands on her shoulders. “At least as my alleged fiancé, I can have greater and more intimate access to you than if I was a mere guest.”

“Oh.” Her heart trembled. No one had cared about her wellbeing in ever so long. Slowly, she relaxed. “But you already are doing so much, and I don’t imagine the Home Office will look kindly on you should you fail in your mission because you are busy protecting me.”

“Let me worry about the Home Office.” Hawk moved a gloved hand to her neck. He skimmed his thumb along the edge of her jaw. “Does this mean you will assist me?”


“No?” Surprise lifted his eyebrows.

The wind gusted and went beneath her cloak. She shivered while grinning. “No, I won’t be your assistant, but I will be your partner in this mission.”

“Clever girl.” Admiration reflected in his eyes. “I look forward to it.”

“As do I.” Excitement circled through her belly, for more than just the mission. “By the by, what will you do when our pretend engagement comes to an end?” All too conscious of the heat of him on her face, she stepped away and broke the connection.

“I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far ahead, but you are spectacular when you dress me down.” He flashed her another grin, and it was all she could do not to close the distance and steal a kiss fromhim.

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical