Page 33 of Lone Wolf

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Who was I to argue with the likes of such a wonderful wolf?

I glanced around the room.Has she been here since I left?

I peered over my shoulder, expecting Rose to walk in at any moment. She assured me she would be right behind me, but had drifted back to the elevator when my stomach growled. The door was shut, cutting off my view of the hallway. I couldn’t see anything, but I knew it was empty out there. I knew because I couldn’t sense her like I could in here.

And that was odd.

The rest of the way to the bed had me huffing like I was jogging up the mountain for the first time. Papa had insisted on getting routine exercise each morning before breakfast.

Nostalgia inspired me to smile.He called the weather brisk while Lisette and I called it freezing our asses off.

Darkness crowded my mind as I sank into the bed. I winced when the pillow brushed against my bandages. My back was a mess, having been sliced to ribbons by those fanged bastards. Lucky for me, both Sasha and Charlotte were gifted healers. They’d rubbed a speedy healing balm on the wounds before wrapping them, sending me upstairs with Rose shortly after.

Rose hadn’t returned yet. It irked me. I wanted her by my side where I could keep an eye on her until this nonsense was over.

I frowned.It won’t ever end. That’s why Papa took us to the mountains. We were safe there. We were careful. We were self-sufficient and—

And theystillfound us.

The door swung open and Rose padded into the room with a giant tray in her hands. She balanced it expertly on her palms while kicking the door shut behind her. She peeked over the cover of the serving dish with a look of pure amusement.

This was the woman who saved me. This was the woman who had melted in my hands like butter the other night. And right now, she looked more like a mischievous cat than she did a talented wolf.

I grinned. “Thank you, Nurse Rose.”

Although I couldn’t see her face, I could tell she was blushing. It was the softahemshe released while stepping farther into the room that signaled her bashful response. I was willing to bet she was blushing all over, too.

“Sure, it’s nothing,” she assured as she walked toward the bed and set the tray carefully near my feet. “Just had Charlotte whip up a bunch of protein with lots of magnesium, iron, and such.”

My entertained expression made her fidget.

“You know, rich nutrients and all,” she reasoned. “Because you lost blood. You’re probably sore. You really should shift into wolf form and sleep, but…”


She shrugged. “But you just put those pants on and you really struggled with them.”

“I like doing things myself.”

“Even when it makes you fall over?”

I glared at her while crimson pooled over my face. She giggled, covering her mouth while leaning against the bed frame at the end of the bed, nearly choking on laughter.

“You looked like a tree,” she joked. “You just went stiff and thentimber.”

I scowled, looking toward the curtained window. “If I wasn’t injured, I would punish you for being so rude.”

“Really?” she teased. “And how would you do that?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

She slid her fingers around my bicep, prompting me to look at her. “Yeah, that’s why I asked.”

Mischief glittered in her eyes. As much as I wanted to slam her into the mattress, I knew we were both too tired. I had injuries. She probably had work. It was barely nine o’clock, but it felt like midnight.

I broke eye contact first. “Sorry.”

“For what?” Her fingers tightened around my upper arm. “I like it when you talk to me like that, Matéo. Please, don’t withdraw from me again.”

Tags: Layla Silver Paranormal