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My heart beats against Alister’s palm, slowing with each passing second. I no longer feel out of control, tossed around by fear and indecision. Peering into his eyes once more, I notice swirls of caramel and gold shining in the depths of his brown irises. I can’t look away. Each inhale ties me closer to this man, each exhale strengthening whatever bond we’re forming.

“To answer your questions, it’s just me here in this lighthouse. I found you early this morning, and you’ve been sleeping for about eight hours. I don’t have anyone to tell about your sudden appearance in my life, and even if I did, I haven’t had time to say anything since I’ve been watching over you…” He trails off, clearing his throat and looking away from me.

Is he embarrassed? About what? Wait, did he just say he spent eight hours by my side?

My hand moves on its own, my palm flattening over Alister’s heart. He closes his eyes and breathes in deep as I press my hand into the hard planes of his chest. Alister flexes, his muscles rippling under my touch.

When he opens his eyes, they are full of wonder and awe, like he can’t believe I’m touching him.

Deep brown eyes lock onto mine, widening slightly when I stare right back. I take in Alister’s furrowed brow, strong jaw, and slightly crooked nose. He’s all sharp angles and cut muscles and somehow, I know he’s as weary as I am. Exhausted from trying to survive the hand life dealt him. I can feel the weight of whatever he’s been carrying, see it in the way he holds himself.

What secrets are you hiding, gentle giant?

Long, dark lashes frame his brown eyes, softening his look ever so much. The slight stubble on his chin makes him look as rugged and weathered as the rocky shores of this island. Alister opens his mouth, then closes it again, drawing my attention to his full lips.

I break eye contact and let my hand drop, heat rising in my cheeks. I shouldn’t gawk at the man who saved me. As far as I can tell, he’s just as surprised to see me as I am to see him, which is a plus in the truthful column. Alister hasn’t harmed me, and I’m not tied up in any way. I could make a run for it if I wanted, but where would I go? I don’t even know where I am, or who, if anyone, is after me.

Alister removes his hand from my chest, and I’m surprised when I feel empty and untethered. “Thank you,” I whisper, tangling my fingers in the baggy gray shirt I’m wearing.

Wait. Baggy gray shirt? I don’t own a baggy gray shirt.

I tug at the material, then lift the blanket covering my legs. I’m drowning in a pair of sweatpants that no doubt belong to the man sitting next to me.

Tilting my head, I give him a questioning look.

“I was afraid of you catching hypothermia from your soaking wet clothes,” he answers immediately, already knowing the direction of my thoughts. “Washed ‘em this morning after cleaning you up. They’re hanging out to dry right now.”

I nod, then wince at the sharp pain radiating through my head.

“You had a nasty cut on your forehead,” Alister continues. “Patched you up, but I’ll need to check it soon.”

“Thank you,” I say again, hating how weak my voice sounds. I’m suddenly drained of what little energy I had, and my eyes close on their own before I snap them open again. I have more questions that need answering.

“Anyone woulda done the same,” he drawls.

“That’s not true,” I say before thinking better of it.

My own flesh and blood didn’t save me. They were the ones who left me to die in the first place. More memories of the last twenty-four hours flood my mind.

Waking up in the trunk of a car. Being carried through the docks and tossed onto a boat.

Derek was there, but I don’t remember seeing anyone else. He wouldn’t look at me.

Inky waters lapping at the small boat. Angry clouds blocking out the moon and stars.

I remember my limbs felt impossibly heavy, and it took all of my energy just to tilt my head up and keep my eyes open. I somehow picked myself up and stumbled…

And fell into the icy water.

I shiver and close my eyes, going back to the moment my body plunged into the unforgiving waters. Coughing and sputtering, I waved my arms in some desperate attempt to get my brother to save me. Idiot.

I barely remember Derek’s shocked face as he stared down at me, bobbing in the water. A moment of regret bled through his otherwise rough exterior, followed by grief. Then, he hardened his features and stared right at me.

“It’s better this way. Swim if you can. Get away and don’t come back.”

I have no doubt he was supposed to kill me, and for all he and anyone else knows, I’m dead. Ishouldbe dead. I don’t remember anything after watching the boat grow smaller and smaller.

“Hey, now,” Alister whispers, his large hand wrapping around mine. His thumb brushes back and forth over my knuckles, that one simple touch making it easier to breathe. “I want to hear your story, little siren. But you need more rest. I don’t know what you’re runnin’ from, but you’re here now. You’re safe.”

Tags: Cameron Hart Romance