Page 42 of Lone Wolf

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Adam turned and bowed his head respectfully to Rose. My hackles rose when he extended his hand, but I stamped on the feeling, trying my best to be supportive and unassuming. This wasn’t about me. This was about the wars.

But when Rose took his hand, I snatched her waist. “Shouldn’t we get inside?”

Adam looked amused while Rose appeared more annoyed than ever. She popped my chest playfully and wiggled out of grip, huffing while turning to the alpha. The irritated expression shifted into joy when her focus was on Donovan.

“So good to see you,” she said while taking one of his hands in both of hers.

Paranoia crept up my back.

“Is my sister around?” she asked. “I didn’t see her when we left the inn.”

Donovan nodded. “She’s inside setting everything up.”

“That’s my Sasha.”

On the porch, a tall, stocky man with black hair and streaks of gray above his ears blocked the doorway. His teal eyes narrowed to slits when he saw me. He wore a long-sleeve red plaid shirt and jeans despite the heat. If he was fazed at all by the humidity, it didn’t show.

But his experience did. Weathered features spoke of tales untold, years spent doing plenty more than the whole of us standing here.

Or maybe he was just a grumpy old man. Who knew?

“Uncle Steffie,” Donovan said while gesturing to me. “This is Matéo. He’s the—”

“Black Wolf,” the uncle intervened. He extended his hand, though it held none of the friendliness of those who had already met me. “You may call me Stefan.”

“Deal with the fae a lot, do you?”

He cocked his head while shaking my hand. A small smile appeared. “Nobody notices that.”

“I notice everything.”

“So I’ve been told.” He released my hand and stepped aside. “Come in.”

The living room opened up into a kitchen with a doorway leading into a dining room. Though I recall sitting in the den some days ago, I couldn’t quite remember anything else. That fight had been a haze of vampire limbs and shouts. My exhaustion had quickly taken over, sending me up into the mountains the next day.

Donovan looped an arm around his uncle’s shoulders. “This guy just got back from a trip. I think he’s still grouchy from it.”

Stefan snorted. “Hardly. I had to handle some pack business on the other side of the state.”

“Near the coast?” I asked.

He shot me a strange look of suspicion that died when Donovan shook him.

Donovan said, “Yeah, something like that. This man is a mystery.”

“Family can be that way,” I commented mindlessly. “Then again, you seem to have a strong bond. It’s good to see.”

Donovan grinned while Stefan retained a guarded look. Considering all the attacks on the pack recently, I didn’t blame his cautious nature. My nerves have been vibrating since I left the inn. The atmosphere around here is tense even with the amount of love pouring through the room.

This was a group of wolves who cared about their own—theyneededto be on guard.

I didn’t blame them one bit.

I nodded. “That being said, we should get to business. We’re burning daylight.”

Rose stepped through a doorway into the adjoining dining room. Sasha’s voice floated into the kitchen. The women caught up, chatting excitedly with each other about this or that. I couldn’t pick up detailed pieces, only emotions.

And for a moment, all felt well. Rose was happy. That was good enough for me.

Tags: Layla Silver Paranormal