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I blink back tears, then flip my hand over, lacing my fingers through his. Alister grunts and I try to pull my hand away.What was I thinking?But then he squeezes my fingers, reassuring me he’s right here.

How did this man become my anchor in a sea of chaos and confusion?

Alister gently guides me so I’m laying down again, adjusting my pillows until he’s satisfied with my comfort level. I try to keep my eyes open, but they close on their own. A blanket tightens around me, and I know Alister is tucking me in. I swear I feel his lips brush across my forehead, but maybe I’m dreaming.

I’ll just rest for a little bit, then I’ll come up with a game plan. My brothers didn’t want me to survive, but Alister had other plans. I’ll have to thank him properly before going on my way, but I’m too tired right now.

Yes, a short nap, then I’ll regroup.

As sleep pulls me under, I’m already doubting whether the muscled giant is real or a figment of my imagination. Maybe I died after all and ended up in ripped Greek god heaven. Another question that will need to be answered once I wake up.



Sunlight streams through a window in my room, the bright yellow rays startling me from my sleep.What time is it?I can’t remember the last time I woke up after sunrise.

Stretching, I groan as my back pops a few times. My left leg spasms, the pain ramping up my heart rate. Why am I so sore?

Waking up a little more, I notice I’m on the floor. Then it hits me. The mystery woman from yesterday.

I sit straight up, looking over at the bed. It’s empty, and fear strikes at my core. The pain long forgotten, I scramble to stand, noticing for the first time that I’m tangled up in blankets. Cursing, I throw them off of me, then run a hand through my hair.

Where could she have gone? I need to check her bandages again and feed her. I didn’t get a chance to give her any food yesterday before she passed out on me. Dammit, I should have insisted on a bowl of soup or something.

A soft, tinkling noise filters through my thoughts, drawing my attention away from the mounting worry lodged deep in my chest. I turn toward the sound, my feet carrying me out of my room and into the small kitchenette.

I freeze in my tracks at what I see.

A curvy little goddess is stirring something, her back facing me as she sways her round hips back and forth while humming to herself. She’s only wearing the t-shirt I gave her yesterday, which falls just past her knees. She’s so damn short and soft and adorable.

I get the insane urge to walk up behind her, slide my arms around her waist, and pull her against me. I want to bury my nose into the side of her neck and breathe her in, fuse her scent, her entire being with mine.

Stop it,I scold myself. I don’t even know her name. I can’t want forever with her. Plus, she’s vulnerable right now. I don’t know what the hell she escaped, or how she ended up on my shore, but she doesn’t need a surly bastard lusting after her. I’d only hurt her in the long run. It’s all I know how to do; cause pain and destruction.

Despite my stern pep-talk, my eyes wander down her figure, following the slight dip in her waist, the curve of her round hips, leading down to thick thighs I can’t help but picture wrapped around my neck while I lick her to orgasm.

Jesus Christ. Totally inappropriate.

I notice her feet are bare, which doesn’t sit right with me. I run back to the bedroom and grab a pair of wool socks. They’ll go all the way up her calves, but at least she won’t catch a chill. The floors in here are concrete, and I haven’t gotten around to getting rugs or anything like that. Never even considered it. But now I wish I would have furnished the place more, made it look like someone is living here.

Then again, I haven’t really been living. Surviving, maybe, though some days that’s questionable. As I walk back into the kitchen, studying the silhouette of the little siren, something clicks. I feel a monumental shift, my chest tightening and then relaxing as I breathe in. She’s a part of me. And I don’t even know her goddamn name.

“Here.” The word comes out as a harsh command, and I wince at my lack of social skills.

The woman turns to look at me over her shoulder, and I brace myself for her reaction.Did I scare her? Does she want to leave? Will she…?

And then she smiles.

It hits me like a tsunami, crashing into me and overwhelming every one of my senses. I don’t know how I can feel her warmth and radiance from twenty feet away, but it’s there all the same, washing over me and pulling me under.

“Hey,” she says, her magical eyes twinkling. They aren’t brown or green, but some swirling combination of both, along with flecks of blue and gold. Technically, I think they are hazel in color, but the kaleidoscope of shades and pigments is so much more than that.

“Socks,” I stutter out like an idiot. I take a few steps toward her, holding out the socks in front of me like a pathetic offering.

The woman looks at my outstretched hand, then at me. Her smile turns into a grin, and holy hell, I’m lightheaded from all of my blood rushing south.

“Thank you, but I like going barefoot if you don’t mind.”

Tags: Cameron Hart Romance