Page 10 of Lone Wolf

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“Yes, my wolf sisters have been investigating the source of the war.”

“The source,” I repeated. “There’s asource?”

Memories burned my vision until Rose reappeared wearing a concerned expression. She was standing right outside of the elevator with her hand over the sensor to keep the doors parted.


“Here,” I stated quickly. “Tired.”

“You should eat. I can have the chefs whip up something. Well, Charlotte might not be here, but…” She stifled another yawn. “Heavens, I’m tired.”

I stepped out of the elevator, her smile pleasing me more than anticipated. I could sense her exhaustion, see it rippling over her features despite her commitment to putting me in a room. And she hadn’t asked for payment either. It wasn’t like I had much to spare.

But then again, this was better than trying to go back to my cabin. Darting through the city with just my truck and my wolf form wouldn’t do much against a whole clan of vampires. If they were after me, then I had to start taking precautions.

More than I already took.

“Tell me something, little wolf,” I asked when she paused at a door. “If you have chefs here, then why did you go to the diner?”

“The pie, remember?” She winked, slipped the card into a door, and then pushed it open. “Come on, I’ll give you the grand tour. So long as you don’t judge me for my flavor choices.”

I shook my head. “A damn piece of pie. Forget it.”


“I’m not judging you.”

She huffed while holding the door open for me. “Sure sounds like it to me.”

“No judgment. Promise.” I held up my hands to show her my palms. “As long as you don’t worry about me being a fugitive on the run.”

“Is that why they’re after you?”

The door clicked shut behind us and then silence followed. It was then I realized we were completely alone. No vampires. No waitresses shooting me flirtatious glances. No crazy cooks dropping cheddar on a perfectly good pie.

Just Rose.

With me.

She rubbed her arm and then extended the key card. “It’s the orchid suite. Part of my run of things.” She smiled. “The purple was my idea. Nina had a fit, but I thought it would be a nice break from all the rose gold out there.”

“I like it.”

I wasn’t even looking at the room.

But she didn’t seem to notice.

She beamed. “Want a tour?”

“It’s as big as my cabin. I think I can manage.”

“But how will you know where the complimentary coffee is? And the towels?” She gave me a dramatic pout. “And the extra sheets if you get cold?”

I laughed. “I can assure you I’m a heater. I don’t get cold.”

“Not even in the winter?”

“I was the furnace in my family. We didn’t have one.Mamanalways said—”

Tags: Layla Silver Paranormal