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Who are you, little siren? And why did the sea bring you to me?




A rhythmic noise pulses around me as I slowly become aware of my body. I can’t quite open my heavy eyelids yet, but I can feel cool air on my lips and cheeks, as well as a soft blanket cocooned around me.

The steady cadence of the sound comes into focus, and I realize it’s waves lapping against the shore.

Waves. Water. Boat. Brothers…

My heart thrashes around in my chest and panic crawls up my throat, choking me as I jerk upright. A searing pain slices through my skull, causing my temples to throb. I force my eyes open, wincing against the light.

“It’s okay,” a deep, scratchy voice says from beside me.

I snap my head in that direction, swallowing down a sob as the world blurs and tilts. My stomach somersaults, and I’m worried I may be sick.

Blinking a few times, my vision slowly adjusts to my surroundings, though every muscle aches and every nerve ending seems to be firing at once. My heart jackhammers against my ribcage, making it hard to take a full breath.

Holy. Crap.

I stare at the man sitting next to me, noting his huge frame, despite being curled up in a chair. Dark brown eyes peek out from a mess of darker hair, and suddenly I’m breathless for a whole different reason. The muscles in his shoulders bunch up, and he dips his head down while holding his palms out, facing me.

Is he trying to make himself smaller? Less intimidating?

That thought softens me toward him, though I’m still sore, scared, and confused as hell.

“Who… who are you?” I stutter. The words get stuck in my throat, and a cough steals the air from my lungs. Every muscle strains and aches, and my head feels like it’s going to burst from the pressure.

“Here,” the man next to me says.

He hands me a glass of water, which I gladly take. I feel a hand on my back, rubbing gentle circles between my shoulder blades as I sip the refreshing liquid.

“That’s it, little siren,” he encourages, his voice barely above a whisper.

The heat from his hand and the gentle motion of his fingers stroking my back calms me down enough to take a breath. My muscles unclench, and I find myself leaning into his touch. I close my eyes, then snap them open when the room starts to spin.

The man wraps his fingers around the cup in my hand, taking it from me before I spill it. “Take it easy, now.”

The gravelly tone resonates somewhere deep inside me. It’s comforting in a way I’m not used to. When was the last time someone wanted me to take it easy? Never, if I had to guess. Why do I want to do whatever this man tells me? Damn, I must have hit my head when my brothers…

Fear seizes my lungs once again, and a tremor works its way down my spine. “Who are you?” I ask again, more forcefully this time.


“Why am I here?”

“I found you washed up on my shore. Figured you could use a place to rest and recuperate.”

I risk a glance at him, wanting to see if he’s for real. I’ve spent my life around shady characters and skilled liars, so I’d like to think I’m good at sniffing them out. Then again, I didn’t notice my brothers were keeping tabs on me and wanted to sell me, so maybe I’m not that bright after all.

“Who else is here? How long have I been out? Did you tell anyone you found me?” The questions pour out, my voice getting higher and more shrill with each word. I’m gasping for air at the end, the stitch in my side protesting with each ragged breath. My eyes never leave his, even as I struggle to get myself under control.

Alister slowly reaches out, as if not wanting to startle me. He rests his huge palm right over the center of my chest, pressing down slightly. I’m about to jerk away from him, but the pressure feels… good. Grounding. Surprisingly, I can breathe easier, my chest rising and falling beneath his palm.

“That’s good,” he whispers, his words soothing me as much as his steady touch.

Tags: Cameron Hart Romance